texas general land office community development and

Texas General Land Office Community Development and Revitalization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CDR Texas General Land Office Community Development and Revitalization (GLO-CDR) Recovery Programs Overview We work to rebuild communities, to put Texans back in their homes, and to help businesses recover after the trauma of disaster.

  1. CDR Texas General Land Office Community Development and Revitalization (GLO-CDR) Recovery Programs Overview “We work to rebuild communities, to put Texans back in their homes, and to help businesses recover after the trauma of disaster.” George P. Bush Texas General Land Office Commissioner

  2. Hurricane Harvey CDBG-DR Recovery Programs CDR Activity Funding Administrator Homeowner Assistance GLO (outside City of Houston & $1.334 billion (AECOM, GrantWorks, IEM) Harris County) Buyout & Acquisition (outside City of Houston & $275 million Local Subrecipients Harris County) Homeowner Reimbursement GLO (outside City of Houston & $100 million (The WorkForce Group) Harris County) Affordable Rental (outside City of Houston & $450 million GLO Harris County) Infrastructure (outside City of Houston & $413 million Local Subrecipients Harris County) GLO $100 million Economic Revitalization (Vendor selection in process) $1.265 billion City of Houston City of Houston $1.221 billion Harris County Harris County

  3. Hurricane Harvey CDBG-DR Recovery Programs CDR Regions Geography Allocation San Jacinto, Refugio, Fayette, Hardin, Jefferson, Orange, Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Montgomery, Liberty, Fort Bend, Jasper, Newton, Victoria, Wharton, Aransas, San HUD 80% of funding Patricio, Neuces, and Most Impacted Zip Codes: 77979, 77351, 77320, 77493, 77482, 77335, 75979, 78934, 77414, 77423 Milam, Madison, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, Austin, Colorado, Matagorda, Walker, Waller, Bee, Jim Wells, State Kleberg, Lee, Bastrop, Burleson, Caldwell, Calhoun, 20% of funding Most Impacted Comal, DeWitt, Lavaca, Washington, Grimes, Goliad, Gonzales County, Guadalupe, Jackson, Karnes, and Tyler

  4. 4 Homeowner Reimbursement Program Objectives CDR Primary HUD National Objective o 30% of program funding ($30 million) will be set-aside for 30 days to benefit low- to moderate-income (LMI) households (<80% AMI) before being made available to non-LMI households (>80% AMI). o Meeting an Urgent Need. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) o GLO is committed to providing recovery opportunities that are in full compliance with fair housing requirements to ensure all recovery include housing choice to applicants to the highest possibility.

  5. 5 Homeowner Reimbursement Program Phases CDR 1 3 4 2 Application Start-up Design Outreach Intake 5 6 7 Monitoring Payment Eligibility Period

  6. 6 Start Up CDR Coordination o Regional meetings are currently being scheduled to inform and hear from community leaders about the Homeowner Reimbursement Program and soliciting feedback to help inform design and outreach. Field Offices o Program webpage is: http://recovery.texas.gov/local-government/programs/homeowner-reimbursement- limited-repair and will include:  Dates and times regional offices are open and  Outreach activities and announcements.

  7. 7 Outreach CDR Affirmative Marketing and Outreach Plan o Designed to ensure all affected populations, including racial and ethnic minorities, vulnerable, or hard-to-reach populations, are aware of the Homeowner Reimbursement Program o Will engage all stakeholders to ensure quality analysis; thoughtful consideration of local area needs; and well-informed outreach and marketing that can include:  Local advertising to media outlets, newspapers, broadcast media, flyers in utility and tax bills

  8. 8 Application Intake CDR Submittal o Applicants will be able to submit all their application material electronically. o GLO will assist households that cannot submit electronic applications. Status Applicants will have real-time access to their application status  Website (Texas Integrated Grant Reporting, or TIGR)  1.844.893.8937 Resources www.recovery.texas.gov > PROGRAMS >Homeowner Reimbursement Program

  9. 9 Homeowner Eligibility CDR Required Documents: Photo ID : driver license, or passport, or state / government-issued ID. o Income : latest tax return. o Ownership : property tax records, or deed, or title, among other forms including GLO Affidavit of Ownership. o Primary Residence (August 25, 2017) : Homestead tax exemption, bank account statement, or utility bill, among o other forms. Child Support & Property Taxes : must be current (if applicable). o Harvey Damage Evidence : Award / Denial Letters: FEMA, SBA, or Insurance; or an Inspection Report (at owner’s o expense); or alternative, but GLO approval is required. Evidence of Repair : o Post-repair pictures, and • Receipts and/or invoices, and • Bank account statements or credit card statements. • Repairs must be made within one year of storm making landfall: August 25 th 2017 – August 24 th 2018. • Duplication of Benefits : previously received assistance for Harvey damages. o Verification of Flood Insurance : if in a floodplain & received prior assistance. o

  10. 10 Homeowner Eligibility CDR An applicant is not eligible for the Homeowner Reimbursement Program: o If their home is located in a floodplain (100-year), or in a SFHA as determined by the local administrator, and was substantially damaged / improved, and home is not at least 2 feet above the base flood elevation then the home is not eligible for this program. o If the homeowner’s income is greater than 120% AMI, and the home is located in a floodplain, and did not have flood insurance then the applicant is not eligible for this program. o If the homeowner received prior assistance, and is located in a floodplain, and did not maintain flood insurance, then the applicant is not eligible for disaster assistance through HUD.

  11. 11 Eligible Activities CDR Eligible Activities Essential appliances: o HVAC, Refrigerator, Stove / Oven, Dishwasher, Water Heater • Utilities: o Plumbing, Electrical & Gas Systems • Septic or Sewer System Repair o Well or Water System Repair o Structural Repairs o Entrance & Exit Doors o Removal of Construction Debris o Permits & Inspection Fees o Repairs made within one year of storm making landfall, August 25 th 2017 – August 24 th 2018. o

  12. 12 Ineligible Activities CDR Ineligible Activities Food, Clothing, Household Goods and Furnishings o Flatbed Trailers o Rental, Second, or Vacation Homes o Mortgage Payments o Insurance Premiums o Utility Expenses o Temporary Housing o Day labor paid by cash with no receipt o Garage door openers, security systems, swimming pools, television satellite dishes o Repair of structures not attached to the home such as fences or sheds o Repairs made after one year of storm making landfall, August 24 th 2018 o

  13. 13 Duplication of Benefits CDR Duplication of Benefits o FEMA payments for the repair or replacement/structural damage o USDA loans and/or SBA loans o National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Insurance Payments o Private Insurance: Including all private insurance settlement amounts for loss to residential structures o Other funds (e.g. private institutions and non-profits)

  14. 14 Clearance / Conditions CDR Environmental Clearance All homes must undergo an environmental clearance. o Promissory Note One year term. o Any future insurance proceeds will be subrogated to GLO. o Maintain ownership of home as primary residence. o Cash out refinancing , home equity loans, or home collateral loans not allowed. o Maintain timely payment of property taxes. o Maintain insurance , including hazard and windstorm (if applicable). o  If property is in the floodplain, homeowners must maintain flood insurance in perpetuity and notify future homeowners

  15. 15 Payment CDR Direct Deposit : Payments from the GLO to the Homeowners will be primarily processed using direct deposits. Once an applicant is determined to be program eligible, the homeowner will log back into the TIGR system. Within the TIGR system the borrower will sign the Promissory Note (1 year term) and fill out the Direct Deposit Consent form.

  16. Questions? CDR “ The GLO stands ready to help our state maximize HOUSING the use of this disaster recovery funding to build back stronger and more resilient communities.” ~ George P. Bush, Commissioner ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING recovery.texas.gov 24

  17. Contact CDR Website http://recovery.texas.gov/ Telephone Number 1.844.893.8937 Email singlefamilyhousing.glo@recovery.texas.gov Mailing Address Texas General Land Office C/O: Community Development and Revitalization P.O. Box 12873 Austin, Texas 78711-2873


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