Synthesizing Memory Models from Framework Sketches and Litmus Tests James Bornholt Emina Torlak University of Washington
Memory consistency models define memory reordering behaviors on mul>processors
Memory consistency models define memory reordering behaviors on mul>processors …correctness of my compiler… writers Compiler
Memory consistency models define memory reordering behaviors on mul>processors …correctness of …rules to verify my compiler… against… writers Compiler tools 🤗 Verifica@on
Memory consistency models define memory reordering behaviors on mul>processors …correctness of …rules to verify …possible low- my compiler… against… level behaviors… writers Compiler tools 🤗 developers Verifica@on Kernel/library
Memory consistency models define memory reordering behaviors on mul>processors …correctness of …rules to verify …possible low- my compiler… against… level behaviors… writers Compiler tools 🤗 developers Verifica@on Kernel/library Litmus tests and prose
⇒ Memory consistency models define memory reordering behaviors on mul>processors …correctness of …rules to verify …possible low- my compiler… against… level behaviors… writers Compiler tools 🤗 developers Verifica@on Kernel/library ∨ ∀ ⋈ ∃ ∈ ∩ ∧ ⊂ ∪ Litmus tests Formal and prose specifica@ons
⇒ Memory consistency models define memory reordering behaviors on mul>processors …correctness of …rules to verify …possible low- my compiler… against… level behaviors… writers Compiler tools 🤗 developers Verifica@on Kernel/library x86 [Sewell et al, CACM’10] ∨ ∀ ⋈ PowerPC [Alglave et al, CAV’10, etc] ∃ ∈ ∩ ARM [Flur et al, POPL’16] ∧ ⊂ ∪ Litmus tests Formal and prose specifica@ons
⇒ MemSynth ∨ ∀ ⋈ ∃ ∈ ∩ ∧ ⊂ ∪ Litmus tests Formal specifica@ons
⇒ MemSynth Synthesize specifica>ons ∨ ∀ ⋈ ∃ ∈ ∩ ∧ ⊂ ∪ Litmus tests Formal specifica@ons
⇒ MemSynth Framework sketch Synthesize specifica>ons ∨ ∀ ⋈ ∃ ∈ ∩ ∧ ⊂ ∪ Litmus tests Formal specifica@ons
⇒ MemSynth Framework sketch Synthesize specifica>ons ∨ ∀ ⋈ ∃ ∈ ∩ ∧ ⊂ ∪ Detect ambigui>es Litmus tests Formal specifica@ons
⇒ MemSynth Framework sketch Synthesize specifica>ons ∨ ∀ ⋈ ∃ ∈ ∩ ∧ ⊂ ∪ Detect ambigui>es Litmus tests Formal specifica@ons
⇒ MemSynth Synthesize specifica>ons ∨ ∀ ⋈ ∃ ∈ ∩ ∧ ⊂ ∪ Detect ambigui>es
⇒ MemSynth Synthesize specifica>ons ∨ ∀ ⋈ ∃ ∈ ∩ ∧ ⊂ ∪ Detect ambigui>es Framework sketches define a class of memory models
⇒ MemSynth Synthesize specifica>ons ∨ ∀ ⋈ ∃ ∈ ∩ ∧ ⊂ ∪ Detect ambigui>es Framework sketches define a class of memory models MemSynth engine verifica@on, equivalence, synthesis, ambiguity
⇒ MemSynth Synthesize specifica>ons ∨ ∀ ⋈ ∃ ∈ ∩ ∧ ⊂ ∪ Detect ambigui>es Framework sketches define a class of memory models MemSynth engine verifica@on, equivalence, synthesis, ambiguity Results synthesize real-world memory model specs
Memory models and framework sketches
Litmus tests illustrate memory model behavior Thread 1 Thread 2 X = 1 Y = 1 1 3 r1 = Y r2 = X 2 4 Can r1 = 0 ∧ r2 = 0?
Litmus tests illustrate memory model behavior Thread 1 Thread 2 X = 1 Y = 1 1 3 r1 = Y r2 = X 2 4 Can r1 = 0 ∧ r2 = 0? Sequen>al consistency : no
Litmus tests illustrate memory model behavior Thread 1 Thread 2 X = 1 Y = 1 1 3 r1 = Y r2 = X 2 4 Can r1 = 0 ∧ r2 = 0? Sequen>al consistency : no x86 : yes!
Litmus tests illustrate memory model behavior Thread 1 Thread 2 X = 1 Y = 1 1 3 r1 = Y r2 = X 2 4 Can r1 = 0 ∧ r2 = 0? Sequen>al consistency : no x86 : yes! A memory model M is a set of constraints that define the possible execu@ons (outcomes) of a program.
Litmus tests illustrate memory model behavior Thread 1 Thread 2 X = 1 Y = 1 1 3 r1 = Y r2 = X 2 4 Can r1 = 0 ∧ r2 = 0? Sequen>al consistency : no x86 : yes! A memory model M is a set of constraints that define the possible execu@ons (outcomes) of a program. Memory model M allows litmus test T if there exists an execu@on that sa@sfies M’s constraints.
Litmus tests illustrate memory model behavior Memory model Thread 1 Thread 2 M allows test T: Me ∃ E. M(T,E) X = 1 Y = 1 1 3 r1 = Y r2 = X 2 4 Can r1 = 0 ∧ r2 = 0? Sequen>al consistency : no x86 : yes! A memory model M is a set of constraints that define the possible execu@ons (outcomes) of a program.
Memory models, formally Memory model Common formaliza@ons based on rela>onal logic M allows test T: ∃ E. M(T,E) Example for sequen>al consistency : no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden [Alglave et al, CAV’10]
Memory models, formally Memory model Common formaliza@ons based on rela>onal logic M allows test T: ∃ E. M(T,E) Example for sequen>al consistency : no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden Binary rela@ons over program instruc@ons [Alglave et al, CAV’10]
Memory models, formally Memory model Common formaliza@ons based on rela>onal logic M allows test T: ∃ E. M(T,E) Example for sequen>al consistency : happens-before order no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden Binary rela@ons over program instruc@ons [Alglave et al, CAV’10]
Memory models, formally Memory model Common formaliza@ons based on rela>onal logic M allows test T: ∃ E. M(T,E) Example for sequen>al consistency : happens-before order is acyclic no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden Binary rela@ons over program instruc@ons [Alglave et al, CAV’10]
Memory models, formally Memory model Common formaliza@ons based on rela>onal logic M allows test T: ∃ E. M(T,E) Example for sequen>al consistency : happens-before order is acyclic no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden Binary rela@ons over From program syntax program instruc@ons [Alglave et al, CAV’10]
Memory models, formally Memory model Common formaliza@ons based on rela>onal logic M allows test T: ∃ E. M(T,E) Example for sequen>al consistency : happens-before order is acyclic no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden Binary rela@ons over From program syntax program instruc@ons Thread 1 Thread 2 X = 1 Y = 1 1 3 r1 = Y r2 = X 2 4 Can r1 = 0 ∧ r2 = 0? [Alglave et al, CAV’10]
Memory models, formally Memory model Common formaliza@ons based on rela>onal logic M allows test T: ∃ E. M(T,E) Example for sequen>al consistency : happens-before order is acyclic no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden Binary rela@ons over From program syntax program instruc@ons Thread 1 Thread 2 Program order: X = 1 Y = 1 1 3 po = {( , ), ( , )} 1 2 3 4 r1 = Y r2 = X 2 4 Can r1 = 0 ∧ r2 = 0? [Alglave et al, CAV’10]
Memory models, formally Memory model Common formaliza@ons based on rela>onal logic M allows test T: ∃ E. M(T,E) Example for sequen>al consistency : Part of execu@on; implicitly existen@ally quan@fied happens-before order is acyclic no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden Binary rela@ons over From program syntax program instruc@ons Thread 1 Thread 2 Program order: X = 1 Y = 1 1 3 po = {( , ), ( , )} 1 2 3 4 r1 = Y r2 = X 2 4 Can r1 = 0 ∧ r2 = 0? [Alglave et al, CAV’10]
Framework sketches A framework sketch defines the search space for synthesizing a memory model M by including holes in constraints no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden
Framework sketches A framework sketch defines the search space for synthesizing a memory model M by including holes in constraints Expression holes for a synthesizer to complete no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden ?? ?? ??
Framework sketches A framework sketch defines the search space for synthesizing a memory model M by including holes in constraints Expression holes for a synthesizer to complete no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden ?? ?? ?? Framework sketches are the key design tool for synthesizing memory model specifica@ons — they define the “interes@ng” candidate models
Memory model frameworks no ^(ws + fr + po + rf + fences) & iden ?? ?? ?? [Alglave et al, CAV’10]
Memory model frameworks no ^(ws + fr + ppo + grf + fences ) & iden Preserved program Global reads Fence cumula>vity order (same-thread from (inter- (for Power, ARM, reorderings) thread order) etc) [Alglave et al, CAV’10]
Memory model frameworks no ^(ws + fr + ppo + grf + fences ) & iden Preserved program Global reads Fence cumula>vity order (same-thread from (inter- (for Power, ARM, reorderings) thread order) etc) Sequen>al ∅ po rf consistency [Alglave et al, CAV’10]
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