HISTORY • According to Teavana (2014), since tea was first discovered in China.Tea is the most popular beverage in the world as well as one of the healthiest. http://www.teavana.com/tea-info/history-of-tea
BENEFIT OF TEA • improve health • Improve Brain Function and Make You Smarter • Increases Fat Burning and Improves Physical Performance • Lower Your Risk of Various Types of Cancer • Protect Your Brain in Old Age, Lowering Your Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s • Kill Bacteria, Improves Dental Health Help You Lose Weight • Decrease Your Risk of Dying and Help You Live Longer http://authoritynutrition.com/top-10-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-green-tea/
WHY STUDY GREEN TEA LOGISTIC AND SUPPLY CHAIN • North Thailand, Tea is one of the most generally consumed beverages in Chang Rai as a one that can produce the tea in the top of produced • Green tea (non-fermented tea) is created the consumed in several countries in the Asian like China, Japan • also the consumption in Thailand country too.
COMPARE DEFINITION OF LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN BY CSCMP • Logistics management is • our definition it a bit that part of supply chain difference but at this management that plans, time the our definition implements, and controls of logistic and supply the efficient, and Supply chain are change in a chain management short but meaning is a encompasses the more better by the planning and thinking about the best management of all way to management in activities involved in area of supply chain and sourcing and the best process on procurement movement in logistic http://cscmp.org/about-us/supply-chain-management-definitions
VALUE OF GREEN TEA • Nowadays healthy trend is most popular in Thailand also the world. the green tea will disseminated about the benefit by the advertising ,journal, research - The private also the government sector promote this kind as a product in order to consume more in country also export to another country too. the feedback of green tea is very well and going up in the growth percentage demand in the future
HISTORY OF ASSAM TEA • Assam Tea was found in India country in Assam state. It very popular in India, Then Assam tea traveled to England. English people rename the Assam tea to Ceylon. When The King Chulalongkorn visited England he bring it back to Thailand. And planted it on the mountain in northern. Then Thai people continue plant it. http://teamuenlee.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=60&Itemid=83
HOW TO THE PROCESS GREEN TEA 1. Fresh tealeaves 2.Drying Process 3. Roasting
4.Threshing 5.Quality Checking 6.Packing http://teainstitutemfu.com/main/blog/%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B0% E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A3%E0 %B8%9C%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%8A%E0%B8%B2/
WHAT IS THE VALUE ADDED IN T&T GREEN TEA • Value added are the Quality of tea is the main idea of the customer (Is a key to let the customer are willing to pay or buy the product) because the everyone well know about the benefit of green tea that they got when their use but on one cannot check the quality of the product that Is a green tea can keep the benefit in term of t or not, or the production process is clear or not. And Service by provide the information that everyone can know about the productivities’ history by put the RFID ship to check or provide the information that this kind of product in area of when, time, how, where and also create a T&T Green Tea website that provide information of process in production , benefit of green tea , history , how to tea making, information of tea farm, information of company, to make the customer can confident in T&T Green Tea
TO COMPARE VSM CURRENT STATE AND FUTURE STATE IN TERM OF INVENTORY • beginning we take every raw material goes to the warehouse to check the number of each raw material but we forgot about the green tea live cannot wait because the time will reduce the quality of tea leaves. So we need to improve the chain in only tea leaves to go to the process in immediately and other raw materials are still to the warehouse (In red cycle)
TO COMPARE VSM CURRENT STATE AND FUTURE STATE IN TERM OF NECESSARY WASTE • the process of the VSM current state and VSM future state look like totally are same and take a lot of time to produced but we cannot cutting out because these are the necessary system in the green tea production system. However in the process we can order to add the new innovation machine or techniques to decrease the cost or the time and that can keep the quality in high grade.(Green cycle)
TO COMPARE VSM CURRENT STATE AND FUTURE STATE IN TERM OF UNNECESSARY WASTE • VSM in current state is has the wholesaler will sell the product to the customer and gain the profit margin but when we compare and know clear about the customer who are the buyer the product we can cut the whole seller to increase the profit margin in order to gain the profit the wholesaler gain before also reduce the movement in term of logistic cost to deliver the product to whole seller too.
THE 7 WASTE OF GREEN TEA • To analyze our T&T Green Tea supply chain mapping. For ours green tea leaves production system, we have waste in waiting waste for tea leaves and solve this waste by take it in to the process on time (not keep it in the inventory)because It is more motion too that the process must to do. And other waste is about the motion that a lot but some motion we cannot to cut it out because it is the necessary waste. • After we analyze the waste in the current state of value steam mapping, we will create the future state that will provide the value added in term of time in production, cost to keep the material, quality of the tea leaves
SUPPLY CHAIN PIPELINE TECHNIQUE • We use Lean technique cause of we can predictable the demand and short lead time because we will sell only in Chiang Mai Chiand Rai, Lampang And Pai so demand will getting high in Winter and Songkran day. And our companies have short lead time because our company do business contract with Assam tea farm on Doi Wawee they can collected the tealeaves 5,000 Kg per day. We only take tealeaves put into process. The process can produce in one and half day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0GVXVyHdTY
Finds the way to solve with all activities performance by using Scan performance • Supply Chain Efficiency • Yes, because we decide to order the roast machine for 10 units to save the time in the production in roast process also the continue to movement in other process in short time • Supply Chain Effectiveness • Yes, because we have the setting of positioning in the market and also produce the green tea product to right quality in the premium and use the marketing strategy to make the value in the production or in the product will success and correct to the customer. • Supply Chain Effluence • Yes, in the T&T supply chain is very flow because we take the tea leaves from the farm day by day and take it in to the process immediately when the tea leave let it out from the tree.
Finds the way to solve with all activities performance by using Scan performance( con’t ) • Supply Chain Responsiveness • For example if the quality of raw material is not good, we can recheck and control the supplier immediately to control and create the standard for raw-material. • Supply Chain Resistance • Yes, everything in the supply chain can be making the risky in supply chain. Talking about the risk and uncertainties in the supply chain by loss of machine that mean the productivities will loss and we will loss the cost of opportunities to produce and the way to protect is the QC machine and check performances of machine in each state.
Finds the way to solve with all activities performance by using Scan performance( con’t ) • Supply Chain Agility • For example the agility of supply chain is someday if the supplier cannot provide the total of demand that we need in each day we can find the other supplier to support the main raw material because the place the we set the factory is very near form supplier.(Chang Rai is the biggest one to growth the tea) • Supply Chain Alignment • The T&T green tea will develop the skill of people to keep the tea tree and take a course to maintain the skill in the one way that correct way to keep the tea leaves. • Supply Chain Adaptability • In the future trend, the trend it will change relate with customer need and we need to done the best performances to adapt and solve the customer are happy.
Finds the way to solve with all activities performance by using Scan performance( con’t ) • Supply Chain Adaptability • In the future trend, the trend it will change relate with customer need and we need to done the best performances to adapt and solve the customer are happy. • Supply Chain Sustainability • In order to maximize the profit of the whole supply chain. Because every part of supply chain are working together to improve of profit of the whole. And also we have to share data of all part in the supply chain. To make them know what we going on in the next step.
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