Take y e your ur cur curren ent tea each cher’s reco ecommen endation s ser eriously. Have a e a co conver ersation w with y your ur tea each cher er i if they r reco ecommen end so some mething g dif ifferent fr from w m wha hat y you want t to o take. They c can g n give y you i u ins nsights t that will h help y you u o decide. They m may h help p you u focus on n spe pecific s skills o that at wi will al allow y w you to t tak ake o e on a a mo more e challen engi ging c course. Know y you ourself lf, you our w wor ork h habits, and nd y your ur i int nter eres est i in t n the e subj ubjec ect. Cons nsider er t the e time y e you h u have e availabl ble f for cl class rea eadings o or hom omewor ork.
Linking a allows t tea each cher ers t to work cl closely t together er o on n stud uden ents’ w writing skills, h hel elps t tea each cher ers i inco ncorporate r e rea eadings, liter erature, a and nd o other er cul cultural m mater erial rel elevant to the e historical cur curricu culum, a and nd g gives es stud udents t the e opportunity t to work together er m more cl e closel ely be between een t the e two c o cou ourses. In 9 th grad ade, students t tak aking both World His History I Ho Honors an and Englis lish 9 Ho Honors w will l be in in lin inked courses. In 10 th grad ade, students w who e enroll in in both W World His History 2 2 Ho Honors an and Englis lish 10 Ho Honors w will ill b be in in lin linked courses. In 11 th grad ade, students w who e enroll in in both AP P U.S. His History an and AP P Lan anguage an and Composition will ill be in linked c courses.
Honors Stan andar dard Prehis istoric p perio iod-150 500 0 CE • Prehis istoric p perio iod-150 500 C 0 CE • 1-2 hou 2 hours of hom of homework • ½ ½ -1 hou 1 hour of of hom homework • • Study o St of m majo ajor ear arly Study o St of m majo ajor ear arly • civili lizations, p s, philo loso sophies s civili lizations, p s, philo loso sophies s and nd r religions ns and nd r religions ns • 2-3 writ itin ing as assignments p per One w e writing a assignment per per • qua uarter qua uarter • One e res esea earch pa paper per One e res esea earch pa paper per • • Textb tbook: k: Wor orld H Histor ory Textb tbook: k: Wor orld H Histor ory (Hig High Sc School R Read ading L Level) • (Hig High Sc School R Read ading L Level) and nd many A y AP level supplement ntal al r reading ngs
Stand andar ard Hon onor ors AP AP W Worl rld 1500 500 - Pr Present da day 1200 C 1200 CE-Present d day • 1500 500 - Pr Present da day • • 1 1 hou hour of of hom homework • ½ -1 hou ½ 1 hour of of 1-3 hou 3 hours of hom of homework • • homework hom (varie ies as as t the y year ar progre resse sses) s) • Wes ester ern f focus w with Wes ester ern f focus w with • som ome f focu ocus on on non on grea eater er em emph phasis on Lar arger emphasis o on • western b based broa oader p patterns of of primary s y sour urce a ana nalys ysis societies int nteraction a n around und th the wo world One w writ iting • Nati tiona nal H History D y Day y • assig ignm nment nt p per 1-2 timed i in cla lass ss • Research h Project a along qua uarter essays per es per quarter wit ith m multip iple w writ iting bas ased o off AP AP rubric ics One e res esea earch pr projec ect • asses essmen ments ts Textb tbook: k: B Bentl tley Textb tbook: k: Wo World • • Tradi ditions a and d Histo tory (Hig High Sc School • Textb tbook: k: Wor orld H Histor ory Encounte ters (Col ollege Reading L Leve vel) l) (Hig High Sc School R Read ading L Level) Lev evel T Tex ext)
Honors: (+.5) Standard: • College-prep • College-prep • Homework: Modified • Homework: 1-2 chapter readings from sections of reading high school level from high school level textbook or textbook. supplemental readings • Grades based on • Assessments such as homework, tests, tests, essays, quizzes, writings, quizzes, and and research paper projects. • Some homework grades, but no completion grades.
Dual Enrollment (DE): (+1.0) AP: (+1.0) • College-level College-level • • Widely recognized around the Possible 6 college credits – • country for college credit or course accepted by all Virginia schools and many advancement. out-of-state • Homework: Full chapter readings Course is designed by NOVA • from college textbook or Two separate courses (one each • supplemental readings semester) with a midterm and • Assessments such as tests, essays, final exam each semester. quizzes, and research paper/project No year end national exam. • • Viewed by many colleges as the Assessments such as tests, • most rigorous option. essays, quizzes, and research • No completion grades. papers/projects No completion grades. •
AP United S States Govern rnment • Challenging COLLEGE LEVEL course • • AP Compa para rative G Govern rnment Consider this course if you have a good grade in AP • U.S. History or Honors U.S. History, are • Challenging COLLEGE LEVEL course hardworking, and have an interest in United States • Really TWO courses in ONE: AP US government Government and AP Comparative Hon onor ors U s U.S. S. /Virg rginia G Govern rnment • Government Challenging, hands-on course without the pressure • • Consider taking this course if you of the AP Exam have a good grade in AP U.S. History, Good course for students who may be taking 2 or 3 • are hardworking, and have an AP classes in other subjects interest in world politics. U.S./Virg rginia G Govern rnment • College prep course that gives an overview of our • federal and state governments. Teaches you how to be a participating citizen • without the rigor of the AP and honors level courses.
WOR ORLD R D RELIGION ONS PHILOSOPH PHY Stud udied ed f first Stud udied ed s seco econd nd • • se seme mest ster seme se mest ster Explores Ex es m major Explores Ex es • • religi igions & & develo lopment of of reli ligiou ous t thought philoso sophy o y over time ime Discussi sion • ba based ed cl class Disc iscuss ssion b base ased • Nightly r Ni rea eading Ni Nightly r rea eading • • fr from r m religi igion fr from m Sophie’s ’s textbook Wor orld ld by by Jostei ein Gaarder (novel) l) Pa Parti ticipant • Obs bser erver er Pr Project ect WISDOM Pr M Projec ect • (fiel eld s stud udy) (int nter erview ba based ed pro roject)
• Re Read Machiavelli, Locke, and other political philosophers • Do Do mon onth thly ly r research on topics of interest • Enga gage ge in class discussions on a range of topics, from domestic policy to foreign affairs • Gr Grades: political philosophers and in-class guides, student-selected research, participation
What exactly i y is Human an Geograp aphy? y? “The he W WHY o Y of w whe here” - Where p peop ople live, w , why y they l y live o there, what they do o there, a , and what they are like. . Topi pics i inc nclude: o • Movement nt o of p people ple/mi migration • Spr pread o of folk lk a and nd po pop c cult ultural ideas, world ld langu guage ges, t trends ds, r religi gions Ethnic icit itie ies • Political s l systems ms/o /organi nizations ns • Economic s Ec str tructu tures • Urban ban g growth an and ag agriculture • Global alizat ation • Homework = = textbooks readings, vocabul ulary & & map w p work, an and t the y e year ear-long (8 step) Ambassador pr project. Grades are ma made u up of of ma many q y quizzes ( (reading, , ma map, a , and vocabul ulary), 7 7 uni unit tests, free r response w writings, a and nd a a few pr projects ( (some i in n class, some o out ut of class). Check ou out this 3 3 mi minute video o to o see som ome of of the ideas that will be expl plored in t n this cour urse : : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B2xOvKFFz4#t=132
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