texas building e texas building e nergy codes nergy codes

Texas Building E Texas Building E nergy Codes nergy Codes Update - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Texas Building E Texas Building E nergy Codes nergy Codes Update p Felix A Lopez P E Felix A. Lopez, P.E Senior Engineer State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) State e gy Co se at o O ce (S CO) 1 Texas Building E nergy Codes

  1. Texas Building E Texas Building E nergy Codes nergy Codes Update p Felix A Lopez P E Felix A. Lopez, P.E Senior Engineer State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) State e gy Co se at o O ce (S CO) 1

  2. Texas Building E nergy Codes Adoption Adoption  80th Texas Legislature passed HB 3693/ SB12  Delegated SECO the authority to adopt by rule the latest published editions of:  Energy requirements (Chapter 11) International Residential Code (IRC) for single-family construction Code (IRC) for single family construction.  International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) for other residential and commercial construction.  ESL reviews latest ICC editions to ensure stringency of the IRC and IECC compared to current adopted statewide energy codes.  Provides SECO a written recommendation based on analysis and public review. p  Cities can continue to adopt local amendments  Review by the Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) of the Texas A&M University A&M University

  3. Texas Building E nergy Codes Adoption Adoption I 2009 ICC In 2009 ICC published new editions, triggering the review bli h d diti t i i th i and update process:  January: IECC 2009 edition published y p  March: IRC 2009 edition published  May: Initial 30 days comment period on IECC  all comments were provided to ESL for a recommendation to  all comments were provided to ESL for a recommendation to SECO  July: initial 30 days comment period on IRC  all comments were provided to ESL for a recommendation to p SECO.  Septem ber: ESL recommended SECO the adoption of Chapter 11 of the 2009 IRC and 2009 IECC

  4. Texas Building E nergy Codes Adoption Adoption  January-2 0 1 0 : stakeholder meeting held to gain input prior to draft rule publication.  March 2 0 1 0 : draft rule published for 30 days comment.  1,057 sets of comments received  Elected officials, trade associations, builders, architects, environmental advocates i t l d t  June-2 0 1 0 : final rule published

  5. Texas Building E Texas Building E nergy Codes nergy Codes Final Rule: §19.53.Building Energy Efficiency Performance Standards (a) Single-fam ily residential construction. Effective January 1 , 2 0 1 2 , the energy efficiency provisions (Chapter 11) of the I nternational Residential Code as they existed on May 1, 2009, are adopted as the energy code in this state for single-family residential construction as it is defined in Health and Safety Code, §388.002(12). (b) All other residential, com m ercial, and industrial construction. Effective April 1 , 2 0 1 1 , the I nternational Energy Conservation Code as it existed on May 1, 2009, is adopted as the energy code for use in this state for all adopted as the energy code for use in this state for all residential, commercial, and industrial construction that is not single-family residential construction under subsection (a) of this section.

  6. Texas Cities With IE Texas Cities With IE CC-2009 CC 2009 ( E SL Survey-as Feb-2010)  Arlington  Beaumont  Beaumont  Cedar Park  C ll  College Station S i  Eagle Pass  El Paso  Friendswood  Friendswood 6

  7. Texas Cities With IE Texas Cities With IE CC-2009 CC 2009 ( E SL Survey-as Feb-2010)  Galveston  Harker Heights  Harker Heights  Laredo  L  Leander d  Midland  San Antonio  Waco  Waco 7

  8. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 1 ) State Energy Program ( SEP) 1 ) State Energy Program ( SEP) …………….$ 2 1 8 ,7 8 2 ,0 0 0 $ 2 1 8 7 8 2 0 0 0 Program areas approved by U.S. DOE  Building Efficiency and Retrofit Program g y g  $158 million (loans)  Competitive selection  Transportation Efficiency Program  $17 million (grants)  $17 million (grants)  Competitive selection  Distributed Renewable Energy Technology Program  $30 million (grants)  Competitive selection  Energy Sector Training Centers  $6 million (grants)  Competitive selection  Competitive selection  Public Education and Outreach  $5 million

  9. Texas Building E nergy Codes Outreach Training & Support Outreach, Training & Support Enhanced Building Code W ebsite  Streaming and downloadable training videos, in English and Spanish   Calendar of training events Calendar of training events  Materials request center Collateral Material  IRC and IECC code books provided to local code officials  "Best Practice" Guidelines  Newsletter with workshop dates, highlighted codes, case studies, etc. Training   Individual workshops in each district/ member area, to include Individual workshops in each district/ member area to include  24 regional councils of governments  34 local home builder associations  17 local chapters of the American Institute of Architects  Building energy code “boot camp” or conference in central location with different information tracks for builders, designers and code officials t k f b ild d i d d ffi i l Technical Support  Code compliance tools for local officials  Building stock benchmarking  Evaluation of local code amendments

  10. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Training on I ECC-2 0 0 9 / I RC-2 0 0 9  Residential and Com m ercial  RFP/ RFO to Select Contractor  RFP/ RFO to Select Contractor Energy Diagnostic Loan Program  Blow er Door System  Blow er Door System  Duct Leakage System  I nfrared Cam eras  Public Sector  Public Sector  Local Governm ent  COGs  RFP/ RFO to Select Contractor /

  11. Texas Building E nergy Codes Compliance Plan Compliance Plan Create Partnerships  BOAT/ TML  TAB  TDHCA  I CC Chapters  ASHRAE Chapters   AEE Chapters AEE Chapters  ESL-TAMU  USGBC Chapters  Environm ental Stakeholders User Friendly Tools & Com pliance Training  SECO-PNL Contract ( RFP # 1 4 6 6 2 6 ) Com pliance Data Gathering and Analysis Com pliance Data Gathering and Analysis  Local Jurisdictions  Region  Reporting

  12. Questions? Questions? Felix Lopez, Senior Engineer State Energy Conservation Office State Energy Conservation Office www.seco.cpa.state.tx.us t t t 12


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