the 6 th international conference on public health best

The 6 th International Conference on Public Health Best Western - PDF document

The 6 th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia October 23-24, 2019 Date : Thursday, October 24 2019 Hour : 13.30-15.00 Poster Presentation Schedule No. Name Title 1. Adriana Fonseca da Silva,

  1. The 6 th International Conference on Public Health Best Western Premier Hotel, Solo, Indonesia October 23-24, 2019 Date : Thursday, October 24 2019 Hour : 13.30-15.00 Poster Presentation Schedule No. Name Title 1. Adriana Fonseca da Silva, Ste- Association between Parenting and Mal- fanus P. Manongga, Frans nutrition in Children under Five in Dili, Umbu Datta Timor Leste 2. Agnes Taran Pira Risk Factors of Cervical Cancer in Pa- tients at the Oncology Polyclinic, Prof. Dr. Wz. Johannes Hospital, Kupang 3. Amalul Fadly Hasibuan, Puji- Role of Autonomous Motivation in In- yanto creasing Physical Activity among Pa- tients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: a Systematic Review 4. Amy Amanda Chitra Pahla- Cost Difference between Ina-CBGs Tariff wani, Ascobat Gani, Citra and Hospital Real Cost in the Treatment Kusuma Rahayu of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus within the National Health Insurance Program 5. Anyta Ekaningsih, Adang Community Perception on Sharia Hospi- Bachtiar tal in Indonesia 6. Apriliya Prihayati, Pujiyanto Drug Utilization Pattern and Cost Esti- mates of Anti-Hypertensive Drugs in Pharmacies under the National Health Insurance Program 7. Ardhita Resiani, Hari Wahyu Relationship between Hemoglobin Level Nugroho and Low Birth Weight among Pregnant Mothers at Sibela Health Center, Sura- karta, Central Java 8. Ariyanto Ayupir, Jacob M. The Effects of Vitamin C, Zinc Adminis- Ratu, Anderias Umbu Roga tration, and Health Education on Increa- sing Haemoglobin Level among Female Adolescents in Kupang, East Nusa Teng- gara 9. Asriyanti Bandaso, Dumilah Management of Medical Waste in Deve- Ayuningtyas loping Countries: A Systematic Review 10. Bagus Nugroho, Amal Chalik The Impact of Accreditation on the Qua- Sjaaf lity of Hospital Service 11. Candra Kusuma Negara, Mur- The Association between Guided Ima- jani, Anna Martiana, Fajar gery Using Classical Music on Pain Level Kurniawan among Post Fracture Patients 12. Cicilya Candi, Dewi Mustika, Association between Quality of Health Kurnia Sari Service and Patient Satisfaction at Jaga- karsa Hospital 13. Dafrosa Luni, Imelda Februati Risk Factors of Diarhea Incidence in

  2. Ester Manurung, Mareta Baka- Children Aged 6-24 Months at Mangu- le Bakoi, Marylin Susanti Ju- lewa and Keloda Community Health nias, Sabina Gero Centers, Ngada, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara 14. Deasy Stefani Tinambunan, Factors Affecting the Success of Integra- Adik Wibowo ted Development Post for the Elderly: A Systematic Review 15. Derisca Yosa, Adik Wibowo Correlation between Blood Urea and Creatinine Level in Patients with Dia- betes Melitus at the Ministry of Marine and Fishery Clinic 16. Dewi Arradini, Dewi Wulan- Nursing Professionalism in Occupatio- dari nal Health and Safety Risk Management at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Kara- nganyar, Central Java 17. Dia Melisa Rafdi, Dian Ayubi Assessment of the Documentation Infor- mation System for Primary Health Care Accreditation Using Six Sigma Method in Bekasi, West Java 18. Dian Ekawati, Ede Surya Dar- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of CPOE in mawan Hospital Setting: A Systematic Review 19. Dionesia Octaviani Laput, Ste- Factors Affecting the Use of Family fanus P. Manongga, Muntasir Planning Implant at Wae Mbeleng Com- munity Health Center, Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara 20. Nuril Rahmatika, Mardiati Na- Violence on Health Workers at the djib Workplace and Its Management Stra- tegy: A Systematic Review 21. Prasetyadi Mawardi, Fiska Profile of Sexually Transmitted Infection Rosita, Fitri Fatimah, Eka De- at Dermatovenereology Clinic, Dr. Moe- vinta Novi Diana wardi Hospital, Surakarta, Central Java 22. Sigit Sugiyanto, Atik Nurwah- Health Professional Collaboration to Im- yuni prove Patient Outcome: A Systematic Review 23. Tjipto Rini Contents and Waste Handling of Green Shell Skin in Cilincing, North Jakarta 24. Eka Triana, Rachmadhi Pur- Factors Affecting the Incidence of Acute wana Respiratory Tract Infection in Children under Five at Betungan Community Health Center, Bengkulu 25. Elizabeth Bebhe Sawo, Jacob Ergonomic Intervention to Reduce Low M Ratu, Anderias Umbu Roga Back Pain and Fatigue among Nurses at Prof Dr. Wz Yohanes Hospital, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara 26. Emanuel Petrus Padak Botoor The Relationship between Nursing Care and Patient Satisfaction using Hall Theory at Lewoleba Hospital, East Nusa Tenggara

  3. 27. Fikria Nur Ramadani, Jaslis Reducing Immunization Pain in Infants: Ilyas A Systematic Review 28. Fitria Hayu Palupi Health Education on Diphtheria at Wonorejo, Karanganyar, Central Java 29. Frederych Dhaki, Imelda F. E Factors Affecting the Use of Voluntary Manurung, Apris A. Adu and Counselling Test Service by the Indirect Sex Workers in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara 30. Herlin Putri Tanjung, Atik The Impact of Clinical Pathway Imple- Nurwahyuni mentation on Length of Stay and Hospi- tal Cost: A Systematic Review 31. I Nengah Tanu Komalyna, Energy and Protein Consumption, AAG Anom Aswin, Tasya Infectious Disease History, and Acade- Adinda Agustina mic Achievement, in Stunted and Non- Stunted Primary School Students in Malang, East Java 32. Ika Dharmayanti, Dwi Hapsari Effect of Work Environment on the Risk Tjandrarini of Breast Cancer in Indonesia 33. Ista Ardiagahayu Praptidina, Virtual Reality Intervention to Reduce Pujiyanto Child Anxiety on Dental Care: A Syste- matic Review 34. Joan Puspita Tanumihardja, The Impact of Chronic Obstructive Lung Atik Nurwahyuni Clinical Pathway Implementation on Readmission: A Systematic Review 35. Joaninha C. de Jesus, Anderias Association between Self Efficacy and Umbu Roga, Jacob M. Ratu Myth with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Centro Saude Becora and Gleno in Ti- mor Leste 36. Juin Hadisuyitno, B. Doddy Factors Associated with Stunting among Riyadi Children 1 – 3 Years of Age in Batu City, East Java 37. Jumaina, Ascobat Gani Determinants of the Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in the Work Area of Kunciran Health Center, Tange- rang, Banten 38. Kuntari Astriana, Devillya Effect of Beet Sugar ( Beta Vulgaris L ) in Puspita Dewi Lowering High Blood Pressure among the Elderly 39. Kurnia Bend Yunita Pellon- Host and Environment Influences on the dou, Anderias Umbu Roga, Occurrence of Diarrhea in Children Un- Pius Weraman der Five at Naioni Community Health Center, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara 40. Lili Marliani, Anhari Achadi The Effectiveness of Instagram as a Promotion Media at Citra Ananda Ma- ternal and Child Health Hospital, Cipu- tat, Banten 41. Lilian Susanti Nova PM10 Exposure and Respiratory Tract Disorders around the Indus-

  4. try: A Systematic Review 42. Lisna Puspita Anggraeny Be- Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life ngu, Jacob Ratu, Andreas Um- among Nurses at Prof. Dr. W.Z. Joha- bu Roga nnes Hospital, Kupang, East Nusa Teng- gara 43. Maria Dai Kredok, Luh Putu Determinants of Early Breastfeeding Rulianti, Rafael Paun Initiation at Prof Dr. Wz. Yohanes and SK Lerik Hospitals, Kupang 44. Maria N.S.W Kause, Herianus The Effect of Jamaica Cherry Juice on Lalel, Stefanus Manongga Blood Sugar in White Mice with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 45. Marlince I. Ninef, Anderias Predisposing Factors of Solid Medical Umbu Roga, Jacob Ratu Waste Management at Penyangga Per- batasan Betun Hospital, East Nusa Tenggara 46. Megadianty Mokoginta, Amal The Cost and Quality of Laboratory Chalik Sjaaf Automation: A Systematic Review 47. Melton Pairikas, Muntasir, Relationship between Social Support Pius Weraman and Visit to the Elderly Integrated Health Service Posts in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara 48. Merina Regifana Loak, Imelda Association between Environmental F.E. Manurung, Jacob M. Ratu Factors and Tuberculosis among Chil- Pius Weraman, Anderias Um- dren Aged 0-14 Years in Kupang, East bu Roga Nusa Tenggara 49. Moh. Abdurrokhman, Wachyu Sharia Hospital As an Added Value: A Sulistiadi Systematic Review 50. Muhammad Ardiansyah Nu- Effectiveness of Coagulant and Disinfec- rawi, Marylin Susanti Junias, tant on Water Treatment in East Nusa Ketut Mahendra Kuswara Tenggara 51. Muhammadi, Atik Nurwahyu- Factors Affecting Financial Deficit in the ni Universal Health Coverage in Develo- ping Countries: A Systematic Review 52. Natália de Araújo, Pius Wera- Factors Associated with Midwife Perfor- man, Serlie K. A. Littik mance in Birth Delivery at Becora and Ataúro Health Centers, Dili, Timor Leste 53. Nunuk Nugrohowati, Ria Factors Associated with Risky Behavior Maria Theresa for HIV/AIDS Transmission among Youth Organization in Depok, West Java 54. Nur Azizah, Serlie K. A. Littik, The Effects of Laboratory, Pharmacy, Sabina Gero and Nutrition Services on Satisfaction of Diabetes Mellitus Patients 55. Nurmaida Saana, Ascobat Ga- Association between Quality of Service ni, Rosarlian and Patient Satisfaction at Poasia Com- munity Health Center in South East Sulawesi 56. Pasionista Vianitati, Imelda The Effect of Motivational Interviewing

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