Teacher and Administrator Development Presentation to Board of Education San Mateo County Office of Education Lori Musso & Cheryl Agrawal Wednesday, July 18th www.smcoe.org
SMCOE Strategic Plan Goal 2 Advance the profession and value of educators through recruitment, retention, workforce diversity, leadership development, communication, and career-long professional learning www.smcoe.org
Lori Musso Associate Superintendent HR/Teacher & Administrator Development Cheryl Agrawal Director Teacher & Administrator Development www.smcoe.org
Stacey Tisor Griffith Montgomery Coordinator, Teacher Induction Coordinator, Teacher Induction - Education Specialists Elizabeth Veal Coordinator, Teacher Heidi Joyner, EdD Induction and Leadership Coordinator, Leadership and Brian Allen Administrator Services Coordinator, Leadership and Administrator Services www.smcoe.org
Classified Teacher Grant 50 Credential Candidates Teacher Induction (New Teachers) 315 Teachers / year (since 2002, nearly 3,000 General Education and Education Specialists teachers served) Teacher Induction (Mentor / Support Provider) 125 Support Providers (annually) Teacher Leader Series 25 teacher leaders Administrative Services Credentials: 93 leaders Preliminary (PASC) (since Feb 2016) 147 site and district Administrative Services Credentials: administrators (since 2012) Clear (ACT II) 70 administrators in Santa Cruz County (Santa Cruz COE satellite program) www.smcoe.org
Our programs all Classified Employee Grant (Teaching Credential) support and complement one Teacher Induction (New Teachers) another. Teacher Induction (Mentor / Support Provider) Teacher Leader Administrative Services Credentials: Preliminary and Clear (PASC) and (ACT II) www.smcoe.org
Our Equity Lens Equity exists when every learner receives the developmentally appropriate social, emotional, and academic support to thrive in life, college, and career. Our role is to strategically support educators to identify, assess, and develop their beliefs and practices for how they impact student learning. -SMCOE Teacher And Administrator Development Excellence and Equity in Education Every Student � Every Teacher � Every School
Here’s How We Model Deep Learning for our Leaders www.smcoe.org
56 leaders Cohort 1: Cohort 2: 23 leaders 33 leaders earned credentials (2016-2018) Currently 37 leaders in our program (scheduled to finish Feb 2019) We’ve impacted � every public school district in San Mateo County (including SMCOE) � local charters (Design Tech, Connect Community, and Edison Charter in SF) � neighboring districts (SFUSD, Palo Alto Unified, Newark Unified, Mountain View School District) � local catholic schools www.smcoe.org
Our Equity Lens Equity exists when every learner receives the developmentally appropriate social, emotional, and academic support to thrive in life, college, and career. Our role is to strategically support educators to identify, assess, and develop their beliefs and practices for how they impact student learning. -SMCOE Teacher And Administrator Development Excellence and Equity in Education Every Student � Every Teacher � Every School
44 people 92 people want to continue working with us for their leadership 48 people growth www.smcoe.org
The reach of our administrator credential programs: 240 credentialed administrators Public Schools Charter / Catholic Schools www.smcoe.org
Future Plans ● Intern Credential Program ● Teacher Residency ● Preliminary Teacher Credential Program www.smcoe.org
Thank you for your support of this work to develop and retain excellent educators in San Mateo County. www.smcoe.org
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