tc hc firgrove

TC HC FIRGROVE Tenants Workshop #2 August 28, 2018 1 Master Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TC HC FIRGROVE Tenants Workshop #2 August 28, 2018 1 Master Plan in Context 2 Agenda Master Plan process Summary of input from July tenants workshop Design principles Two concepts to consider Workshop activities 3

  1. TC HC FIRGROVE Tenants’ Workshop #2 August 28, 2018 1

  2. Master Plan in Context 2

  3. Agenda • Master Plan process • Summary of input from July tenant’s workshop • Design principles • Two concepts to consider • Workshop activities 3

  4. Design Program Retained To be replaced (occupied) To be replaced (vacated) 4

  5. Site Conditions – Buildings Building Height 1-2 storeys 1-2 storeys 13 storeys 12 storeys 13 storeys Firgrove Public Shcool 1-2 storeys 2-4 storeys 2-4 storeys Townhouses 2 storeys (Proposed) 13 storeys 2 storeys 12 storeys 5 storeys (Proposed) 2 storeys 17 storeys 5

  6. Site Conditions – Public Spaces Existing Open Space and Amenities Firgrove Public Shcool Existing Open Space Basketball Courts Childcare Facility Community Centre / Outdoor Pool Existing Open Space Community Garden 6

  7. Site Conditions – Transportation Site Access Firgrove Public Shcool Study Area Access Signalized Intersection 7 7

  8. 8

  9. 9

  10. Tenant Community Workshop 1 The first tenant community workshop was on Thursday, July 5, 2018 at the Firgrove Community Recreation Centre. The goal of the tenant community workshop was to: • Reaffirm the 10 Guiding Principles established and subsequently approved by the community through the ReSet: Learnings and Community Action Planning Framework process in 2015; • To gain an understanding of the existing conditions of the community; • To gather input and ideas for the revitalization of the community. Participants at Community Workshop 1 10

  11. Workshop 1 – Some of What We Heard Addresses along the main streets No hang out spots such as corners, blind spots Provide community spaces for community uses Playscapes for children Natural elements Central gathering spot Controlled, safe crossings Current development has poor layout Provide more access to buildings 11

  12. Workshop 1 – Some of What We Heard Add visitor parking close to each building Parking is currently enclosed, not well lit, not safe, poorly designed Community garden / flower beds Private yards Unsafe car parking at night Need to keep front/back yards All year, indoor pool Accessibility Basketball courts Eyes into the community Integrated community 12

  13. Design Principles Encourage integration, inclusivity 01 and social equity 02 Strengthen the heart of the neighbourhood 03 Lead with landscape 04 Include a mix of well-designed housing 05 Create public streets 06 Animate Jane Street 13

  14. Encourage integration, inclusivity 01 and social equity Promote easy access to community spaces and activities for everyone; Connect Firgrove to the larger community by providing a variety of housing, streets, connections and community facilities that are accessible to all. Community market Basketball court “Community gardens” “Integrate community with rest of the neighbourhood ” “Larger spaces for community gatherings” 14 “Central gathering spot”

  15. 02 Strengthen the heart of the neighbourhood Provide a new community centre, day care and recreation facilities on public streets that are safe, public, open and accessible to all. “Community centre ” “Bigger community centre (separate building)” “Day care” * “Children’s play area” “Recreation centre, space for seniors program” 15

  16. 03 Lead with landscape Design with high standards for landscape public spaces; Create beautiful tree lined streets, parkland, and strong connections to the surrounding schools, parks and green network. “Trees” “More flower beds” “Keep size and abundance of open space” “Central gathering spot” “Better garden area” “Natural elements” “trees, parks, children’s play area, garden” 16

  17. 04 Include a mix of well-designed housing Provide different types of housing (townhouses and apartments) and ownership models (TCHC, affordable housing and market housing); Locate buildings to face streets and public spaces. Create ‘eyes on the street’ to enhance safety. Splash pad “Current development has poor layout” “Addresses along the main streets” “Eyes into the community” “Buildings should be accessible” “Need for larger unit sizes” 17

  18. 05 Create public streets Streets provide public access, create development blocks, provide building addresses, create front yards and connect Firgrove to the larger community. “Create public streets” “Need to keep front/back yards” “Addresses along the main streets” 18

  19. 06 Animate Jane Street Taller buildings along Jane Street that have the potential for ground floor activities that serve the community. Opening up Firgrove to the larger community along Jane Street with street connections and views in. “Entrances on Jane Street” “Eyes into the community.” “Love watching street activity” 19

  20. Linear Park and Community Centre on Jane Street Apartment buildings along Jane Street and Firgrove Cr. Park with pool Community New roads providing Centre/day care facing access and street address Jane and park to new townhouses Potential retail on the ground floor of building New road along edge of at Jane Street & Firgrove P.S. school yard Firgrove Crescent 20

  21. Linear Park and Community Centre on Jane Street “Controlled safe “Addresses along crossing” the streets” “Parking in front of units” “Community space “More visitor parking” for community use” “Children’s play areas” “Front and “Central open space” backyards” “Controlled safe Safe underground crossing” parking garage for residents 21

  22. Mix of buildings “More visitor “Addresses along “Front and the streets” parking” backyards” “Parking should be in front of units” Mix of building types Sidewalk Parking on one side Landscaped edge 22

  23. Linear park “Central open “Bicycle racks, space” benches, swings” “Play areas for children” “Space for community gatherings” “Community “Community spaces for “Water features, gardens” community uses” splash pad” 23

  24. Community buildings “Recreation centre, space for seniors in park program” “Bigger community “Daycare close to school” centre (separate building)” “Indoor basketball, “Locate community swimming and gym” centre on main street” 24

  25. Small streets between houses 25

  26. Neighbourhood streets 26

  27. Central park and community centre New roads provide access and street address to new townhouses and apartment buildings Park with pool at centre of Firgrove community Apartment buildings along Jane Street and Community Centre/day Firgrove care between park and school yard Potential retail at the corner of Jane Street & Firgrove Crescent 27

  28. Central park and community centre “Community space for community use” “Controlled safe crossing” “Addresses along the streets” “Parking in front of units” “More visitor parking” “Front and “Children’s play areas” backyards” “Central open space” “Controlled safe Safe underground crossing” parking garage for residents 28

  29. Mix of “More visitor “Addresses along “Front and buildings parking” the streets” backyards” “Parking should be in front of units” Buildings face the Mix of building street types Parking on one side Sidewalk with plantings 29

  30. “Community Central Park “Space for gardens” community gatherings” “Community spaces for community uses” “Play areas for children” “Central open space”

  31. Community “Bigger community buildings centre “Recreation centre, (separate building)” space for seniors program” “Daycare close to school”

  32. Small streets between houses 32

  33. Neighbourhood streets 33

  34. Evaluation of Options Central Park Linear Park Public Input City of Toronto School Project Team TCHC Board Community Tenants Transportation Groups Urban design Planning Residents in the Public Works neighbourhood Parks Preferred Concept 34

  35. Workshop Activities 1. Discuss the two concepts with others at your table. Work with a member of the project team and record your thoughts on the large sheets on each table. 2. Use the coloured dots (green thumbs up, red thumbs down) to show your preferences for the call outs on each concept posted on the wall. 3. Record your own comments on each concept posted on the wall. Drop in to the Revitalization Office and share your thoughts on the two concepts. 35

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