t he e gyptian ipv6 t ask f or c e e xpe r ie nc e

T he E gyptian IPv6 T ask F or c e E xpe r ie nc e Hisham - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

T he E gyptian IPv6 T ask F or c e E xpe r ie nc e Hisham Ahme d Ibr ahim Ministry of Communic ation & Information T e c hnology (MCIT ) T he E gyptian IPv6 T ask F orc e ahisham@mc it.gov.e g T T he E he E gyptian

  1. T he E gyptian IPv6 T ask F or c e E xpe r ie nc e Hisham Ahme d Ibr ahim Ministry of Communic ation & Information T e c hnology (MCIT ) T he E gyptian IPv6 T ask F orc e ahisham@mc it.gov.e g T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  2. E gyptian IPv6 T ask E gyptian IPv6 T ask F or c e c he c k list F or c e c he c k list 1) F or m E gypt IPv6 T ask F or c e (2004) 2) Obtain / 32 IPv6 Addr e sse s fr om Afr iNIC (2004) 3) Build T e st be d labs infr astr uc tur e (2005) 4) T e st Conne c tivity be twe e n labs (2006) 5) T e st Applic ations (2006) 6) Build the E gyptian IPv6 Bac kbone ne twor k (2007) 7) Inte r national Coope r ation (2008) T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  3. Ope n Sour c e L ab Ope n Sour c e L ab (2005) (2005) WEBSERVER, IPv4/v6 IPv4: IPv6: 2002:3e87:6982:2::2 IPv4: DMZ IPv6: 2002:3e87:6982:2::1 IPv4: IPv4: IPv6: 2002:3e87:6982:1::1 6to4 tunnel INTRANET INTERNET – INTERNET – v4 v4 IPv4 IPv4/v6 IPv4: IP: IPv6: 2002:3e87:6982::1 Internet v6 IPv4/v6 IPv4: IPv6: 2002:3e87:6982:1::6 IPv6: 2002:7864:6982:60::1 WEBSERVER, IPv6 IPv6: 2002:3e87:6982:60::2 T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  4. E gyptian IPv6 T ask E gyptian IPv6 T ask for c e T e st L ab (2009) (2009) for c e T e st L ab http:/ / ipv6tf.o rg.e g T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  5. T he E gyptian Unive r sity T he E gyptian Unive r sity IPv6 Wor k Gr oup (2006) (2006) IPv6 Wor k Gr oup The Egyptian IPv6 WG is focused both on understanding how IPv6 will enable Internet2 to achieve its goals and on promoting and coordinating the deployment of IPv6 throughout the Internet2 infrastructure. The biggest hurdle that we faced in deploying and using IPv6 within Internet2 members was that campus engineers lacked the knowledge and experience needed for efficient deployment and user support. T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  6. E gyptian IPv6 T ask E gyptian IPv6 T ask F or c e c he c k list F or c e c he c k list 1) F or m E gypt IPv6 T ask F or c e (2004) 2) Obtain / 32 IPv6 Addr e sse s fr om Afr iNIC (2004) 3) Build T e st be d labs infr astr uc tur e (2005) 4) T e st Conne c tivity be twe e n labs (2006) 5) T e st Applic ations (2006) 6) Build the E gyptian IPv6 Bac kbone ne twor k (2007) 7) Inte rnational Coope ration (2008) T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  7. T he E gyptian Unive r sity T he E gyptian Unive r sity IPv6 Wor k Gr oup IPv6 Wor k Gr oup The working group addressed those needs through combination of the following events. 1. One or two IPv6 seminars per year. The focus of these seminars are on explaining the deployment and transition issues. These could also undertake to explain the value that IPv6 brings to such issues as multicast, multihoming, mobility and global routability. 2. Two (one per semester) IPv6-only hands-on workshops. At them, participants start from scratch and build an IPv6 network, including routers, hosts, DNS tools and various transition tools, ending up with a functional IPv6 network fully interconnected to the global Internet. 3. Publish, once every three months, an electronic and not necessarily large document that is IPv6-only in content. This document is sent to all the engineering contacts Internet2 campuses. The aim is simply to maintain a certain level of awareness. T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  8. VoIPv6 VoIPv6 INTERNET2 INTERNET2 Network 2 Network 1 Asterix-v6 Server Kphone Client SipSet Client T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  9. Pac ke t Analysis Using Pac ke t Analysis Using E the r e al E the r e al T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  10. Mobile IPv6 (2007) (2007) Mobile IPv6 2001:660:5503:276b::4 T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  11. MIPv6 MIPv6 These findings were published in the 9th IEEE ConTEL conference in Croatia (2007) T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  12. E gyptian IPv6 T ask E gyptian IPv6 T ask F or c e c he c k list F or c e c he c k list 1) F or m E gypt IPv6 T ask F or c e (2004) 2) Obtain / 32 IPv6 Addr e sse s fr om Afr iNIC (2004) 3) Build T e st be d labs infr astr uc tur e (2005) 4) T e st Conne c tivity be twe e n labs (2006) 5) T e st Applic ations (2006) 6) Build the E gyptian IPv6 Bac kbone ne twor k (2007) 7) Inte rnational Coope ration (2008) T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  13. T he National Re se ar c h & T he National Re se ar c h & E duc ation Ne twor k E duc ation Ne twor k Internet Internet2 Internet Internet2 EUN NOC ENSTINET NOC Bandwidth Bandwidth Core Router Core Router 310 Mbps Core Router Core Router 310 Mbps LINKdotNET LINKdotNET Operating Operating Gateway Gateway Bandwidth Bandwidth Single Fiber Cable 155Mbps 155Mbps Connection (12 Core) 34Mbps 34Mbps 34Mbps 34Mbps Provider Edge 34Mbps 34Mbps 34Mbps 34Mbps Router 155Mbps 155Mbps LINKdotNET LINKdotNET 34Mbps to 34Mbps to 34Mbps to 34Mbps to Telecom Telecom (MPLS- -based Network) based Network) (MPLS Telecom Egypt Egypt Telecom Egypt Egypt PoP PoP PoP PoP Single Fiber Cable Operating Bandwidth Connection (12 Core) 34Mbps (up to 1Gbps) Access Router Access Router Access Router Access Router Research Research University University MCIT MCIT Center BibAlex BibAlex Center T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  14. E gyptian IPv6 T ask E gyptian IPv6 T ask F or c e c he c k list F or c e c he c k list 1) F or m E gypt IPv6 T ask F or c e (2004) 2) Obtain / 32 IPv6 Addr e sse s fr om Afr iNIC (2004) 3) Build T e st be d labs infr astr uc tur e (2005) 4) T e st Conne c tivity be twe e n labs (2006) 5) T e st Applic ations (2006) 6) Build the E gyptian IPv6 Bac kbone ne twor k (2007) 7) Inte r national Coope r ation (2008) T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  15. T ask F or c e ’ ’s VoIPv6 s VoIPv6 T ask F or c e Cr oss boar de r de mo Cr oss boar de r de mo IPv6 lab, AfNOG Meeting, VoIPv6 Smart Village, (GTF), Cairo, Egypt Rabat, Morocco AfNOG (2008) (2008) AfNOG Distance between Cairo and Rabat Miles: 2232.88 Kilometers: 3593.37 T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  16. T e le me dic ine v6 T e le me dic ine v6 Sur ge r y @ 45Mbps Sur ge r y @ 45Mbps (2009) (2009) T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e

  17. T hank you T T he E he E gyptian IPv6 T gyptian IPv6 T ask F ask F or or c e c e


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