texarkana arkansas texarkana arkansas district court

Texarkana Arkansas Texarkana Arkansas District Court Probation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Texarkana Arkansas Texarkana Arkansas District Court Probation Office District Court Probation Office Honorable Judge Wren Autrey Tommy Potter City Prosecutor Debbie Nolte Chief Probation Officer Angela Easley Probation Officer

  1. Texarkana Arkansas Texarkana Arkansas District Court Probation Office District Court Probation Office Honorable Judge Wren Autrey Tommy Potter – City Prosecutor Debbie Nolte – Chief Probation Officer Angela Easley – Probation Officer Jo Ann Jones – Probation Officer

  2. History History � 1991 (January) – Judge Kirk Johnson starts a City Probation Office � 1991 (March) – City contracts with Special Court Services to provide probation services � 1995 (February) City ends contract with SCS – City starts Probation Department

  3. Purpose Purpose � Create a safer community by preventing crime through offender education � Facilitate individual based probation programs � Provide more efficient methods of tracking probationers � Increase City revenue by diligent collection of fines and fees

  4. Case Load Case Load � Court – Tuesdays and Thursdays – process 20 – 30 new probationers � Approximately 1200 active reporting probationers � 50 – 75 reporting each day � 50 – 75 calls made each day � Issue Petitions To Revoke Probation

  5. Services Provided Services Provided � Community Service � Alcohol/Drug Education � Domestic Violence Education � Electronic Monitoring � Curfew Violator Program � Fine and Fee Collections

  6. Community Service Community Service � Our community service program is for defendants that are financially unable to pay fines and for those defendants ordered by the Judge to perform community service as a punishment � This program provides training that enables defendants to learn job skills that help them to become responsible members of our community � Each year this program provides thousands of dollars of labor for our community

  7. Community Service Job Sites Community Service Job Sites � Texarkana Arkansas City Offices � Texarkana Arkansas Housing Authority � Miller County Courthouse � Miller County Sheriff’s Office � Boys and Girls Club � City Baseball Program � Animal League of Texarkana � Sandflat Neighborhood Center � Love, Faith & Hope

  8. Community Service Community Service � A total of 7991 hours have been completed through August, at $5.15 per hour, for a total of $41,153.65 in labor for our community

  9. Alcohol and Drug Education Alcohol and Drug Education � Our office monitors those defendants ordered to alcohol and drug education classes to ensure completion of these classes as ordered by the Court � The Agency we use is Southwest Arkansas Counseling & Mental Health Center, Inc. � In-patient and Out-patient programs are available � We have handled 165 DWI cases through August

  10. Domestic Violence Education Domestic Violence Education � The Probation Office monitors those defendants ordered to attend Domestic Violence Prevention and Life Skills/Anger Management classes to ensure these offenders complete the programs as ordered by the Court � 26 offenders have been ordered to BIPP (Battering Intervention and Prevention Program) This is a 32 weeks class � 92 offenders were ordered to Life Skills/Anger Management. This is a six weeks class

  11. Electronic Monitor Program Electronic Monitor Program � We also monitor defendants ordered to electronic monitor arrest to assure these defendants complete their time as ordered by the Court � We use South West Arkansas Monitoring Service – John White � This program is paid for by the defendant . The electronic monitor arrest saves the City money in that we do not have to pay to house these offenders in our jail � Judge Autrey had ordered 29 clients to 389 days through August � Saved the City $15,560.00

  12. Curfew Violator Program Curfew Violator Program � Monitor juveniles charged with curfew violations to ensure attendance and completion of community service � Monitor grade averages � Maintain close contact with parents and guardians to ensure these juveniles are conducting themselves in a more responsible manner

  13. Fine Collections Fine Collections � 2005 Fine Collections through August $349,754.90 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 Jan March May July

  14. Fee Collections Fee Collections � Fee Collections through August. � $223,295.00 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 Jan March May July

  15. Total Collections Total Collections � Total collections 2004 $522,649.00 2005 $584,061.00 $61,411.00 increase. $90,000 $80,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 2005 $40,000 2004 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 Jan March May July

  16. Success of the Department Success of the Department � Teamwork Represents the Strength of the Department � Excellent Leadership � High Expectations � Accountability � Available for Questions and Advise � Appreciation & Praise � High Office Moral = Productive Work


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