legacy pesticides effects on water supply and ocean water

Legacy Pesticides Effects on Water Supply and Ocean Water Quality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Legacy Pesticides Effects on Water Supply and Ocean Water Quality Concerns about legacy pesticides Evaluated extensively in environmental review, design and DDW review processes Few legacy pesticides detected in RTP source waters Of

  1. Legacy Pesticides Effects on Water Supply and Ocean Water Quality

  2. Concerns about legacy pesticides Evaluated extensively in environmental review, • design and DDW review processes Few legacy pesticides detected in RTP source waters • Of those detected, all were below safe drinking • water levels or will be below safe drinking water levels after treatment in the RTP AWPF provides extra protection: >99.98% removal • Detailed info at: PureWaterMonterey.org/FAQs •

  3. Pesticide Removal Through Treatment Prior to RO & UV/AOP 1000 World Health Organization drinking water guidance value 800 Concentration (ng/L) 600 400 200 Drinking Water Detection Limit 0 DDT Primary influent Secondary effluent Ozone effluent MF effluent

  4. Pesticide Removal Through Treatment Prior to RO & UV/AOP 30 World Health Organization drinking water guidance value 25 Concentration (ng/L) 20 15 Drinking Water Detection Limit 10 5 0 Dieldrin Primary influent Secondary effluent Ozone effluent MF effluent


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