
TAPESTRY Comprehensive Postsecondary Transition Program University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TAPESTRY Comprehensive Postsecondary Transition Program University of Alaska Anchorage TAPESTRY Learning Objectives Self-advocacy Self-determination 4 Skill Domains Academic Career Social Life Spring 2012 Progress Report Five

  1. TAPESTRY Comprehensive Postsecondary Transition Program University of Alaska Anchorage

  2. TAPESTRY Learning Objectives Self-advocacy Self-determination 4 Skill Domains Academic Career Social Life

  3. Spring 2012 Progress Report • Five Students Admitted • Three Classes on the schedule • Orientation • Exploration Core Social Skills •

  4. How TAPESTRY works — 2 years — 12 non-academic credits/ semester — 11 required TAPESTRY courses — 8 audited courses — 5 Job shadows — 1+ Internships — 1 iPad per student — Mentors & Tutors

  5. TAPESTRY is made possible by TAPESTRY Curriculum Committee TAPESTRY Community Partners TAPESTRY Mentor Program Human Services Practicum Student & The TAPESTRY Students!!

  6. Curriculum — DLS A010 TAPESTRY Orientation Seminar — DLS A012 TAPESTRY Exploration Seminar — DLS A014 TAPESTRY Core Social Skills Seminar — DLS A016 TAPESTRY Job Search Seminar — DLS A018 TAPESTRY Internship I — DLS A020 TAPESTRY Internship II — DLS A022 TAPESTRY Life & Social Skills Seminar

  7. Semester One Two Year Plan — DLS A010 TAPESTRY of Study Orientation Seminar (2cr) — DLS A012 TAPESTRY In the first semester students follow the study plan for the Exploration Seminar (3cr) “Orientation to College” — DLS A014 TAPESTRY This semester students get to Core Social Skills Seminar know campus, how college (3cr) courses work and in Exploration Seminar do a full — GUID A150 Audit (3cr) Person-Centered Plan focused on career goals and dreams — CIOS A101A Keyboarding I Audit (1cr) 5 Job Shadows are completed in semester one.

  8. Two Year Plan Semester Two of Study — DLS A016 TAPESTRY In the second semester Job Search Seminar (3cr) students follow their plans set out from the person-centered — DLS A018 TAPESTRY Life plan & Social Skills Seminar (3cr) They take two TAPESTRY courses and audit two UAA courses of their choice. — UAA Audit Course (3cr) — UAA Audit Course (3cr) Students work on more job shadows and work toward securing paid internships based on their personal career goals.

  9. Two Year Plan Semester Three of Study — DLS A020 TAPESTRY Internship I (3cr) In the third semester students follow their plans set out from the person-centered planning. — DLS A018 TAPESTRY Life Further develop their & Social Skills Seminar portfolio on AKCIS.org and (3cr) continue to develop job skills In semester three the student — UAA Audit Course (3cr) will participate in a paid internship. — UAA Audit Course (3cr) They take two TAPESTRY courses and audit two UAA courses of their choice.

  10. Two Year Plan Semester Four of Study — DLS A020 TAPESTRY Internship II (3cr) In the forth semester students should have secured a competitive internship — DLS A018 TAPESTRY placement. Life & Social Skills (3cr) Further develop their — UAA Audit Course (3cr) portfolio on AKCIS.org and continue to develop job skills — UAA Audit Course (3cr) They take two TAPESTRY — Complete ePortfolio courses and audit two UAA Project courses of their choice.

  11. TAPESTRY Mentor Program — Currently recruiting for — Five Mentors participating — Fall 2012 Mentors in Spring 2012 — Fall 2012 Mentor Coordinator — Tutor Lab — Tues/Thurs 10:30-12noon — New for Fall 2012 — Homework Lab MTWR — Social Activities — Chess Club — Movies — Playing Pool in Student Union

  12. Community Partners — Anchorage School District Disability Services — Alaska Division of Vocational — Access Alaska Rehabilitation — State Independent Living — UAA Disability Support Council Services — Governor's Council on — Department of Labor and Disabilities and Special Workforce Development Education — Nine Star Education and — Stone Soup Group Employment Services — Arc of Anchorage — Office of Children’s Services — Hope Community Resources — Division of Senior and

  13. Stories of Success! A student who originally tried to hide under his coat during class volunteering to • demonstrate how to ask a friend to go to a movie. “My son has changed so much…I never thought he could do this!” • Several of these students have earned A’s on GUID A150 assignments this semester. • Keyboarding was difficult, but the students realized they actually got better at typing and • saw the importance of the practice.

  14. Technology and Accommodation iPad Apps: StoryRobe Talking Pics iCal scheduling Dragon Dictate Accessibility Tips iPad Speak function Blackboard Mobile PDFPen

  15. On the Web… www.uaa.alaska.edu/chd/tapestry


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