tax cap 2020 2021

Tax Cap 2020-2021 Increase in Tax Base = 0.68% CPI or 2% = - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Revenue: $53,336,420 PILOT Payments 0.1% Sales Tax State Aid 2.6% 34.3% Appropriated Fund Balance 1.6% Restricted Property Tax Reserves 56.8% 2.1% Community Other Revenue Education 1.4% 1.1% Tax Cap 2020-2021 Increase in Tax

  1. Revenue: $53,336,420 PILOT Payments 0.1% Sales Tax State Aid 2.6% 34.3% Appropriated Fund Balance 1.6% Restricted Property Tax Reserves 56.8% 2.1% Community Other Revenue Education 1.4% 1.1%

  2. Tax Cap 2020-2021 Increase in Tax Base = 0.68% CPI or 2% = 1.81% Capital Project Funding = 0.28% Change in PILOT = 0.08% Estimated Tax Levy Limit = 2.86% 2020 – 2021 Dollar = $842,333 Increase at Levy Limit

  3. Benchmark Home Basic STAR

  4. Benchmark Home Enhanced STAR

  5. Tax Rates Tax Rates on Actual Tax Rates Change in Tax % Change in Tax Assessed Values 2019 Rates Rates 2020 Mendon $ 23.82 $ 24.41 $ 0.58 2.45% $ (0.16) Henrietta $ 23.35 $ 23.19 -0.68% $ 0.47 Rush $ 27.13 $ 27.60 1.73% $ 1.14 Lima $ 24.82 $ 25.97 4.61% $ 0.33 Avon $ 24.84 $ 25.17 1.33% $ 0.08 Livonia $ 25.35 $ 25.43 0.33% $ 0.85 West Bloomfield $ 24.84 $ 25.69 3.44% $ (0.17) Victor $ 24.84 $ 24.67 -0.70% $ 1.12 Richmond $ 24.84 $ 25.97 4.53% True Value Tax Rate $ 23.71 $ 23.56 $ (0.15) -0.65%

  6. Tax Rates Equalization Rate Equalization Rate 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 Town of Avon 100% 98% Town of Henrietta 100% 100% 100% 95% Town of Lima Town of Livonia 98% 97% Town of Mendon 98% 95% Town of Richmond 100% 95% Town of Rush 86% 84% Town of Victor 100% 100% Town of West Bloomfield 100% 96% Taxible Value of Property $ 1,242,363,398 $ 1,286,466,685 $ 44,103,287 Increase in Assessments 3.55% Percent Change

  7. State Aid $10,000,000 $8,625,914 $8,228,261 $9,000,000 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,615,445 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,201,134 $1,932,182 $3,000,000 $1,697,069 $2,135,154 $2,122,632 $397,641 $580,302 $218,796 $2,000,000 $674,595 $1,000,000 $0

  8. Appropriations: $53,336,420 General Support 9.9% Debt Service 9.3% Instruction 49.8% Employee Benefits 25.2% Community Transportation Education 4.2% 1.2%

  9. What is Included in the Base Budget?  Professional Develop, Curriculum Writing, and PLC’s  K-5 Math textbooks and training  Change Lima social worker position from contract to employee  Increase Math Specialist support by 0.5FTE

  10. What is Included in the Base Budget?  Reduction of 1 Elementary Teaching Position  Increase Registrar from 0.5 to 0.75 FTE  Continue with multi-year replacement plans for Transportation, Facilities, and Technology  Increased Technology Budget for cyber-security and virtual desktop software

  11. Capital Outlay Project 2020-2021 • Update the flooring in the aisles and pit areas of the District Auditorium • Replace flooring in select classrooms • Project is included in the School Budget • District proposes spending $100,000 on renovations and receiving $78,000 in aid the next year.

  12. Budget Balancing Action Amount Breakage from Retirements $417,434 Transfer Technology Expenses to Smart School $175,000 Bond Act Defer Backup Internet Connection $25,000 Supply and Contractual Reductions $101,135 $718,569 Total

  13. Budget Drivers $1,429,993 Debt Service Wages non- Certified $432,588 Wages - certified $431,307 TRS Pension $288,019 Health Insurance $180,793 Contractual Expenses $56,761 Supplies $50,073

  14. Capital Project Budget $6,000,000 Local $5,068,746 Share $5,000,000 $4,615,445 $453,301 $4,000,000 Local $3,560,336 Share $3,111,461 $448,875 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $- Capital Project Budget 2019 - 2020 Capital Project Budget 2020 - 2021 Debt Aid 15

  15. Appropriations Budget 2020 - 2021 Annual 2019 - 20 Budget % Change Proposed Budget Change in $ General Support $5,119,419 $5,295,477 $ 176,058 3.44% Instruction $26,294,763 $26,558,265 $ 263,502 1.00% Transportation $2,106,734 $2,238,472 $ 131,738 6.25% Community Education $627,169 $654,297 $ 27,128 4.33% Census $3,000 $3,000 $ - 0.00% Employee Benefits $12,831,122 $13,453,163 $ 622,040 4.85% Debt Service $3,551,824 $4,968,746 $ 1,416,921 39.89% Interfund Transfers $165,000 $165,000 $ - 0.00% Total $50,699,032 $53,336,420 $ 2,637,388 5.20% Operations Budget Increase 2.2% Capital Budget Increase 3.0% (Capital budget increases do not significantly impact local property taxes as the district is receiving increased state building aid)

  16. Based on the NYS Legislative Budget • HF-L has a balanced, proposed budget of $53,336,420 • The budget generally supports the strategic goals presented by each school and department • The budget does not exceed the tax cap • The budget does not cause deficit spending

  17. The Spector of Rolling Cuts

  18. What if we have further cuts to Foundation Aid? • Governor has indicated that, if the state doesn’t receive federal support, there could be a 20% cut in Foundation Aid • 20% of our Foundation Aid = $1.65 million • Items to Consider include: • Evaluate positions vacated by retirees • Consider other budget reductions • Exceed the tax cap • Use Reserves as a bridge to get through this year

  19. Proposed 2020-2021 Budget  PROPOSITION #1 BUDGET Shall the proposed budget of $53,336,420 for 2020-21 be approved, including funding to enter into multi-year installment purchase contracts in accordance with the General Municipal …….

  20. Proposed 2020-2021 Budget  PROPOSITION #2 – School Bus Purchase Shall the Board of Education be authorized to purchase up to six vehicles for student transportation including necessary furnishings, fixtures, equipment and all other necessary costs incidental thereto, and expend a sum not to exceed $587,500 …

  21. Questions

  22. Tax Cap 2020-2021

  23. Appropriations Budget 2020 - 21 Proposed Row Labels 2019 - 20 Budget Budget $ YOY Delta % YOY Change General Support $5,119,419.34 $5,295,477.40 $ 176,058.06 3.44% Instruction $26,294,763.11 $26,558,264.83 $ 263,501.72 1.00% Transportation $2,106,734.15 $2,238,471.86 $ 131,737.71 6.25% Community Education $627,168.91 $654,297.30 $ 27,128.39 4.33% 0.00% Census $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $ - Employee Benefits $12,831,122.13 $13,453,162.59 $ 622,040.46 4.85% Debt Service $3,551,824.36 $4,968,745.76 $ 1,416,921.40 39.89% Interfund Transfers $165,000.00 $165,000.00 $ - 0.00% Grand Total $50,699,032.00 $53,336,419.74 $ 2,637,387.74 5.20% Operations Budget Increase 2.2% Capital Budget Increase 3.0% (Capital budget increases do not significantly impact local property taxes as the district is receiving increased state building aid)


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