tea eam net etball shaped by our values honouring our

TEA EAM NET ETBALL Shaped by our values, honouring our - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TEA EAM NET ETBALL Shaped by our values, honouring our achievements. Our ur V Value ues Caring, striving, disciplined, resilient & reflective. Holis istic ic T Train inin ing Programme Study sessions Yearly camp and


  2. Shaped by our values, honouring our achievements.

  3. Our ur V Value ues Caring, striving, disciplined, resilient & reflective.

  4. Holis istic ic T Train inin ing Programme ★ Study sessions ★ Yearly camp and community service ★ Sports workshops and mental training to build character & mental skills ★ Exploring abilities beyond Netball - other sports, aesthetics

  5. Over ersea seas C s Cultural Trip, B Bangko kok k 201 1 9 9

  6. Values es-in in-Action 2 201 1 9 9 We volunteered at the Christian Outreach for the Handicapped for our 201 9 VIA project.

  7. Values es-in in-Action 2 201 1 8 8 Tam ampines R Regional al Librar ary @ @ OTH

  8. The e Mindset et of Ch Champions: Men ental Toughness ss Strateg egies es f for CCA CCA, S Studies, and Li Life Spor orts Wor orkshop op, 2 201 9

  9. Spor orts Clinic by by Team Nam amibia a @ M1 Netbal all Nat ations C Cup 20 201 9

  10. Yea early Net etball A Apprec eciation Camp

  11. Beac ach T Trai aining

  12. Nat ational als 20 201 9 ‘B’ Division: 2 nd th ‘C’ Division: 4

  13. Nat ational als 201 8 Nat ational als 20 201 7 th ‘C’ Division: 2 nd ‘B’ Division: 4

  14. Ter ermly C Cel eleb ebrations

  15. Netball F ll Friendly ly 2 201 9

  16. Netball F ll Friendly ly 2 201 9 In s support of t thei eir ‘O’ L Lev evel el a asses essmen ent practical a activity req equirem emen ent

  17. Netball ll Car arnival als

  18. Direct School A Admissi ssions s 201 9 In s support of t thei eir ‘O’ L Lev evel el a asses essmen ent practical a activity req equirem emen ent

  19. Sp Sports C Course se Immersi sion 201 8 @ @ Republic P c Polytech chnic c

  20. We ar are a f a fam amily...

  21. ...with s stron ong root oots. National Netball Player, CHARMAINE SOH, was from St. Hilda’s.

  22. Tal l , passi onat e about Net bal l , and enj oy chal l engi ng your sel f ? J oi n us.


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