VIP PARTIES, MEETINGS & EVENTS First-Class, Face-to-Face Connections with Clients, Staff and Future Business In addition to holiday parties, VIP meeting- and event-driven Partners client retention and acquisition initiatives are valuable tools for connecting with the people with whom C OMPILED BY M ILES Z. E PSTEIN you do business. E DITOR , COMMERCE T HANKS TO SOCIAL MEDIA AND COMMERCE recently asked many of events to give them an opportunity to Internet-facilitated communica- New Jersey’s top accounting firms, credit connect with clients and develop their tions—from e-mails to Skype unions, colleges and universities, and own relationships, as well as to become to Twitter to Facebook to Instagram law firms to discuss how VIP meetings comfortable in a social networking envi- to teleconferencing—opportunities for and events are helping to support their ronment that puts them in touch with face-to-face interaction with clients and bottom lines and strategic goals. Here new contacts and prospects. One specific potential clients, and staff, are less com- are their insights and observations. event activity that we find especially mon. But by having holiday parties that helpful in relationship building is sport- bring your customers and your team ing events. We reserve and purchase together, you can rekindle personal space at multiple sports venues in the connections that still go a long way Tri-State area and use them to entertain toward building long-term business our clients—once again, as an opportu- relationships. nity to show them we appreciate them In addition to holiday parties, VIP and also provide a pressure-free envi- meeting- and event-driven client reten- ronment where everyone can “let their tion and acquisition initiatives are valu- hair down” and see the human side of able tools for connecting with the peo- one another, not just the business side. ACCOUNTING FIRMS ple with whom you do business. Using meetings and events for continuing edu- CohnReznick LLP cation programs (for staff and clients) or Citrin Cooperman By Philip Mandel, CPA, CFP, for fundraising and recruitment are a By Alex Serrano, CPA, NY/NJ Regional Managing few of the added benefits of old-school Co-Managing Partner Partner networking programs, in which the Commerce and Industry Association of Events, both internal CohnReznick frequently New Jersey (CIANJ) is seeing a growing and external, are signifi- hosts events to provide thought leader- interest. cant components of our client relations ship and develop and deepen relation- “Our members are attending CIANJ and business development programs. ships. Our Financial Managers Learning networking events in greater numbers, as Additionally they are an important part Forum (FMLF) program is one of our suc- they seem to be looking for new ways to of employee training for business net- cessful event series and serves as a pre- connect with business leaders and poten- working and account development skills. mier resource for CFOs and other finan- tial clients,” explains CIANJ President Our firm-sponsored events consist of cial managers to keep up with changing John Galandak. “While our speakers are thought leadership, social networking regulations, emerging trends and best always a popular draw, many executives and client appreciation programs. practices. For more than 20 years, FMLF tell us that they want to spend more The aim is to not only be a source of has provided both CPE-accredited cours- time talking with and listening to others knowledge to our clients, but to also es to attendees and a way for our pro- in the business community to learn and let them know that we appreciate them. fessionals to network with their clients build their book of business.” We involve our employees in these and prospects. One of our most innova- continued on page 52 COMMERCE • 50
VIP PARTIES, MEETINGS & EVENTS continued from page 50 tive differentiators in the marketplace is ing and development and continues Grant Thornton LLP our Executive Women’s Forum (EWF). to attract clients and professionals. By Michael C. Bernstein, The EWF positions our firm’s high-poten- CPA, Partner-in-Charge, tial women as thought leaders in the EisnerAmper LLP NJ Office industries and geographic markets they By Jay Weinstein, CPA, serve. Some events hosted by the EWF Similar to our approach Partner-in-Charge, include a women’s golf event, panel dis- of providing professional services, Grant New Jersey Office cussions on leadership, educational pre- Thornton events are focused on provid- sentations and social events. Through At EisnerAmper, we ing our clients and the marketplace with these and other regular events, the EWF understand that people are the most value in two distinct ways. We provide has been successful in lead generation, important part of our business. While a unique forum for senior business lead- nurturing prospects, retaining high- most of our new clients are referred ers, board members and their key advi- potential talent and closing more busi- to us, we also are active in the market- sors (lawyers and bankers) to deeply ness. We also host a variety of industry- place, which includes meetings. Most of understand issues and opportunities specific events, including roundtables our meetings fall into several categories. that impact key business objectives and Webinars, through which our We meet formally and informally with and provide them the benefit of Grant experts provide attendees with insights entrepreneurs and executives in indus- Thornton’s experience, subject matter and current trends specific to the indus- tries such as financial services, real specialists and proven strategies to con- try in which they do business. estate and technology. Some meetings tinue to build upon their growth and are held on the Internet, and others are success. We also provide peer-to-peer held in settings such as a golf course or networking and the unique exchange Deloitte LLP a banquet hall. Attendance ranges from of ideas between influential business By Joseph P. Welter, small groups to large groups of up to leaders and tenured Grant Thornton NJ Managing Partner 1,000 attendees. Our most successful partners—connections that our events Deloitte is an organiza- meetings are tailored toward the busy create. Grant Thornton specifically tion committed to team- executive. That’s why we offer a variety designed its new offices to host execu- work, collaboration and client service. of formats including online education, tive-level events that foster this environ- Deloitte uses innovative meeting con- cepts to better serve clients and to train Top New Jersey Venues for staff. This focus has been strengthened with the Deloitte Greenhouse experi- Holiday Parties and Events ence. Deloitte Greenhouses are cutting- edge physical spaces located around the world designed to help clients tackle A ldo’s Restaurant (Wyckoff); Crowne Plaza (Monroe Township); their complex problems. They apply Hanover Manor (East Hanover); Highlawn Pavilion (West a tested set of principles that combine Orange); Hilton Woodcliff Lake (Woodcliff Lake); Jockey Hollow behavioral science, analytics, technology Bar & Kitchen (Morristown); Jumping Brook Country Club and facilitation to break through tradi- (Neptune); LuNello Restaurant (Cedar Grove); Mayfair Farms (West Orange); Nanina’s In The Park tional methods of problem-solving. For (Belleville); Pines Manor (Edison); Pleasantdale Château (West Orange); Restaurant Serenade example, the New York Greenhouse hosts labs for Deloitte teams and clients (Chatham); Seasons Catering (Washington Township); The Brick House (Wyckoff); and The Park that are looking to tackle complex Savoy (Florham Park). challenges in a creative and collabora- Source: COMMERCE Survey 2015 n tive environment. Greenhouses demon- strate Deloitte’s commitment to foster- ing innovative thought. These labs offer networking events, educational sessions ment of collaboration. We use our meet- dynamic room configurations, immersive and even social outings. EisnerAmper ing rooms (affectionately known as visuals, holistic sensory activation and University features training events N.J. Universities) to conduct events that emerging technologies. The sessions including everything from one-on-one provide professional and personal devel- in each Greenhouse are customized for mentoring to small group sessions focus- opment for our partners and staff. The specific client challenges. For example, ing on a variety of business and techni- feedback that we receive from our peo- they help navigate complexity, utilize cal topics which qualify for continuing ple confirms the effectiveness of our analytics to make data meaningful, and professional education. We know that approach. An example of the value new leaders jump in and thrive in their public accounting is a “people” business, and connections gained from a Grant new positions. Each Greenhouse rein- and we therefore focus on connecting Thornton event was the recently hosted forces Deloitte’s commitment to learn- people every day. session with New Jersey’s Lt. Governor continued on page 54 COMMERCE • 52
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