tehran ir iran an ggo cr crazy pavin ing c consoli

Tehran, , Ir Iran an GGO Cr Crazy-pavin ing c consoli - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dr r Ramezan Ja Jafari Department of f Radio iolo logy, Ba Baqiy iyatall llah Univ iversit ity of f Medic ical l Sc Scien iences, , Tehran, , Ir Iran an GGO Cr Crazy-pavin ing c consoli lidatio ion r resid idual l

  1. Dr r Ramezan Ja Jafari Department of f Radio iolo logy, Ba Baqiy iyatall llah Univ iversit ity of f Medic ical l Sc Scien iences, , Tehran, , Ir Iran an

  2. GGO Cr Crazy-pavin ing c consoli lidatio ion r resid idual l & reso solu lutio ion

  3. • CT involvement score • The severity of the lung involvement on the CT correlates with the severity of the disease. The severity on CT can be estimated by visual assessment. • < 5% involvement • 5%-25% involvement • 26%-49% involvement • 50%-75% involvement • > 75% involvement. • The total CT score is the sum of the individual lobar scores and can range from 0 (no involvement) to 25 (maximum involvement), when all the five lobes show more than 75% involvement.

  4. GGO

  5. Diffuse multilobar GGO on both lungs fields with mild bronchiectasis in a sever case of covid-19 pneumonia

  6. Dif iffuse GGO and DAD in in a sever case of covid id19 42 y old ld male le

  7. Residual GGO axia xial no non n con ontrast CT T scan in n a a 35 35 yea ear old old fem emale kno known case of of covid-19 19 pn pneumonia sho hows pa patchy con onsol olidative op opacities in n bo both th lung ungs fi field eld (A) (A)ten da day later nea nearly ly com omple lete reso esolu lutio ion of of op opacit itie ies wi with very ry fai aint res esid idual l GG GGO(B O(B)

  8. vascular enlargement

  9. Intralesional bronchiectasis

  10. Crazy- paving

  11. mulifocal subpleural patchy ground glass opacities superimposed with interlobular and intralobular septal thickening compatible with crazy-paving pattern in a 61 year old male with COVID-19 infection

  12. Consolidation


  14. Patchy consolidation

  15. Dif iffuse bila ilateral consolidative opacities and ple leural effusion B C A

  16. Residual & resolution

  17. Reversed halo sig ign

  18. Reversed halo

  19. Subpleural bands Linear opacity & Residual GGO

  20. Arterial Thrombosis & PTE

  21. Covid & PTE two coronal pulmonary ct angiography images in a 64 year old patient with sever covid-19 pneumonia show diffuse GGO in both lungs field lung and large filling defect and emboli in segmental branches of right and left pulmonary arteries (red circle)

  22. Covid & Mesenteric ischemia

  23. Atypical & rare finding

  24. ch ches est CT scan with ithout con ontrast in in a 23 23 yea ear old old fem emale e with ith covi vid-19 19 pneu eumonia ia show unila ilateral l and unif ifocal gr ground gla glass op opaciti ties (G (GGO) with ith in intr tralesional bronchiectasis(red arrow)and vascular en enla largemen ent(yel ellow arrow)

  25. Pneumothorax and COVID-19 :38 38 y old ld male

  26. Peribronchovascular

  27. SPN


  29. FIG 1:(A) four axial non contrast ct scan images show: multifocal subpleural patchy consolidative opacities compatible with COVID-19 19 pneumonia confirmed with PCR test (B) ten day later at same levels: significant response to drug treatment with a small right pneumothorax (black arrow) and an irregular wall cavitary lesion about 40 mm in diameter(white arrows) at right upper lobe which are extremely rare imaging finding in COVID-19 19 pneumonia

  30. Pneumomediastinum

  31. FIG FIG2: case no 2 a 40 year old male with patchy consolidative opacities on both lungs field in favor of covid-19 infection with pneumomediastinum and left pneumothorax


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