Test Security: It’s Different for State, Interim, and Classroom Assessment Steve Ferrara Measured Progress June 27, 2018 In S. Valenzuela (Organizer), What’s Yours is Mine and What’s Mine is Yours , presentation in the National Conference on Student Assessment, San Diego
Overview Address Sally’s requirements Best practices: standardization, monitoring, forensics, investigations Also: Resolution Background PDIR framework Are all shared item banks equal? 2
PDIR framework Prevention, Detection, Investigation, Resolution Goals of test security No security breaches Completely resolve breaches that do occur Evidence for the validity argument for intended score interpretations and uses (SIUs) Support the data integrity claim so that you can support those SIUs Ferrara (2017) 3
PDIR framework How are we (state assessment programs) doing on PDIR? Some states are at risk States and districts not well equipped to carry out effective investigations Resolution may be spotty (we just don’t know for sure) Ferrara (2017) 4
Shared item banks State accountability assessments E.g., PARCC, Smarter, ELPA 21, WIDA, MSAA A primary intended SIU: accounting for percentages of students at/above Proficient Commercial interim assessment products E.g., MAP, iReady, eMPower A primary SIU: achievement growth toward a goal Classroom assessment item banks and test assembly support A primary intended SIU: student mastery of instructional content 5
Shared item banks Advantages Economic and operational Risks A security weakness in one state or locale is a breach for everyone A breach in one state or locale is a breach for everyone Consequences of security breaches State accountability ***validity of SIUs, loss of assets Interim *** validity of SIUs, loss of assets Classroom assessment IBs *** validity of SIUs, loss of assets 6
Best practices: State accountability assessments We organize our practices around the PDIR framework… Within the limits of the RFP specifications What Can States Do? Identify the highest risks for a specific program Decide how best to mitigate those risks Implement and enforce the elements in the PDIR framework 7
Best practices: State accountability assessments Risk Biggest threats appear to be when print materials are in schools and during administration for both print and CBT Exposure of content, help to examinees Mitigation—by the state Training Forensics, web patrolling Monitoring (e.g., peer review citations) 8
Best practices: Commercial interim Risk Probably the same as state accountability, but with less intensity But the cost of losing secure content is just as high And the impact of undermining validity of score interpretations is higher (on students) Mitigation—by the vendor Training Forensics, web patrolling Monitoring? 9
Best practices: Classroom assessment item banks Risk Content is always available, discussing items with other teachers and students is part of the teaching-learning process Is item exposure in one classroom, school, etc. a problem for other classrooms, etc.? Mitigation Training in effective classroom assessment practices Other, TBD (Sorry) 10
Best practices: Detection Accountability, interim, classroom DIY or contracted services Your psychometrics vendor Any test security companies that may exist Lots of research on detection statistics Multiple statistical approaches for the same security risk Some holes (e.g., constructed responses, next generation assessments) 11
Best practices: Investigation Accountability, interim, classroom Educators are not trained to conduct effective, professional investigations To the same degree that professional investigators are not trained as educators At least for big, scary situations Would a commercial interim provider investigate a suspected security breach? A commercial classroom provider? 12
Best practices: Resolution Accountability, interim, classroom Needs Policies so that everyone knows the rules and consequences Support from Department, Board, Legislature Courage and will 13
Reference Ferrara, S. (2017). A comprehensive framework for policies and practices to improve test security programs: Prevention, detection, investigation, and resolution (PDIR ). Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice , 36 (3), 5-23. 14
It’s all about student learning. Period.
Thank you. ferrara.steve@measuredprogress.org +1 603-749-9102, ext. 7065
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