the agency for the

The Agency for the Development and Promotion of Tourism Advertising - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Agency for the Development and Promotion of Tourism Advertising on ATOR web portals & 2 ATOR (the Association of Tour Operators of Russia) PORTAL \ atorus .ru the portal of the Association of Tour

  1. The Agency for the Development and Promotion of Tourism Advertising on ATOR web portals &

  2. 2 ATOR (the Association of Tour Operators of Russia) PORTAL \ atorus .ru – the portal of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia. Goal - the creation of a positive image of the tourism industry and information support of ATOR (the Association of Tour Operators of Russia) members and partners of the Association \ Visitors of the resource are active participants of tourism market - tourism business (tour operators, travel agencies, tourism offices, hotels, insurance and airline companies), tourists and, most importantly, the mass media (Russian and foreign). \ 215 000 visitors per month \ 390 000 views per month \ 1,7 pages per visitor \ 2700 citation index – the biggest of all professional portals. \ 5-10 times each piece of news of the “ATOR Newsletter” is quoted or fully duplicated by various mass media, including radio and TV from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, as well as foreign mass media. \ >14 000 followers in social media

  3. BANNER SPACE 1 Position С1 Size: 220*90, 350*90, 700*90 from 28 000 rubles First viewing area Position С2 Size: 2 Home page 220*90, 350*90, 700*90 from 28 000 rubles Position R1 3 Size 200*130/through 38 000 rubles /57 000 rubles Position C3 4 Size 700*90 /through 45 000 rubles /67 500 rubles Prices are for 1 month When buying 3 months or more – we offer a discount First viewing area Position C3 5 Inner page Size 700*90 /through 45 000 rubles /67 500 rubles Positions L1 and R1 6 Size 200*130/through 28 000 rubles/42 000 rubles Position L2 7 Size 200*200/through 2 37 000 rubles/55 500 rubles

  4. EXCLUSIVE BANNER SPACE 1 \ In the header. TOP position, banner size 450*90 The price for placement on home page for 1 month is 70 000 rubles The price for through placement (on all pages of the website) for 1 month is 105 000 rubles \ Fixed padding at the bottom of the browser screen. С7 FIXED position, banner size 1250*55 The price for placement on home page for 1 month is 110 000 rubles 2 The price for through placement (on all pages of the website) for 1 month is 165 000 rubles 4

  5. ARTICLE WITH ANNOUNCEMENT \ Article is placed in one of the relevant theme sections: • ATOR Newsletter • Where to go on holiday • Attention • Interview • News of the companies \ The article may contain video material, picture gallery, key words - links that lead to the website or other advertiser’s resources. Upon the end of placement the article remains on the website and is indexed by search engines. \ Depending on the type of the article the announcement is placed either on the website’s homepage or on the page for tourists. \ All articles are included in daily newsletter mailing of the online newspaper “ATOR Newsletter”. \ The prices for the placement of various types of articles differ. Please find the commercial proposal at the end of the article. 2

  6. ARTICLES WITH ANNOUNCEMENT PLACEMENT PRICES Title Price and description Included in newsletter mailing News of the Placement on the homepage in the newsfeed (1 day) and in the “News” section 1 time companies (unlimited time). 2000 symbols. Illustration – company’s logo 4 000 rubles / 1 piece of news 30 000 rubles / 10 news ATTENTION section Placement on the homepage for the time of publishing and in the “Attention” section During the (unlimited time). 3000 symbols. Illustrations: video, up to 12 photos. placement time 7 000 rubles / 1 day 30 000 rubles / 5 days An article in the Article with native advertising of objects or directions that need promotion in b2c or 1 time in the newsletter « ATOR b2b environment. Topics: interview, review, introduction to the tourist product. “ATOR Newsletter » Newsletter” Placement on the main page in the Main news (with an illustration) in the" ATOR Bulletin "(1 day) and in the" news/Interview/Tourists " (indefinitely). Illustrated with photos. Working with a personal journalist. 8 000 characters 25 000 rubles / 1 article 6

  7. Special issue of "ATOR Newsletter" Special issues of "ATOR Newsletter" cover different regions. resorts, routes both in Russia and abroad. The standard package could include: interview, general texts with different emphases, descriptions of routes, 3 short references on special issues (e.g cuisine, hiking, etc), 5 hyperlinks to the customer’s website (from any text – to your choice) \ The package includes promotion on the web-portal ATOR: • One -week placement of the "Special Issue" to the main menu of the website with a direct link to the page of the special project. • Placing announcement of a special project in "Attention!" website section - for 1 week (viewing all pages of the website), then constantly in the category News > Special project. • The announcement in the daily "ATOR Newsletter". A special project is announced in "Attention!" website section (with 5 mailings during a week on working days). • Banner in the daily "ATOR Newsletter" mailing with direct link to the page of the special project - for 1 month. • Interviews and articles are additionally issued in the "ATOR Newsletter" and further, placed in appropriate categories of the website. Example « Special MALTA » Example « Charming Dubai » The cost of the Special issue 125 000 RUB 7

  8. THEMATIC SURVEY The survey is placed in the top right through part of the webpage and can be seen on all the pages of the portal The survey can be used as marketing mini-research and can be an effective tool of forming public opinion . The survey is available in two forms – one answer or several answers. Minimal survey placement time – 1 month. It is included in weekly newsletter during the whole placement time. The price of placement for 1 month is 17 000 rubles 8

  9. 2 PROMO-PAGE \ Specially created according to your designs promo page contains relevant content for publicity purposes \ The name of the page is placed in the main menu of the website \ The module of registration for the event with the subsequent transfer of all data of registered to the events organizer can be embedded on the page \ After the end of placement time the section is closed The cost of placing promotional page for 1 month is 55 000 rubles The cost of placing promotional page with registration module is 70 000 rubles Additional features \ Additional support price: motivational newsletter, \ A dditional announcement on the main page, the banner, is calculated according to the price list

  10. WEBINARS Webinars — online seminars conducted on the website An effective and multifunctional tool for presentations for agencies and consumers. More than 2 500 webinars have been conducted on since 2011. \ Evident advantages: • Allows to attract up to 150 listeners from Russia and CIS states • 2 hours duration • The recorded webinar is available to any registered visitor of ATOR (the Association of Tour Operators of Russia) website in “Webinar archive” section • The organizers of the webinar are provided with the following: the data on the participants of the webinar and webinar video • The announcement of the webinar is placed on the homepage, theme page and is included in regular newsletter “The Academy of A TOR ”. The announcement is also broadcasted on a number of specialized portals The price for 1 webinar - 8000 rubles, 3 webinars - 20 000 rubles \ Recommendation – individual delivery of the announcement of the webinar to the targeted audience (the city of millionaires) or the full database of subscribers of the portal (see more page 17) 10

  11. ELECTRONIC CATALOGUES \ Electronic catalogues allow to remotely introduce the product of any destination to travel agents and tourists. \ Such catalogues can be browsed, zoomed, printed, downloaded to your computer, shared via social media and sent to the client. \ According to the conducted survey: 75% of the agencies use electronic catalogues and only 25% prefer printed editions. \ Electronic catalogues are placed on the virtual shelf on the main page of the portal, on the page for tourists and in relevant theme section. \ 5 catalogues randomly selected by the system are included in each newsletter of the “ATOR Academy”. Placement price 6 000 rubles / 1 catalogue (price for placing for 3 months) 18 000 rubles / 1 catalogue ( price for placing for 12 months) 2

  12. О n-line Academy – NEW project! \ Advantages of the on-line Academy The target audience of the online Academy are professionals in tourist business. The aim of the project is to provide all required information for product sales. The project has no analogues in the Russian market. \ Advantages for organizers 12

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