technical advisory committee review

Technical Advisory Committee Review September 16, 2019 Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 Draft CTMP Presentation Technical Advisory Committee Review September 16, 2019 Presentation Outline Introductions and Overview Technical content review Discussion Funding and Implementation Discussion Wrap up and Next

  1. 1 Draft CTMP Presentation Technical Advisory Committee Review September 16, 2019

  2. Presentation Outline  Introductions and Overview  Technical content review  Discussion  Funding and Implementation  Discussion  Wrap up and Next steps 2

  3. Overview and Project Background 3

  4. 4 CTMP Scope  Comprehensive Transportation Management Plan  Requirement of LCP for Midcoast Unincorporated San Mateo County

  5. 5 Timeline 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 • Board Approval • TAC review: • TAC review: • Continuing Technical • Project Kick-off • Buildout Analysis • Revised Land Use Work • TAC/MCC/HMB • Trans. Alternatives and Transportation • Development of Draft • Land Use Strategies Introduction Alternatives CTMP • Public Workshop #1 • MCC/HMB Presentation • Public Workshop #4 • Revised Scope for • Public Workshop #2 (Introduction) (Improvements) • Buildout Analysis • Planning Commission Moss Beach (Alternatives) • Revised Public Roundabout Analysis Report • Revised Scope for and Project Outreach Scope • TAC Review: Cypress Roundabout Completion • TAC review: • Forecast/Standard Analysis • Roundabout Charette • Draft CTMP • MCC/HMB Presentation • Continuing Technical • Public Workshop #3 Work (Forecast/Standards) • Planning Commission

  6. Coordination with Other Studies  Highway 1 Safety and Mobility Improvement Studies  Highway 1 Congestion Management Project  City of Half Moon Bay General Plan Update  Plan Princeton  San Mateo County Congestion Management Plan  Golden Gate National Recreation Area Parking Assessment 6

  7. Transportation Performance Standards Proposed for Midcoast Region 7

  8. Intersection Level of Service  Minor Changes as Average Control Delay (sec/veh) Level of compared to Countywide Description Service Signalized Unsignalized Intersections 1 Intersections C/CAG CMP standards ≤ 10 ≤ 10 A Free flow/Insignificant Delay > 10 and ≤ 20 > 10 and ≤ 15  Addition of Caltrans B Stable Operation/Minimal Delay > 20 and ≤ 35 > 15 and ≤ 25 C Stable Operation/Acceptable Delay warrant impact threshold > 35 and ≤ 55 > 25 and ≤ 35 D Approaching Unstable/Tolerable Delay  Inclusion of roundabouts > 5 5 and ≤ 80 > 35 and ≤ 50 E Unstable Operation/Significant Delay as community preferred F > 80 > 50 Forced Flow/Excessive Delay Source: 2000 Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, 2000 . control method Notes: 1 Worst Approach Delay (in seconds per vehicle) for Unsignalized Intersections 8

  9. Roadway Level of Service  Existing Standard based only on volume and 𝐸𝑓𝑚𝑏𝑧 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑦 = 𝑄𝑓𝑏𝑙 𝐼𝑝𝑣𝑠 𝑈𝑠𝑏𝑤𝑓𝑚 𝑈𝑗𝑛𝑓 Capacity 𝐺𝑠𝑓𝑓𝑔𝑚𝑝𝑥 𝑈𝑠𝑏𝑤𝑓𝑚 𝑈𝑗𝑛𝑓  Infeasible given lack of Deficiency Standard is: alternative routes and no • 3.0 with over 80% bicycle facility coverage desire to widen Highway 1 • 2.0 with under 80% bicycle facility coverage  Proposed revision of standard based on travel time and multimodal cross-section 9

  10. Pedestrian Level of Service  No Existing Standards Pedestrian Demand Medium to Hot Spots Traffic Volumes (veh/hr) Suggested Improvements Low High (Key (Empty) (Land Use) Destinations)  Proposed design standards 0-800 Crosswalk X X Crosswalk X X based on pedestrian demand Ladder Crosswalk X 800-1600 Intersection Lighting X X and adjacent vehicle demand Pedestrian Signal/PPB (Sig) X X Countdown in Signal (Sig) X Crosswalk X X Ladder Crosswalk X X Pedestrian Demand Intersection Lighting X X Traffic Volumes Suggested 1600-2000 Medium to Pedestrian Signal/PPB (Sig) X X Low (veh/hr) Improvements High Hot Spots (Empty) Countdown in Signal (Sig) X X (Land Use) Beacon Signs for Pedestrians X (Unsig) 0-800 Walkways X X Crosswalk X X Walkways X X Ladder Crosswalk X X Curb X X Intersection Lighting X X 800-1600 Pedestrian Signal/PPB (Sig) X X Ped scale street X X lighting > 2000 Countdown in Signal (Sig) X X Beacon Signs for Pedestrians Walkways X X X X (Unsig) Curb X X X Curb Extensions X > 1600 Ped scale street Median Refuge (4+ lanes) X X X lighting Intersection Treatments Presence of X buffer Segment Treatments 10

  11. Bicycle Level of Service  No Existing Standards Bicycle Demand Traffic Volumes (veh/hr) Suggested Improvements Low Medium High  Proposed design standards 0-800 Class III bikeway X X X based on gap closure and Class III bikeway X 800-1600 Class II bikeway X X adjacent vehicle demand Class II bikeway X X Class IV separated bikeway X 1600-2000  Proposed 85% recreational Intersection bike detection (Signal) X destination bicycle parking Class II bikeway X utilization standard to Class IV separated bikeway X X encourage usage Intersection bike detection (Signal) X X > 2000 Dashed intersection bike lane X Left-turn intersection bike lane X Facility and Intersection Treatments 11

  12. Transit Level of Service  No Existing Standards  Proposed 85% utilization for route frequency  Amenity standards focused on local context rather than compared to high demand transit corridors 12

  13. Buildout Conditions Based on Constrained Forecast 13

  14. Land Use Strategies  Lot Merger Program  Lot Retirement Program  Development Review and Distribution of Transportation Mitigation Fee fee based on Total Project List Cost project size and Program impact 14

  15. Intersection Deficiencies Currently undergoing Caltrans ICE analysis process to review control options Deficient Deficient and meets warrant 15

  16. Roadway Deficiencies Weekend Peak AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Hour Freeflow Direction Operating Location Travel of Travel Standard Travel Travel Travel Time (s) Delay Delay Delay Time Time Time Index Index Index (min) (min) (min) NB 08:02 1.24 08:24 1.29 08:34 1.32 Highway 1 from 1 st Street to Mirada 2 6.5 SB 08:28 1.30 08:38 1.33 18:31 2.85 Road Deficient without parallel bicycle facilities 16

  17. Intersection and Roadway Projects  Deficiency Projects  Project Sources   Intersection Control Highway 1 Safety and Roundabout or Signal Mobility Study  Development Impact  Safety and Circulation identification  Paved shoulder and curb  CTMP analysis  Turn lanes and acceleration lanes  Side street stop signs  Local street calming  SR-92 lanes and signage 17

  18. Pedestrian and Bicycle Deficiencies  Significant Systemwide lack of:  Safe pedestrian crossings  Defined cross-section with grade-separation between vehicle and pedestrian travel  Comprehensive bicycle facilities 18

  19. Pedestrian and Bicycle Projects  Deficiency Projects  Project Sources  Regular pedestrian  Highway 1 Safety and crossings with beacons Mobility Study  Highway 1 Parallel Trail  CTMP analysis  Highway 1 Class II bicycle lanes  Safety and Circulation  El Granada and Moss Beach pedestrian and bicycle improvements  Parallel bicycle facilities 19

  20. Transit and Parking Projects  Deficiency Projects  Project Sources   Transit shelter Highway 1 Safety and installation Mobility Study  Coastside Access Study  Safety and Circulation  CTMP analysis  Park & Ride lots  Increased Samtrans Service frequency  Increased recreational parking facilities 20

  21. TAC Discussion Standards, Deficiencies, and Project Lists 21

  22. Funding and Implementation 22

  23. Identified Project Costs Total Project Cost Facility (in 2018 dollars) Roadway $33,341,200 Pedestrian and Bicycle $63,802,800 Parking $2,794,800 Recommended Projects Total $99,938,800 23

  24. Funding Sources and Categorization  Federal  Highway Improvements/Roadway  DoT Maintenance  FHWA  State  Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements  Caltrans  Enhancement/TOD/Transportation for  Office of Traffic Safety  Dept of Park and Rec & Livable Communities/Congestion Natural Resources Agency Management  Regional  Transit Capital/Operations  MTC  BAAQMD  Safety  C/CAG 24

  25. Implementation Priority Actions Implementation Action Lead and Partners Project Completion Date Implement Lot Merger Program County Planning Staff June 2020 Complete Project Implementation County Planning Staff with Documents for Moss Beach June 2020 Consultant Assistance Roundabouts Complete Construction of Phase 1 of San Mateo County Department of December 2021 Parallel Trail Planning and Building Develop Transportation Impact Fee San Mateo County Departments of Ordinance for Public Review and Planning and Building and Public December 2020 Board Adoption Works Ongoing Actions Caltrans, San Mateo County Departments of Parks and Public Works, Transportation Facility Maintenance California State Parks, GGNRA, Private Land Owners Monitor Auto Traffic Monitor Building Permits for New San Mateo County Departments of Planning and Building Construction Seek and Obtain Grant Funds for San Mateo County Departments of Planning and Building, Parks, and CTMP Projects Public Works; California State Parks, C/CAG Collaborated with SamTrans and C/CAG on Bus Service San Mateo County Departments of Planning and Building Improvements 25


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