survive and thrive

SURVIVE and THRIVE #EveryNewborn #EveryChildAlive #EveryNewborn - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SURVIVE and THRIVE #EveryNewborn #EveryChildAlive #EveryNewborn #EveryChildAlive SURVIVE and THRIVE: Transforming care for every small and sick newborn #EveryNewborn #EveryChildAlive WHY THIS REPORT? Urgency: A decade to meet SDG

  1. SURVIVE and THRIVE #EveryNewborn #EveryChildAlive #EveryNewborn #EveryChildAlive

  2. SURVIVE and THRIVE: Transforming care for every small and sick newborn #EveryNewborn #EveryChildAlive WHY THIS REPORT? • Urgency: A decade to meet SDG targets, and those for every newborn to survive and thrive are off track, maybe more so after COVID-19 pandemic. Some countries may not meet SDG 3.2 target until a century too late. • UHC: Small & sick newborns are our most vulnerable citizens and their care is a key part of UHC. Every country can do more. • Opportunity: 94 authors from every continent (except Antarctica!) have been involved, showing wide commitment to this issue. Chapter 1: Now is the time to transform care for newborns Chapter 2: What the numbers say Chapter 3: Deliver the care they are entitled to Chapter 4: Ensure they thrive Chapter 5: Use data for action NOW! Chapter 6: Immediate action is needed 2 Access report at

  3. AGENDA – Session 1 Facilitator: Dr. Ornella Lincetto, Senior Medial Officer, World Health Organization • Introduction to the webinar series and the speakers – Dr. Ornella Lincetto, Senior Medical Officer, World Health Organization • Key findings of ‘Immediate action s needed’, Chapter 6 of the Survive and Thrive report Dr. Ornella Lincetto Ms. Judith Robb-McCord – Ms. Judith Robb-McCord, Vice-President, Technical Leadership and Support at PCI, a Global Communities Type headline partner – Dr. Victoria Chou, Assistant Scientist in the Department of International Health at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health • Modelling and collecting data on maternal and newborn mortality related to COVID-19 – Dr. Ornella Lincetto, Senior Medical Officer, World Health Organization • Questions and answers • Closing and next webinar Dr. Victoria Chou

  4. 4 SURVIVE and THRIVE: Transforming care for every small and sick newborn #EveryNewborn #EveryChildAlive


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