the arithmetic of coxeter permutahedra

The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila San - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila San Francisco State University Universidad de Los Andes Matthias Beck San Francisco State University Freie Universit at Berlin Jodi McWhirter Washington University St. Louis The

  1. The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila San Francisco State University Universidad de Los Andes Matthias Beck San Francisco State University Freie Universit¨ at Berlin Jodi McWhirter Washington University St. Louis

  2. The Menu 3/22/2020 (4,1,2,3) Ehrhart (quasi-)polynomials (3,1,2,4) ◮ (4,2,1,3) (3,2,1,4) (4,1,3,2) Zonotopes ◮ (2,1,3,4) (4,3,1,2) (2,3,1,4) (3,1,4,2) (4,2,3,1) (4,3,2,1) (2,1,4,3) Coxeter permutahedra ◮ (3,4,1,2) (1,2,3,4) (1,3,2,4) (2,4,1,3) (3,2,4,1) Signed graphs ◮ (1,2,4,3) (3,4,2,1) (1,4,2,3) (2,3,4,1) Tree generating functions ◮ (1,3,4,2) (2,4,3,1) (1,4,3,2) The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter 1/1

  3. Measuring Polytopes Rational polytope — convex hull of finitely many points in Q d — solution set of a system of linear (in-)equalities with integer coefficients Goal: measuring... � � 1 � P ∩ 1 � t Z d � volume vol( P ) = lim ◮ � � t d t →∞ � � � P ∩ Z d � discrete volume ◮ � � � � P ∩ 1 � for t ∈ Z > 0 � t Z d � � � t P ∩ Z d � Ehrhart function ehr P ( t ) := � = � � The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  4. Discrete Volumes & Ehrhart Quasipolynomials Rational polytope — convex hull of finitely many points in Q d q ( t ) = c d ( t ) t d + · · · + c 0 ( t ) is a quasipolynomial if c 0 ( t ) , . . . , c d ( t ) are periodic functions; the lcm of their periods is the period of q ( t ) . Theorem (Ehrhart 1962) For any rational polytope P ⊂ R d , � is a quasipolynomial in t whose period � � t P ∩ Z d � ehr P ( t ) := divides the lcm of the denominators of the vertex coordinates of P . Example P = [ − 1 2 , 1 2 ] 2 The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  5. Why care about... Ehrhart (Quasi-)Polynomials Linear systems are everywhere, and so polyhedra are everywhere. ◮ In applications, the volume of the polytope represented by a linear ◮ system measures some fundamental data of this system (“average”). Polytopes are basic geometric objects, yet even for these basic objects ◮ volume computation is hard and there remain many open problems. Many discrete problems in various mathematical areas are linear ◮ problems, thus they ask for the discrete volume of a polytope in disguise. Much discrete geometry can be modeled using polynomials ◮ and, conversely, many combinatorial polynomials can be modeled geometrically. The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  6. Zonotopes Zonotope — Minkowski sum of line segments Z = � n j =1 [ a j , b j ] Shephard (1974) Decomposition of Z into translates of half-open parallele- pipeds spanned by the linearly indepen- dent subsets of { b j − a j : 1 ≤ j ≤ n } . Stanley (1991) For a finite set of vectors U ⊂ Z d , let Z ( U ) := � u ∈ U [ 0 , u ] Then � vol( W ) t | W | ehr Z ( U ) ( t ) = W ⊆ U lin. indep. where | W | denotes the number of vectors in W and vol( W ) is the relative volume of the parallelepiped generated by W . The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  7. Lie Combinatorics Finite crystallographic root systems := {± ( e i − e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } A n − 1 := {± ( e i − e j ) , ± ( e i + e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } ∪ {± e i : 1 ≤ i ≤ n } B n {± ( e i − e j ) , ± ( e i + e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } ∪ {± 2 e i : 1 ≤ i ≤ n } C n := := {± ( e i − e j ) , ± ( e i + e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } D n . . . and E 6 , E 7 , E 8 , F 4 , G 2 . Positive roots are obtained by choosing the plus sign in each ± above. Standard Coxeter permutahedron of the finite root system Φ � − α 2 , α � � Π(Φ) := = conv { w · ρ : w ∈ W } 2 α ∈ Φ + where ρ := 1 � α ∈ Φ + α and W is the Weyl group of Φ 2 The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  8. Lie Combinatorics Finite crystallographic root systems := {± ( e i − e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } A n − 1 {± ( e i − e j ) , ± ( e i + e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } ∪ {± e i : 1 ≤ i ≤ n } B n := := {± ( e i − e j ) , ± ( e i + e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } ∪ {± 2 e i : 1 ≤ i ≤ n } C n := {± ( e i − e j ) , ± ( e i + e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } D n . . . and E 6 , E 7 , E 8 , F 4 , G 2 . Positive roots are obtained by choosing the plus sign in each ± above. Standard Coxeter permutahedron of the finite root system Φ � − α 2 , α � � Π(Φ) := 2 α ∈ Φ + � Integral Coxeter permutahedron Π Z (Φ) := [0 , α ] α ∈ Φ + The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  9. Standard Coxeter Permutahedra = {± ( e i − e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } A n − 1 {± ( e i − e j ) , ± ( e i + e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } ∪ {± e i : 1 ≤ i ≤ n } B n = {± ( e i − e j ) , ± ( e i + e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } ∪ {± 2 e i : 1 ≤ i ≤ n } C n = = {± ( e i − e j ) , ± ( e i + e j ) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n } D n conv { permutations of 1 Π( A n − 1 ) = 2 ( − n + 1 , − n + 3 , . . . , n − 3 , n − 1) } conv { signed permutations of 1 2 (1 , 3 , . . . , 2 n − 1) } Π( B n ) = conv { signed permutations of (1 , 2 , . . . , n ) } Π( C n ) = Π( D n ) = conv { evenly signed permutations of (0 , 1 , . . . , n − 1) } The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  10. Why care about... Coxeter Permutahedra Many questions about permutations can be answered looking at the ◮ geometry of the permutahedron Fundamental objects in the representation theory of semisimple Lie ◮ algebras Connections to optimization (Ardila–Castillo–Eur–Postnikov 2020) ◮ Zonotopes with natural connections to tree enumeration ◮ The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  11. Signed Graphs A signed graph G = ( V, E, σ ) comes with a signature σ : E ∗ → {±} A simple cycle is balanced if its product of signs is + . A signed graph is balanced if it contains no half edges and all of its simple cycles are balanced. An all-negative signed graph is balanced if and only if it is bipartite. A signed graph is balanced if and only if it has no half edges and can be switched to an all-positive signed graph. The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  12. Signed Graphs and Root Systems Zaslavsky Encoding (1981) of a subset S ⊆ Φ + into the signed graph G S with a positive edge ij for each e i − e j ∈ S ◮ a negative edge ij for each e i + e j ∈ S ◮ a halfedge at j for each e j ∈ S ◮ a negative loop at j for each 2 e j ∈ S ◮ Linear independent subsets of Φ + correspond precisely to signed pseudo- forests which consist of signed trees plus possibly a single halfedge (halfedge-tree) ◮ | Φ G | = n − tc( G ) a single loop (loop-tree) ◮ vol(Φ G ) = 2 pc( G )+lc( G ) a single unbalanced cycle (pseudotree) ◮ The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  13. Why care about... Signed Graphs Earliest appearance in social psychology (Heider 1946, Cartwright– ◮ Harary 1956) “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” Type-B analogues of graphs, natural from the viewpoint of incidence ◮ matrices Applications to ◮ Knot theory (positive/negative crossings) ◮ Biology (perturbed large-scale biological networks ◮ Chemistry (M¨ obius systems) ◮ Physics (spin glasses—mixed Ising model) ◮ Computer science (correlation clustering) ◮ The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  14. Integral Coxeter Permutahedra � Fix Φ ∈ { A n , B n , C n , D n : n ≥ 2 } and consider Π Z (Φ) = [0 , α ] α ∈ Φ + Linear independent subsets of Φ + correspond precisely to signed pseudo- forests which consist of signed trees plus possibly a single halfedge (halfedge-tree) ◮ | Φ G | = n − tc( G ) a single loop (loop-tree) ◮ vol(Φ G ) = 2 pc( G )+lc( G ) a single unbalanced cycle (pseudotree) ◮ Ardila–Castillo–Henley (2015) Let F (Φ) be the set of Φ -forests. Then 2 pc( G )+lc( G ) t n − tc( G ) . � ehr Π Z (Φ) ( t ) = G ∈F (Φ) The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter

  15. Almost Integral Zonotopes Lemma Let U ⊂ Z d be a finite set and v ∈ Q d . Then � χ W ( t ) vol( W ) t | W | ehr v + Z ( U ) ( t ) = W ⊆ U lin. indep. if ( t v + span( W )) ∩ Z d � = ∅ , � 1 where χ W ( t ) := 0 otherwise. Ardlia–M B–McWhirter Fix Φ ∈ { A n : n ≥ 2 even } ∪ { B n : n ≥ 1 } . Let F (Φ) be the set of Φ -forests and E (Φ) ⊆ F (Φ) be the set of Φ -forests such that every tree component has an even number of vertices. Then  � 2 pc( G ) t n − tc( G ) if t is even,     G ∈F (Φ) ehr Π(Φ) ( t ) = � 2 pc( G ) t n − tc( G ) if t is odd.     G ∈E (Φ) The Arithmetic of Coxeter Permutahedra Federico Ardila, Matthias Beck & Jodi McWhirter


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