taking care of our land symposium program climate change

Taking Care of Our Land Symposium Program Climate Change Adaptation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Taking Care of Our Land Symposium Program Climate Change Adaptation Planning with First Nations in Ontario May 6-9, 2019 Delta Hotel Sault Ste. Marie Ontario This presentation delivered by: Kerry-Ann Charles Lands and Climate Change

  1. Taking Care of Our Land Symposium Program Climate Change Adaptation Planning with First Nations in Ontario May 6-9, 2019 Delta Hotel Sault Ste. Marie Ontario This presentation delivered by: Kerry-Ann Charles Lands and Climate Change Co-ordinator ka.charles@cambiumaboriginal.com 1 Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  2. About Me? Member of the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation Worked in my Community for 17+ years in various capacities – Childcare, Council, Housing, By-laws, Waste Management, Environment, Climate Change 2011 Business Diploma Started with Cambium Aboriginal September 2017 2 Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  3. The e Chip ippewas of of Georgina Is Island Fir First Nation At t A A Glimpse Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  4. Background and Lin ink to Cli limate Change • Georgina Island First Nation is progressive on environmental issues and has been leaders in the implementation of such over the years with the premise that all of the work that is being undertaken is all linked in one way or another • Species at Risk Mapping • Ash Tree Monitoring and Management • Invasive Species Management • Shoreline and wetland restoration/rehabilitation • Climate Change Adaptation • Wild Rice restoration • The sensitivity of the natural environment to changes in weather and climate affect the ecosystems and socioeconomic aspects of every community, especially Indigenous communities • 2011 INAC now CIRNAC release climate change funding 4 Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  5. Georgina Island First Nation Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Planning Framework 7. Monitor 1. Let’s get progress started 6. Implement adaptation 2. Gather data actions 5. Identify 3. Assess adaptation current actions vulnerability 4. Prioritize future risk Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  6. Community Engagement • Very important component of process • Information sessions • Interactive workshops • Establish Advisory Committee Photos: Information Sessions (with Bingo), Interactive Workshop, Georgina Island First Nation, Leanne Echum Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  7. Traditional and Local Knowledge • Foundation of process • Gathered through TEK survey • Elders • Adults • Youth • Councilors • Chief of Community • Staff Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  8. Step 1: Let’s get started 7. Monitor 1. Let’s get I. Identify why you are progress started undertaking adaptation planning II. Define project scope 6. Implement adaptation 2. Gather data III. Develop communication actions plan 5. Identify 3. Assess IV. Establish Community adaptation current Advisory Committee actions vulnerability 4. Prioritize future risk Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  9. Step 2: Gather data 7. Monitor 1. Let’s get progress started I. Historical climate data II. Future climate projections 6. Implement adaptation 2. Gather data actions III. Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) 5. Identify 3. Assess adaptation current actions vulnerability 4. Prioritize future risk Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  10. Historical Climate Data Daily climate data from the Shanty Bay weather station obtained from Environment Canada http://climate.weather.gc.ca/historical_data/search_historic_data_e.html

  11. Future Climate Projections Mean Temperature (1981-2010) Mean Temperature (2080s) Sources of Climate Data: 1) Climate Change Hazards Information Portal (CCHIP) (Risk Sciences International)  www.cchip.ca 2) Canadian Climate Data and Scenarios (Environment Canada)  http://climate-scenarios.canada.ca/?page=main Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  12. Example of a TEK Survey Source: David Pearson (Laurentian University) Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  13. Step 3. Assess Current Vulnerability Vulnerability is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate variability and extremes. It is a function of how sensitive and exposed the community is to current climate and how well the community has coped in the past. 7. Monitor 1. Let’s get progress started I. Using data gathered in step 2, develop list of 6. Implement impacts adaptation 2. Gather data actions II. Develop ‘impact trees’ to help with visualization 5. Identify 3. Assess adaptation current actions vulnerability III. Prioritize the impacts with help from Advisory 4. Prioritize Committee future risk Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  14. Example of an Impact Tree Impact trees help visualize how changes in weather and climate have impacted the community. Source: Georgina Island First Nation Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  15. Medicine wheel impact diagram You can develop new ways to visualize climate impacts. For example, this diagram is based on the medicine wheel and organizes the impacts by season. Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  16. Risk scenarios Extreme Washing Precipitation contaminants Poor water Flooding in the into the quality summer water Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  17. Step 4: Prioritize Future Risk I. Research possible future weather and climate 7. Monitor 1. Let’s get conditions progress started II. Determine how current vulnerabilities will be 6. Implement impacted by future climate adaptation 2. Gather data actions III. Create likelihood and consequence ranking scales and worksheets 5. Identify 3. Assess adaptation current IV. Fill in the worksheets with actions vulnerability the help of the project team 4. Prioritize future risk RISK is the likelihood of an event happening x the consequence if it does. Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  18. Estimating Likelihood Vulnerability: Time Horizon (planning period): Very Virtually Occasional Moderatel Future Climate Event Unlikely to Occurs Often Certain to Occurrence y Frequent happen Occur Not likely May occur Likely to Likely to to sometime occur at occur Happens often (e.g. Extreme occur but not often least once several times and will happen precipitation) during the during the during the during again during the planning planning planning the planning planning period period period period period Poor water quality x Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  19. Estimating Consequence Vulnerability: Time Horizon (planning period): Consequence Social Economic Environmental Cultural Very Low (1) x Low (2) Moderate (3) High (4) x Very High (5) x x Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  20. Risk Matrix Very High Poor water High quality Overall Consequence Moderate Very High Risk Low High Risk Moderate Risk Very Low Low Risk Very Occasional Virtually Very Low Risk Moderatel Occurs unlikely to Occurrenc certain to y Frequent Often happen e occur Overall Likelihood Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult

  21. Step 5: Identify Adaptation Actions 7. Monitor 1. Let’s get progress started I. Start with the highest priority risks and develop 6. Implement a list of adaption actions. adaptation 2. Gather data actions II. Look for win-win or no regrets options. 5. Identify 3. Assess adaptation current III. Evaluate the adaptation actions vulnerability actions. 4. Prioritize future risk Environmental | Geotechnical | Planning | Construction Testing & Inspection | Building Science | Duty To Consult


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