automated canopy for power wheelchair users not designed

automated canopy for power wheelchair users not designed for rain - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

automated canopy for power wheelchair users not designed for rain short circuit health and safety risks dexterity assistance par7cipa7ng member of the community canopy enclosure actuator canopy actuator enclosure canopy actuator

  1. automated canopy for power wheelchair users

  2. not designed for rain short circuit health and safety risks

  3. dexterity assistance

  4. par7cipa7ng member of the community

  5. canopy enclosure actuator

  6. canopy actuator enclosure

  7. canopy actuator enclosure

  8. canopy actuator enclosure

  9. canopy actuator enclosure

  10. fabric metal foam canopy canopy actuator actuator enclosure enclosure

  11. canopy actuator enclosure

  12. limit switch canopy actuator enclosure

  13. 12 V 1300 mAh motor ba?ery canopy actuator enclosure

  14. canopy actuator enclosure

  15. automated deployment full user coverage sleek and slim profile

  16. Manufacturing Wholesale Retail $125 $340 $485

  17. The Boston Home

  18. 32,000

  19. $600K Ini7al Investment

  20. 250,000 12,000

  21. why stay inside when you can DRYVE

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