the 6th complex

THE 6th COMPLEX of biotech EXPOSITION FORUM B2B Brokerage event - PDF document

THE 6th COMPLEX of biotech EXPOSITION FORUM B2B Brokerage event enterprises and biopharma SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE OF BIOTECH & BIOPHARMA EVENTS virologists and biotechnologists for molecular biologists, infrastructure science and for

  1. THE 6th COMPLEX of biotech EXPOSITION FORUM B2B Brokerage event enterprises and biopharma SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE OF BIOTECH & BIOPHARMA EVENTS virologists and biotechnologists for molecular biologists, infrastructure science and for business, SCIENCE TOWN KOLTSOVO OF NOVOSIBIRSK REGION, RUSSIA October 2 2 - 25, 2019 KOLTSOVO 2O19

  2. We are selected by Russian Academy of Sciences and business. ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ СПОНСОР 2018 agro and veterinary science. fields of biopharmacology, diagnostics, biotechnology in cosmetics, nutrition, one of the key growth points of regional and country competitiveness in the Koltsovo - the first science town in Russia with biotechnological specialization; With assistance of ЦЕНТР КОЛЬЦОВО ИННОВАЦИОННЫЙ КОЛЬЦОВО НАУКОГРАД OPENBIO CO-ORGANIZERS NSU - National Research University, that has close ties with Institutions of OPENBIO ORGANIZING COMMITTEE companies, 7 research institutions and universities, innovation infrastructure). technologies "BIOPHARM" includes more than 50 members (45 business Association of Novosibirsk region in the field of biopharmaceutical conditions for effective operation of businesses in biotechnology. Biotechnopark Koltsovo - an innovation platform that provides comfort infections and museum of strains and DNA of smallpox virus in the World. centers and the second Collaborating Centre of WHO for diagnosis of orthopoxvirus Research center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR - one of the biggest point of EEN). communications, technology transfer, partners search (a regional contact Innovation center Koltsovo brings together business and science: international ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЕ СПОНСОРЫ 2018

  3. Target audience: OpenBio communication platform FORUM B2B Brokerage event enterprises and biopharma of biotech SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE virologists and biotechnologists for molecular biologists, infrastructure science and for business, commercialization of ideas and is a complex of events dedicated to the business development in life sciences innovation companies , specialized in biopharmacology, diagnostics, Governor of Novosibirsk region Mr Andrey Travnikov , « scientific developments, to search for business contacts with biotechnologies is allowed – from discussion We can say that here everything related communication platform . OpenBio - is a unique event , a really open commercialization, clustering and science support. researchers and experts in innovation business, technology transfer, biotechnology, molecular biology and virology scientists; biotechnology in cosmetics, nutrition, agro and veterinary science ; EXPOSITION of manufacturers and large equipment suppliers. »

  4. OPENBIO COMMUNICATION PLATFORM « Minister of Economic region Government , vice-chairman of Novosibirsk Ms Olga Molchanova , It has more and more projects of all kinds – open dialogues dedicated to searching possibilities of OpenBio – it’s a communication platform. comes to the shelves to consumers. product becomes further industrial product and OpenBio shows how produced scientific infrastructure and authorities cooperation and joint development of business, science, development of the Novosibirsk region discussed, and increasingly implemented »

  5. PARTICIPANTS from 19 regions and 10 countries 2 Academician s of RAS 1 6 Doctors of Science, 121 PHDs, 121/18 Geography of participants Foreign Embassies and Consulates associations , T echnological infrastructure , Venture Company , Skolkovo , E nterprise More than 200 experts, including Russian More than 8 00 participants Scientists (including head of institutes and researches) 200 800 45% 36% 4% Government officials Innovation infrastructure and development institutions Life science students of universities and colleges Business OPENBIO-201 8 : 10% 5%

  6. Forum part is for business, science, innovative infrastructure and authorities. FORUM Further d evelopment of biotech and biopharm industries Trends and acute questions Ideas and expert opinions Expert events, discussions, round tables and workshops for professionals in the field of biopharmaceuticals, diagnostics, biotechnology for food and cosmetic industries, agriculture, veterinary and ecology

  7. SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE » October 24 The conference will last 3 days in 4 sections : BIOTECHNOLOGY October 23 VIROLOGY October 22 AND BIOPHYSICS BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Researcher SRC VB "VECTOR" Virology section, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, two-time Openbio conference winner, Ms Anna Demina , « to the world. Young scientists will present their results of research and technological for a project, this may be an additional advantage. » advances . The best presenters are to be awarded with prices. The conference is important for young scientists not only from the point of view of sharing their experience, of merit recognition by colleagues, but also from a practical point of view. If the research results are noted by the Jury, in the future when seeking funding « incentive to work on new ideas and try to show them Ms Elena Nechaeva , Candidate of Medical Sciences, deputy general director SRC VB "VECTOR" Participation in the Openbio conference played an important role in the development of my career. It is an October 24

  8. DOCTORS CONTEST those valuable personnel that we lack. Mr Igor Anisimov , director of veterinary clinic, "Sibbiovet" Mr Alexandr Spitsin , » » « « achievements. And the opportunity for business in finding Competition of professional skills among epidemiologists, opportunity for young scientists to demonstrate their Such events serve as an excellent platform for dialogue, as concentration. an enormous amount of time and here is a high projects, companies gathered. The search for partners takes The forum is held at the highest level. Interesting people, infectiologists, allergists - immunologists the head of the personnel engagement department, BIOCAD

  9. Dozens of companies and research organizations working in the field of life sciences will present their products and technologies. EXPOSITION OF COMPANIES Bringing such events is vital from the point of view of the development of innovative products and finding common ground between the consumers of these developments - high-tech business and scientists. » « Mr Mikhail Shurygin , Director of Science and Innovation, "Pharmasynthes", JSC

  10. SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS: Aesthetics of the microworld - exposition of macrophotos and 3D models of biological objects . Children's science track (children's scientific forum, conference, laboratory, quests) This is the center of attraction for new ideas, new projects. Every new meeting during Openbio - is an active contact with our partners. Every year more and more people come to us, the geography is expanding. « Mr Nikolay Krasnikov , Mayor of Science town Koltsovo Art Science and events aimed at popularizing of science This suggests that we are on the right way . »

  11. Mass media about OPENBIO-201 8 marketing, finances. Here everything is allowed regarding biotechnology - from transformation of scientific research into business projects is discussed . Russian market in the field of biotechnology and business. At the forum the For 5 years of its existence, it has become one of the biggest events on the science, invest funds and international experts . The organizing committee managed to unite representatives of the fundamental manufacturers and suppliers of equipment . TV channel OTS discussing of scientific developments to finding business contacts between This is not a purely scientific conference. It is tightly tied to mass production, И ДРУГИЕ СМИ relationship . TV channel Russia business and science. If it goes well then there will be a long lasting serious investors. What is happening here today is conventionally called the first date of The main task of Openbio is to bring together new developments and potential estimated at 3 billion a year. TASS and production enterprises for the production of bio pharmaceutical products is In Koltsovo science town, where OpenBio is held, the potential of the research TV channel NSK 49

  12. Contact us: Julia Belogrivtseva џ B2B – meetings in the spheres of pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and joint projects OpenBio is a place for new connections be a partner and have an individual promotion equipment) and find partners in Russia participate in Exposition (present your products, services, business community present your company / technological center / university to russian equipment, ecology and green technologies healthy nutrition, cosmetics, agriculture, veterinary medicine, џ Exposition of biotech and biopharma enterprises, Тел.: +7 (383) 233-37-03, +7 (383) 306-19-17 џ Forum for business, science and infrastructure, platform – complex of events in the sphere of life sciences: We are delighted to invite you to the OpenBio communication for foreign participants OPENBIO : t he most interesting We welcome you at OpenBio-2019! More details: Become a partner: E-mail: be an expert on Forum part and have B2B brokerage event


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