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play Networking pro Bicycles in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation Networking pro Bicycles in Latin America and the Caribbean: SUSTRAN LAC - SUStainable TRansport Action Network Giselle Noceti Ammon Xavier State University of Santa Catarina UDESC - Brasil VIACICLO


  2. Networking pro Bicycles in Latin America and the Caribbean: SUSTRAN LAC - SUStainable TRansport Action Network Giselle Noceti Ammon Xavier State University of Santa Catarina UDESC - Brasil VIACICLO – SUSTRAN LAC Carlos Felipe Pardo GTZ/SUTP - Colômbia Lake Sagaris Fundación Ciudad Viva - Chile Oscar Edmundo Diaz ITDP/PPQ - Colômbia

  3. Who we are 1997 - Grupo CICLOBRASIL/PEDALA FLORIPA 2001 - VIACICLO Assoc. dos Ciclousuários da Gr. Florianopólis 2003 - LOCOMOTIVES Low Cost Mobility Initiatives 2006 - SUSTRAN LAC Rede de Transporte Sustentável AL& C

  4. State of Santa Catarina Brazil

  5. Island of Santa Catarina

  6. Florianópolis

  7. • Launched March Velo Mondial 2006 • Members: all individuals & institutions - push forward message Sustainable Transport • Supporters: ITDP , I-ce, GTZ/SUTP • World Bank, Sustrans UK, IFRTD, Access Exchange International, Velo Mondial, The New Mobility Agenda, Movilization… www.i -

  8. Network members joined BRT experts/advocates to challenge the Municipality of Quito - two letters. Reconsider to implement light rail in the city Advocating BRT systems good, cheaper solution Activity in late 2006 and early 2007

  9. Why Networking in Latin America and the Caribbean? • Sustainable transport community in LAC remains small • The regional networks are closer to the needs in their areas • The cultural diversity is less significant, so it is easier for: Sharing information Accomplishing tasks of common interest Coordinating and facilitating regional research efforts Coordinating advocacy and lobbying at the regional and international level Promoting best practices (& informing bad experiences)

  10. Learning with Latin American Cities Bogotá (Colômbia) has implemented the most comprehensive changes in few years, showing the usefulness of linking transportation improvements to social and urban progress. BRT Systems started in Curitiba in 1974. Bogotá enhanced the idea and transformed TransMilenio (2000) in a worldwide known success. Bogotá Curitiba By Eric Ferreira

  11. Learning with Latin American Cities Good quality Public Schools were built in dense low-income areas. National funding - “bursary per student in class”. Three large new libraries (14 smaller) linked to surrounding areas by large sidewalks and bicycle paths. More than 9 million visitors in 2002. Tindal Public Library by PPQ Foundation

  12. Learning with Latin American Cities Pedestrian streets with a bicycle path - poorest areas, no paved roads - along creeks, drainage canals, take care sewage waters. by PPQ Foundation Franja Seca canal Before and After Juan Amarillo Wetland Before and After

  13. Learning with Latin American Cities The Alameda El Porvenir, a 14-kilometer tree-lined pedestrian street with a bicycle path stretches through some of the city’s poorest areas. More than 1,200 parks (from very large to extremely small) were built all over the city. Alameda El Porvenir Simon Bolivar Park by PPQ Foundation

  14. Learning with Latin American Cities Bogotá gave space back to people in the city centre, by: 1- Turning car parks into sidewalks and cylepaths; 15th Avenue Before and After (FERREIRA, 2006)

  15. Bogotá gave space back to people in the city centre, by: 2. Reverting built areas and re-managing land use (park, residential, commercial area). Learning with Latin American Cities Third Millenium Park before and after by PPQ Foundation

  16. Bogotá gave space back to people in the city centre, by: 3 – Giving back Public Space to the community. Learning with Latin American Cities by PPQ Foundation San Vitorino plaza - 22 hectares of deteriorated urban space - drug distribution, criminal organizations and drug addicts- demolished to make room for a park.

  17. Bogotá gave space back to people in the city centre, by: 4 – Giving pedestrians and cyclists the right of way Learning with Latin American Cities Bogotá – cycle path and sidewalk - the infrastructure design tell the motorists they have to slow down by PPQ Foundation

  18. Learning with Latin American Cities from 0.4 to 5%; (FERREIRA 2006) Cycleway Sunday Bogotá station – free bike parking. neighbourhoods to TransMilenio Many cycle paths connect far Ÿ Daily journeys by bicycle increased Bogotá - Cycling Ÿ urban area; physically isolated bicycle paths Between 1998 & 2001 300km Ÿ closed to motorized traffic. 2 million people - 120km public ways and holidays, from 7am to 2pm, 1,5 to CICLOVIA DE DOMINGO - Every Sunday

  19. Learning with Latin American Cities Bogotá - Cycling The main pro-bicycle non- governmental organizations that have contributed to Bogotá’s success in cycling are: Ÿ Fundación Ciudad Humana Ÿ Fundación por El País que Queremos - PPQ

  20. Learning with Latin American Cities by Pepe Vaz, Arriba e la Chancha Santiago – Chile – Cycling & Walking Santiago has applied several initiatives, although fragmented and often underfunded, to improve public space for pedestrians and users of bicycles, tricycles, wheelchairs and other active transport forms.

  21. Learning with Latin American Cities Santiago – Chile – Cycling Advocacy

  22. Learning with Latin American Cities Velo Conferences and International programs role on Cycling policy arena in Brasil Efforts to improve bicycle-based mobility in Florianópolis were helped along enormously by contacts made and lessons learned during Velo Mondial and Velo City Conferences. Florianópolis Beira Mar Norte Cycleway by Antonio Miranda


  24. 11 & 12 June Stuttgart


  26. WORLD SOCIAL FORUM Porto Alegre Jan 2005 Ÿ Stand Ÿ Critical Mass Ÿ Brazilian Forum on Bicycle Mobility

  27. I BRAZILIAN BICYCLE ADVOCACY MEETING Florianópolis April 2005 Ÿ Technical Seminar (Government) Ÿ FBMB Meeting (Advocacy) LOCOMOTIVES’ MISSION 2005 Ÿ I-ce Lecture in Bicicleta Brasil Meeting - Ministry of Cities, Brasilia

  28. BICICLETA BRASIL LAUNCHING Ÿ 22nd Set 2004, Brasília-DF

  29. INTERNACIONAL WORKSHOP BICYCLE PLANNING Ministry of Cities Guarulhos-SP - August 2006

  30. II BRAZILIAN MEETING ON BICYCLE MOBILITY São Paulo - July 2006 Ÿ Technical Seminar (Government) Ÿ FBMB Meeting (Advocacy) Ÿ Technical Visit (Good or bad Practices)

  31. III BRAZILIAN MEETING ON BICYCLE MOBILITY Rio de Janeiro - 23 a 25 Nov 2007 Ÿ Technical Seminar Ÿ FBMB Meeting Ÿ Technical Visit Launching of UCB UNIÃO DE CICLISTAS DO BRASIL

  32. SUSTRAN LAC Network represents the opportunity for: Ÿ Searching out relevant experiences and crucial information from our continent and presenting it in an inspiring way; Ÿ Convincing advocates to focus in full integration of all modes of transport – improve relationship advocates, expertise; Ÿ Promoting active transport, linking public health/environment - making the most of existing strengths; Ÿ Promoting exchange, build capacities LAC cities & countries; Ÿ Questioning ongoing technology, expertise, solutions, while leaving specific decisions to local authorities and other players;

  33. SUSTRAN LAC Network represents the opportunity for: Ÿ Promoting the universal design of Cycling, Walking and Public Transport facilities that are accessible to all; Ÿ Spreading Transport Demand Management strategies; Ÿ Overcoming the language barrier and helping to share information South- South and North-South-North; Ÿ With this wealth of experience, creativity and capacity, there is no doubt that with better coordination amongst ourselves and a little help from our international friends and partners, we can make a difference in the transport scenario of Latin America and the Caribbean for good!

  34. SUSTRAN LAC Network SC Obrigada! Gracias! Thank you! Danke!


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