technical working group meeting

Technical Working Group Meeting July 14, 2020 1. Greetings and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Technical Working Group Meeting July 14, 2020 1. Greetings and Introductions Agenda Agenda 2. Member Agency Updates and Logistics RRWA and member agency announcements regarding coordination and communications during SIP 2. Member

  1. Technical Working Group Meeting July 14, 2020

  2. 1. Greetings and Introductions

  3. Agenda

  4. Agenda

  5. 2. Member Agency Updates and Logistics • RRWA and member agency announcements regarding coordination and communications during SIP

  6. 2. Member Agency Updates and Logistics • Reminder: 2020/2021 TWG meeting dates − August − September 8, 2020 − October 13, 2020 − November 10, 2020 − December 8, 2020 − January − February 9, 2021 − March − April 13, 2021 − May − June 8, 2021

  7. 3. Presentation Our Water Our World Suzanne Bontempo, Plant Harmony, IPM Advocate

  8. Ou Our W Water er – Ou Our W World Pesticide Reduction Training & Mentoring Program Suzanne Bontempo of Plant Harmony - and - Our Water Our World Program manager

  9. 16 R Retaile lers i in n the he Our W Water er Our W World Partner ership

  10. The Our W Water O r Our W Worl orld Prog ogram am Program Go Goals • Raise awareness of the connection between pesticide use and water quality • Provide information to the public at the point-of-purchase about Integrated Pest Management techniques and less-toxic alternatives. • To reduce problem pesticides and meet permit requirements

  11. Trainings include identifying pests, less-toxic products, how products work, water quality issues and tips for working with customers Training g Store S e Staff Often tailored to the seasonal and invasive pests Staff are continually trained in-aisle during each visit During the 2018-2019 fiscal year, I completed 13 formal store trainings with 114 employees trained.

  12. Outreach and and Public Tabling Events and classes in stores to promote the OWOW program and less- Educational W Webinars toxic products to the P Pub ublic During the 2018-2019 fiscal year we provided 8 tablings and store special events, reaching over 562 customers . During April & May 2020, I provided 2 IPM Webinars to 91 attendees.

  13. Our W Water r Our r Wor orld P Progr ogram B Basics cs: Lab Labeling Le Less-Toxic P c Prod oducts cts

  14. Fact S Sheets a s and F Fact S Sheet Rac acks Re-filling racks on a continuing basis

  15. Fact S Sheets, s, End c cap aps & s & Shelf t f talkers

  16. IPM Pest Problem Solving Support

  17. Wor orki king a at a a Decis cisio ion-Making Lev evel el t to Crea eate C e Change Working with Buyers and Distributors at Industry Trade Shows Nor Cal Landscape & Garden – Central Garden – L&L Nursery Trade Show

  18. Partneri ring w g with h Pes estici icide de M Manuf nufact ctur urers • Work to coordinate outreach dates • Partner with OWOW message • Promote program throughout season • Create relationships with store staff • Work to support all less-toxic products • Create team atmosphere • Highlight teamwork to management

  19. 4. Program Management • Deliverables Reports • FY 2019/20 year end calculations • FY 2020/21 start − Task transitions

  20. 4. Program Management • RRWA staffing FY 2020/21 − Andy Rodgers, Executive Director − Vanessa Apodaca, PE, Senior Engineer o Colleen Hunt, Regulatory Specialist − Sabrina Marson, Admin/Technical Specialist − Josh Steiner, EIT, Staff Engineer • Primary Subcontractors/Expenses − TIV (Streets to Creeks) − Trilogy (safe medicine) − OWOW (IPM) − Sonoma Water (education program) − CASQA (membership) − SSU (Rising Waters) − Sponsorships (cleanups, memberships)

  21. 4. Program Management • RRWA SharePoint − Deliverable Reports ( Activities and Deliverables Reports) − Board and Technical Working Group distribution lists – Please review and update (Governance and Administration>Distribution Lists) − RRWA 2020/21 Work Plan, text and budget. (Governance and Administration>Work Plans>RRWA 2020- 21 Work Plan) • Executive Director review • TWG roles and responsibilities

  22. 5. 2020/2021 Work Plan Kick-off • Subcommittees − Safe Medicine & Sharps − Social Media − Russian River Friendly Landscaping Program − Public Effectiveness Survey − Rising Waters − Watershed Collaborative • Planning for other key projects − Advocacy (regulations, legislation, funding, collaborations ) − Outreach/engagement (publications, publicity, networking) − MS4 permit compliance support o Stormwater activities table o Streets to Creeks − CASQA group membership − Regional Monitoring Program (R3MP) − Sonoma Water - Water Education Program − Student Video Contest − LID Training − OWOW − Upper RR

  23. 6. Storm Water Program Updates • Co-permittee meeting • Effectiveness Assessment − TWG directed restart − Subcommittee/SGA launched survey − By 7/10, 325 responses City/Town/County Total Santa Rosa 259 received = 81% of goal! Unincorporated Sonoma County 17 − Response breakdown Windsor 12 Sebastopol 11 by area Rohnert Park 6 Sonoma 6 − Please work with your Other (please specify) 6 staff to share this survey with as Cotati 5 Healdsburg 2 many residents as possible! Cloverdale 1 Ukiah 0 Unincorporated Mendocino County 0

  24. 7. Russian River Watershed Coordination • Regional Monitoring Program (R3MP) − Core group meeting July 9 o R3MP been approved as essential project o Materials from 1/20 meeting updated on website o Phase II work plan scope moving forward − Next core group meeting reconvening soon to plan and schedule Steering Committee meeting

  25. 7. Russian River Watershed Coordination • SSU Rising WATERS − Homelessness in Watersheds − Leadership planning workshop - July 16 o Environment, water, health and social services − Issues and Studies workshop – August o Pan-sectors identify possible solutions and multi- disciplinary faculty-student teams begin research − Solutions Workshop – December 2020 o Faculty/student teams present initial study results and brainstorm with leadership team to hone solutions − Results Workshop – May 2021 o Final presentations to leadership team and others

  26. 8. Forum and Advocacy •Regional Water Board meeting – June 18 − Laguna TMDL update •Grant Funding − CA Dept of Conservation: Watershed Coordinator Program o Focus on SGMA basins, due 9/15 o RRWA participated in coordination call with RCDs, Permit Sonoma, Sonoma Water, SEC, Laguna Foundation o $100,000/year for 3 years ($1.5M available) − Prop 68: Groundwater Treatment and Remediation The SWRCB has a streamline Solicitation for Severely Disadvantaged Communities for groundwater treatment and remediation grants. Due July 17, 2020. Approximately $16 million available. The program aims to fund O&M/improvements to existing infrastructure. More Info: sitions/prop68.html

  27. 9. RRWA Outreach • Daily Acts ‘Be The Change’ Campaign − RRWA will be sending out a weekly message about conserving water for posting/ sharing with your network Examples: Caption: In addition to our list of Caption: Slow it, spread it, sink it, Daily Acts’ favorite plants, we LOVE store it! There are so many ways you this list of Russian-River friendly can implement in-ground rainwater plants you can use in your landscape, storage in your garden, like using including the fun and colorful permeable pathways. Check out this Strawberry Tree! Get inspired by the awesome brochure by the Russian Russian River Watershed River Watershed Association, Association’s complete list here: Sonoma Resource Conservation District, and LandSmart to learn content/uploads/2016/03/RRWA_Ri more about stormwater ver-Friendly-Plants_FINAL.pdf management: http://www.rrwaters content/uploads/2018/07/SRCD-S4- Brochure_V4.pdf Take action to recharge your local aquifer today, by signing up for our Be the Change Campaign:

  28. 9. RRWA Outreach • Environmental Articles − Schedule projected through January 2021 o 2020/21 Work Plan Sign-up sheet Month Agency Draft Due to RRWA Topic Guest Author: Fire-Smart and Water-Wise: Tips for a Resilient July May 29 Daily Acts Landscape August Sebastopol June 30 Car Washing: Clean Car - Clean Environment September Cotati July 31 TBD October Ukiah August 31 TBD November Healdsburg September 30 TBD December Santa Rosa October 30 TBD County of January November 30 TBD Mendocino

  29. 10. Safe Medicine and Sharps • Subcommittee meeting June 29 update − Update from CPSC on DHCS Grant ( Also presenting at July 23 RRWA Board Meeting ) o June 22 Six (6) new take back sites in Sonoma County • Healdsburg, Windsor, Santa Rosa (3), and Rohnert Park o June 22 Three (3) new take-back sites in Mendocino County • Fort Bragg, Willits and Ukiah o July Distribution of medication envelopes o Sonoma County and Mendocino sites listed on RRWA web map and at − Next Subcommittee meeting scheduled for July 22

  30. 11. Russian River-Friendly Landscaping • Subcommittee Meeting July 9 • Biennial event − First week of February ‘21 − Theme and speakers − Virtual • Carbon Gardening − Scope in development


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