rpa 8 lrtp

RPA 8 LRTP Chapter 4 Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Impact Speed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RPA 8 LRTP Chapter 4 Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Impact Speed and a Pedestrians Risk of Injury or Death Source: Federal Highway Administration, Small Town and Rural Multi Modal Networks December 2016. Bike and Pedestrian Involved

  1. RPA 8 LRTP Chapter 4 Bicycle and Pedestrian

  2. Safety Impact Speed and a Pedestrian’s Risk of Injury or Death Source: Federal Highway Administration, “Small Town and Rural Multi Modal Networks” December 2016.

  3. Bike and Pedestrian Involved Crashes Bicycle and Pedestrian Involved Crashes 2012-2016 Severity Crashes Fatal 2 Major Injury 14 Minor Injury 38 Possible/Unknown 46 Property Damage Only 4 Total 104

  4. Improvements National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) http://nacto.org/

  5. Improvements Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/bicycle_pedestrian/

  6. Paved Shoulder Source: Federal Highway Administration, “Small Town and Rural Multi Modal Networks” December 2016. p. 3 -5.

  7. Paved Shoulder

  8. Bike Lane Source: Federal Highway Administration, “Small Town and Rural Multi Modal Networks” December 2016. p. 3 -13.

  9. Bike Lane Clinton 5 th Ave S Bike Lane

  10. Separated Bike Lane Source: Federal Highway Administration, “Small Town and Rural Multi Modal Networks” December 2016. p. 4 -27.

  11. Separated Bike Lane Johnston Protected Bike Lane 1,000 feet long 3 ft curb with plastic posts Connects between two sections of off street trail Photo Source: Cedar Rapids Gazette. http://www.thegazette.com/subject/opinion/guest- columnists/its-time-to-build-protected-bike-lanes-on-iowa- roadways-20160724

  12. Pedestrian Crossings Sidewalks, Curb Extensions, and Median Islands Source: Federal Highway Administration, “Small Town and Rural Multi Modal Networks” December 2016. p. 2 -14..

  13. Interim Improvements Quick Timeline Low Cost Enables faster project delivery and more flexible and responsive design Minneapolis Painted Curbs http://www.minneapolismn.gov/pedestrian/projects/WCMS1P-151213 http://www.startribune.com/death-comes-as-minneapolis-looks-at-pedestrian-safety/245638651/ https://www.google.com/maps/@44.9466081,- 93.2944,3a,75y,301.87h,56.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgnQ86K4KA32c_Zj6pEzPag!2e0!7i13312!8i66 56!6m1!1e1

  14. Planned Facilities

  15. Clinton County Planned Facilities

  16. Clinton County Planned Facilities

  17. Delaware County Planned Facilities

  18. Delaware County Planned Facilities

  19. Dubuque County Planned Facilities

  20. Dubuque County Planned Facilities

  21. Jackson County Planned Facilities

  22. Jackson County Planned Facilities

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