the 5 point canopy a mber gridshell

The 5-Point Canopy, a #mber gridshell TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The 5-Point Canopy, a #mber gridshell TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 Final PresentaAon Date: March 20 2017 Topic: Precedents Precedent Studies The Trondheim Pavilion The Trondheim pavilion is a gridshell structure erected

  1. The 5-Point Canopy, a #mber gridshell TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 Final PresentaAon

  2. Date: March 20 2017 Topic: Precedents Precedent Studies The Trondheim Pavilion The Trondheim pavilion is a gridshell structure erected in May 2015 at the Krigsseilerplassen in Trondheim, Norway. The construcAon is a result of a master thesis at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), by John Haddal Mork and Steinar Hillersøy Dyvik. Lessons learned: The module – allows for the approximaAon of long members using reasonably sized pieces. Advantageous for us as the material we had were short segments of solid wood. Form – gives a general idea of a feasible bending radius and overall shape Connec&on to base and bracing – The gridshell’s support connecAon shows substanAal width at the connecAon to the base and bracing that helps to sAffen the form and reduce displacement and thrust. Grid vs diagrid – the regular grid allows for simpler connecAons to the ground WEEK # 10 TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 Valen&na Leoni

  3. Date: March 18 2017 Topic: Precedents Precedent Studies The ACCOYA Pavilion Completed by the Melbourne School of Design and, during a student workshop in Melbourne, Australia in Autumn 2014 Lessons learned: Construc&on Process – The Tackle – and ancient Greek machine is used to pull the gridshell into shape Connec&on to base and bracing: The base is connecAon in this precedent WEEK # 10 TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 Valen&na Leoni

  4. Date: 3/20/17 Topic: Final Project The Design The 5-Point canopy as stated in the name touches the ground at 5 points. These points, which rest on a concrete base wall, form the base of a swooping diagrid gridshell. A rain protecAon canopy protects the wood and the interior from the rain and produces interesAng spaAal effects. This canopy has the potenAal to be translucent, which can produce an interesAng lighAng effect on the interior. >>Josh Rosenthal TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017

  5. Date: 3/20/17 Topic: Final Project Accommodation The canopy is 33’x16’. Through the use of a base retaining wall, the canopy reaches a maximum height of 9’, a comfortable height to walk through. Pictured at right are the various ways in which the canopy can accommodate 20 people. The main support wall contains a bench and the two piers allow for flexible entry. >>Josh Rosenthal TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017

  6. Date: 20 March 2017 Topic: Canopy Final Kangaroo Structural Efficiency of Hanging Chain Models The building shape is using hanging chain model method, formed by gravity load pushed up the grid and five supporAng points are pulling back to the ground. Because the shape is formed by the gravity, the shape itself have a resistance to the load. Karamba Hanging Chain Diagram Karamba and Kangaroo bboth can simulate the hanging chain model, but Karamba is remaining the straight line on the plan view. That’s the reason why we decide to find the form with Karamba instead of Kangaroo. TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017

  7. Date: 3/20/17 Topic: Final Project Form Finding The definiAon pictured at right was used for form finding. It consists of a grid on which two supports were added at each of the five points. The grid was then deformed using Karamba to achieve the characterisAcs of a hanging chain model. Three points were placed on one side while two were placed on the other. >>Josh Rosenthal TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017

  8. Date: 3/20/17 Topic: Final Project Form The definiAon at right is for re- analyzing the form-found output. Downward forces are applied at each intersecAon for the purpose of realisAc analysis. The image at the boiom right is a rendered structural output. >>Josh Rosenthal TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017

  9. Date: March 20 2017 Topic: Canopy Final Lateral Displacement Maximum beam displacement: .57 inches WEEK # 9 TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 Valen&na Leoni

  10. Date: March 18 2017 Topic: Canopy Final Gravity Displacement Maximum beam displacement: 1.6 inches WEEK # 9 TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 Valen&na Leoni

  11. Date: March 18 2017 Topic: Canopy Final Axial Stresses Max Compression: 1.17 kips Max Tension: .15 kips WEEK # 9 TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 Valen&na Leoni

  12. Date: March 18 2017 Topic: Canopy Final Shear Stresses Max Shear: .236 kips Shear Y Shear Z WEEK # 9 TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 Valen&na Leoni

  13. Date: March 18 2017 Topic: Canopy Final Moment Diagram Max moment: .277 kip-l node 36 Moment Combined Moment X Moment Y Moment Z WEEK # 9 TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 Valen&na Leoni

  14. Date: 3/20/17 Topic: Final Project Bracing The Trondheim Gridshell uAlizes cross bracing in order to keep the form in place as it does not have a rigid connecAon to the ground. The 5-Point Canopy does not require bracing due to the fact that the form is firmly held in place by the concrete base. Bracing is also not necessary due to the fact that lateral loads do not cause enough deflecAon on the structure to require extra bracing. >>Josh Rosenthal TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017

  15. Date: March 20 Topic: Final PresentaAon Material: Western Hemlock 1x2 Western Hemlock is the material we would choose from the list of available materials for this structure. The 1x2 secAon is the most appropriate material choice (in comparison to the the 4x4 or plywood panels) for a laoce shell. Western Hemlock usually has a straight hips:// grain, which will be helpful to transfer bending and lateral forces. It is not a very /web/portals/6/Images/ commercial_forest_species durable wood, and is vulnerable to insect _04.jpg aiack, so it will need to be off the ground and covered. The species is grown in hip:// Oregon and Washington and commonly content/uploads/2013/12/ used in construcAon, so it hypotheAcally album- it could be sourced locally. hemlock-2-1024x787.png hip:// Our canopy will be made from some www.greatnorthernlumber. water resistant fabric, ideally translucent. com/gnl/wp-content/ That exact type of fabric is currently uploads/westhemlock2.jpg being researched as water resistance and hip:// light transmission seem to be at odds. /wp-content/uploads/ We may try shower curtain fabric. 2017/01/Western- Hemlock-Tree.jpg Valen&na Leoni TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 WEEK # 6

  16. Date: 3/20/17 Topic: Final PresentaAon Properties of Western Hemlock WEEK # TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 9 Parr

  17. Date: 20 March Topic: Final PresentaAon Process Work Since the second iteraAon, we decided to focus on grid shell system. We switched from karamba form finding to kangaroo form finding, and developed construcAon sequence based on Trondheim gridshell research. TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017

  18. Date: 20 Mar 2017 Topic: Final PresentaAon Research LEARNING OBJECTIVE Canopy Project The Trondheim gridshell research paper is our main reference for construcAon sequence and connecAon detail. The basic module is four laths intercrossed in the center of the wide surface. CombinaAon of these basic modules is creaAng conAnuous grid system. << Screenshot from Trondheim Gridshell Research Paper WEEK 9 TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 18 ZHENGXIAN JIN

  19. Date: 6 Mar 2017 Topic: Canopy Second InteraAon Research LEARNING OBJECTIVE Canopy Project Each module is made with four ¼ inch thick 4 l 1*3 wood interconnect in the center of wide surface.Each lath have five wholes for connecAon, and spaced in certain distances as hand sketch on the upper right. Two out of four lathes with five wholes are having same diameter for each whole, and the other two out of four lathes have four 1 inch wide slots and a center whole for interconnect. These slots allow the module have beier bending. << Screenshot from Trondheim Gridshell Research Paper WEEK 9 TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 19 ZHENGXIAN JIN

  20. Date: 20 Mar 2017 Topic: Final PresentaAon Elements Each of the two pieces is made out of one four foot piece of 1”x3” hemlock. One piece is drilled with all pin holes for connecAons. The other piece has one pin connecAon in the center for rotaAon. The other four connecAons are sloied to allow for extra bending in the connecAon. WEEK 6 TIMBER TECTONICS IN THE DIGITAL AGE - WINTER 2017 20 WILL SEARCY


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