The CNGS Target Station Technical Study By t he Target Working Group L. Bruno Present ed by Targets & Dumps Section AB/ ATB NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 1 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
The CNGS Target Station OUTLI NE 1. I ntroduction 2. Shielding 3. Target Unit 4. Structural issues 5. Summary NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 2 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
I ntroduction (t hat is, what I will say and what I will NOT… ) Subjects covered in previous workshops � Driving parameters � Conceptual design philosophy � Target conf iguration and optimization Subjects covered in THI S workshop � Engineering design of the shielding � Engineering design of the target � New issues and developments NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 3 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Layout - Vertical view Horn limit Target enclosure Crane limit Shield Steel f rame Target assembly Proton beam Horiz. Base plane Fixed st ruct ure “Handled” st ruct ure NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 4 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Layout - Front view I ron shield Passage Cavern side side Cap No access Side wall Side wall Side wall marble Proton beam Target enclosure 800x1400x3200 mm 3 Base NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 5 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Target handling Fiducials m a e B Alignment table Collimator Unit exchange mechanism Base table BPKG monitor NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 6 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Mobile shielding cap Manual Coupling Quick Guiding disconnect Flat rail rail Passage Cavern side side NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 7 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Mobile shielding – Top view Switches Threaded shaf ts Motor Collimator Jacks Beam BPKG Target magazine Rail transition Rail sections NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 8 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Mobile shielding – Side view Coupling Slope 0. 5% Horizontal Motor B e a m NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 9 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Target Alignment Court esy of D.Missiaen Alignment is based on: � 2 horizontal bars f or : � t ransversal alignment � raw vert ical alignment � 2 vertical back- up bars used f or accurat e vert ical Passage Cavern alignment side side Bars are: � removable � equipped wit h f iducials � equipped wit h clinomet er No access � ~1.2 ÷ 1.8 m long � inclin. < 0.05 / 5 mrad (H/ V) � provided wit h an Base horizont alizat ion syst em Proton beam NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 10 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Alignment by the horizontal bars Court esy of D.Missiaen Vertical measurements perf ormed by means of an opt ical level using a deep ref erence and/ or t he adj acent component s. Accuracy is not bet t er t han 0.15mm because of t he bar inclinat ion. Horizontal measurements Done by a mot orized t acheomet er driven by a PC. The operat or is f ar f rom t he area. Accuracy is in t he range of 0.1 mm . The operat or has t o inst all and level t he bar in a radioact ive area (short t ime). Not e: vert ical measurement s can be improved t o bet t er t hat 0.1 mm accuracy by using t he vert ical PC- driven bars. Access t o t he radioact ive t op shielding is tacheometer rest rict ed t o long shut -downs NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 11 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Target handling Fiducials m a e B Alignment table Collimator Unit exchange mechanism Base table BPKG monitor NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 12 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Target unit End cap The target unit is conceived as a static sealed system f illed with inert gas. The tube has annular f ins to enhance convective heat transf er. Light materials are used to limit the heat load. Downstream Sealed Window f inned tube I nert gas Central tube Target Support p a c d n E MATERI ALS Tube: Al- Mg alloy Windows: Be by Brush & Wellman Target Support: Carbon Fiber reinf orced Carbon Upstream Target rod: Fine- grain graphite hexagonal boron nitride, CFC Window NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 13 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Unit Windows EB weld Be- Al joint B e B & W n d o w w i (Ø1. 5”) B e B & W w w i n d o Beam (Ø4”) Aluminium St. Steel alloy 5083 NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 14 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Upstream end cap “Pinch- of f ” I nner support Helicof lex C- C Support Structure NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 15 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Central Tube Outer Outer I nner supports support support A- A B- B Ref erence surf ace B- B NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion A- A 7-11 November 2003 16 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Carbon Support Structure Common ref . surf ace Traversing I nner supports Cooling rod supports apertures NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 17 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Target elements – a new issue New addit ional st udies perf ormed by an analyt ical model point out t hat … � I f t he t arget unit is cold (st art -up)… � and a f irst prot on spill of ult imat e int ensit y… � hit s t he t arget wit h t he worst misalignment … � f ollowed by a second, similarly misaligned spill… � and st resses add up in t he worst way , Then … NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 18 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Maximum total stress [MPa] in a 2020PT graphit e t arget rod …unaccept able st resses are f ound NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 19 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Target Material hBN Graphite 78 5 78 5 σ 4P α Young M. [GPa] / σ t [MPa] Young M. [GPa] / σ t [MPa] C p [kJ/kg°C] α [µm/m °C] C p [kJ/kg°C] α [µm/m °C] 65 4 65 4 52 3 52 3 α || E σ 4P c p 39 2 39 2 c p 26 1 26 1 E 13 0 13 0 α ┴ 0 -1 0 -1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C] NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 20 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Summary Status in November 2003 1. The detailed design of the target station is being worked out; 2. The choice of the alignment procedure is being f inalized; 3. The target assembly is being optimized (manuf acturing, integration, … ) 4. The interf aces f or handling, cooling, beam instrumentation and alignment are being def ined. 5. The worst- case stresses are presently an issue. NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 21 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Planning overview 2001 2005 2002 2003 2004 Twg Twg Conceptual design Twg Engineering study 1 st Review Technical study Manuf acturing 2 nd Review I nstallation NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 22 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
Target element NBI 2003 – CNGS Target St at ion 7-11 November 2003 23 Present at ion by L.Bruno (CERN AB/ ATB)
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