4/|)1t/ t5 .!*t ' Whal is a research proposal? . Why do I nsed ons? How to build a research prcposal . How willlh€ proposalb6 assesssd? ' Holr do I pr€pare an eflectE propossl? Preparin! a slroog PhD application Why do I need a research proposal? What is a rGsearch proposal? . Mak€6 youraEumenlfo.a PhD plaoe . An ou0ine of lhe proPosed ressarch . D€.nonslEt€s your: . Submuod wn€o applying to. admEdon . tlelps provid8 evidence of your oompslonca lo -k o*,€ds6 ot lhe fierd ot pr@oj?St9!9!C!_ - .trrlty lo ldl* oili6l, .bon 0E @mnt mer.luc undertal(e r€6ear.h €t a mastelB or doc-toral lev€l - propc€d lesdr q6sdm rd n6nEds d Ho* ye Cropc€d 6$&h tta wi0l lil. lB4.dl alB.lgfB of lh€ Univ.Elly ad lie .rp.RiBor How is the proposal assessed? How do I prepare an effecrive proposal? . The nature of the proposed lopic ln a maxlmum of lwo pages: . conlexi and il,3llfcalon: lh6 lv',al? . The ft ot ths propos€d re36arcli wllh an area ot . slms of lh6 re8€arcn: th€ wny? the UnivsBity'B researcfi 3k6nglh . propoe€d mettodology: tte ,or? ' Availatifity of spprop?ble lup€rvblon and
4 /08/r5 dl . Anefiy summarise what is known abour this A proposal is a persuasive documenl padicular lopic 6rea . C.ilically evaluale Ihal knowledge as il retales to . you inlend lo make a usetu, colllburDn to your your proposed research in ord€. to presenl an chosen li6rd or rssearch argumenl Ior your proposed research ' the proiect is worlhwhile . Juslify tiral your research is \rorrh doing - whar . lhe projectis reasible (dals. supeNision, will be the contribution ro knowtedge? . Oemonstrate how your r€sea.ch fits in with the , you have lhebackgrcud. knowledqe and Univelsily's rese6r6h Resources, References & Presentation . Discuss any spscial resources or equipmenr you . lncludo refercnces for any tilerature you hav6 . P.esentalion is imponanr: a poorty presented proposal wjllnot insphe contidence in your abilities Ir,.tY@(r4 w He m@h yd rE* rbod ti Finishing your PhD on time
4 /oa/ ts Developing a thesis plan lndude e,ugh lioe lot: . Lhe overall Umenamg for lhe pmjecl . lh€ prcjecl s main slages and deadlims . lhB concrcle milsston€s along the way - dratting chapleG and/or publications - geling fe€dback at sach sliag€ - €dilinq and reviewins the lhesis You can use a Gant Charl, 6 llsl. a iabl6 Ch€ck plannsrs €vallable trom rhinkwoll Tips Know your proposed thesis slructure€E Slarl lo develop your lhssis plan from tne €nd - . What will b6 lhe main seclions ofthethesis? submission dals -and woA,our way backwards . Sltuclure dit €rs very much &pending on naturc Develop a lamsline nhal can grow wlh you as you - F{ 5 rEdl{loal hum.nlri€ Brrucrub root lgac - *ien6ItB6 rerd i.loll rh.IMRAD mdd (ldrdtu@n, Erhod., @[6. and d$Bld) - CEIjE d6g@s 6@ll, er€gels pru. on.ti@ *b* Build lhe plan using d€€dli.es, hcludo - Th6rs pEon(ed $ 6 @tt6ctton ot plbtletons maior mileslon99 - ThGsis ii.&hgprtlk riE . Look at lh*as in lh6 library for examples Good luck! Double lha time you h/r/< you need for tasks t soch as dala coll€cton, analy3is and t€€dback Trlpls the lim6 requir€d for r€vlowing el ttu snd
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