teachers for teaching algebra in the

Teachers for Teaching Algebra in the Age of the Common Core State - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Preparing Secondary Mathematics Teachers for Teaching Algebra in the Age of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics AACTE Meeting Indianapolis March 2, 2014 Partially supported by grants 1109256 & 1109239 from the National

  1. Preparing Secondary Mathematics Teachers for Teaching Algebra in the Age of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics AACTE Meeting – Indianapolis March 2, 2014 Partially supported by grants 1109256 & 1109239 from the National Science Foundation

  2. Critical Question for Teacher Education What opportunities are mathematics teacher preparation programs providing pre-service teachers to prepare to teach what’s described in the Common Core? Today we would like to share data from a project that begins to address this question.

  3. Preparing to Teach Algebra Project • Collaborative work between MSU & Purdue • Investigates OTL in secondary math teacher prep programs • Focuses on preparation for teaching algebra – Foundation for higher mathematics – Gatekeeper for college and careers – A civil right

  4. 2013-14 PTA Research Team MSU Purdue Yukiko Maeda Sharon Senk Jill Newton Jeffrey Craig Vivian Alexander Jia He Andrew Hoffman Leonardo Medel Hyunyi Jung Eryn Stehr Alexia Mintos Jenna Beckley Anavi Nahar Dana Smith

  5. PTA Research Question What opportunities do secondary mathematics teacher preparation programs provide to learn about – algebra, – algebra teaching, – issues in achieving equity in algebra learning, – algebra, functions, and modeling standards and mathematical practices described in the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics?

  6. PTA Design • National survey of institutions with programs preparing secondary mathematics teachers • Case studies of programs at 5 institutions – Three Midwestern Universities selected before we began the survey – Two additional institutions from Southeast and West selected based on survey

  7. PTA Timeline Year Survey Case Studies 2011-12 Sample selected Interview protocols Survey items written Developed, piloted, & Survey piloted & revised revised 2012-13 Survey administered Interviews with instructors & Data analysis & focus groups with PSTs began dissemination began 2013-14 Data analysis Data collection ended completed Data analysis began

  8. Sampling and Response Rates Institution Response Percent of Sampled N Responded N Type rate sample Bachelors 176 52 30% 40% Masters 160 48 30% 37% Doctorate 64 31 48% 24% Total 400 131 33% 100%

  9. Characteristics of Largest Secondary Math Teacher Prep Program at Institution • Length – 81 % 4- or 5-year B.A. or B.S – 19% post BA or MAT • Certification – 3% Middle grades only – 22% High school only – 74% Combined middle and high school • Size (average of last three years) – Minimum = 0; maximum 52 – Median n = 5; mean n = 9

  10. Required Courses and Credits Mean Number of Mean Number of Type of Course Courses Credits (Advanced) 11.3 35 Mathematics Mathematics primarily 4 1.2 for Teachers Mathematics Education 2.3 7 (e.g., methods courses) Other Education 9.5 27

  11. Required Mathematics Courses % of Responses Answering the Course is Required 100% 96% 90% 93% 86% 86% 80% 70% 74% 67% 60% 62% 50% 49% 40% 44% 37% 30% 32% 20% 24% 19% 10% 0%

  12. Opportunities to Learn 100% 90% 80% 70% Missing 60% Don't know 50% No extent 40% Little extent Some extent 30% Great extent 20% 10% 0% Algebra Algebra Equity CCSSM teaching

  13. Number of Opportunities Mentioned by Instructors at University Beta 350 320 300 250 200 150 100 80 40 37 50 8 4 0 Math Math Education Math for Teachers Learn Algebra Learn to Teach Algebra

  14. Number of Opportunities Mentioned by Instructors at University Kappa 180 158 160 140 120 100 80 60 36 32 40 19 20 0 Math Math Education Learn Algebra Learn to Teach Algebra

  15. Changes based on CCSSM 6% 13% Discussions not begun 13% Discussions begun, but not changes Minor changes 29% Major changes 39% Not familiar with CCSSM

  16. Changes Influenced by the CCSSM Location Implemented % Planned % Math Education Courses 82 68 Math Courses 11 19 Math for teachers courses 07 13 Focus Implemented % Planned % CCSSM Mathematical Practices 52 64 CCSSM Mathematical Content 35 21 Assessments Associated with CCSSM 13 15

  17. Example Changes • Primarily through assignments in upper level mathematics courses in which students connect the mathematics in their college courses to that specified in the CCSS for MS and HS. • Requiring students to connect lesson plans to CCSSM Comparing SMPs to NCTM process standards. Watching videos looking for evidence of SMPs Locating tasks to meet particular CCSSM standards. • We have planned some courses that will be primarily focused on teaching middle school mathematics. These will be available to any who want to be certified to teach secondary mathematics. We are piloting Geometry for middle school teachers in Spring 2013. The set of courses will focus on knowledge for teaching mathematics and CCSS Math.

  18. Summary of Key Findings • Significant variation in the paths to be secondary mathematics teachers within and between institutions • PSTs have extensive coursework to provide OTL algebra in advanced mathematics courses • Programs are less likely to provide OTL to teach algebra or to learn about the algebra, functions & modeling strands in CCSSM • Programs are generally not providing opportunities to learn about equity issues in algebra • Many programs have made changes to address some aspects of CCSSM

  19. PTA Publication Newton, J., Maeda, Y., Senk, S. L., Alexander, V. (2014). How well are secondary mathematics teacher education programs aligned with the recommendations made in MET II ? Notices of the American Mathematical Society , 61(3) , 292-5.

  20. Contact Us Jeffrey Craig: craigjef@msu.edu Yukiko Maeda: ymaeda@purdue.edu Sharon Senk: senk@msu.edu PTA website: http://ptaproject.wordpress.com/


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