Supporting Trust with Provenance of the Findings of the National Climate Assessment Curt Tilmes 1 Robert E. Wolfe 1,2 Brian Duggan 2,3 Steven Aulenbach 2,3 Justin C. Goldstein 2,3 Xiaogang Ma 4 Stephan Zednik 4 1. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 2. U.S. Global Change Research Program 3. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research 4. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute METHOD 2015: The 4 th International Workshop on 2015-10-11 Methods For Establishing Trust of (Open) Data
U.S. Global Change Research Program USGCRP assists the U.S. and the world to understand, assess, predict, and respond to human-induced and natural processes of global change. 2
Global Change Information System Research Activities GCIS connects global change Scenarios Observations information for scientists, decision makers and the USGCRP public. Global Change Models Datasets Information System (GCIS) People and Reports and Organizations Publications Tools 3
Third National Climate Assessment 4
Third National Climate Assessment 5
Third National Climate Assessment 6
Credible Science 7
Persistent Identifiers changing-climate/finding/global-sea-level-rise changing-climate/figure/past-and-projected-changes-in- global-sea-level-rise 8
Supporting Traceable Accounts 9
Traceable Science 10
Traceable Science 11
Traceable Science 12
Traceable Science 13
Traceable Science 14
Traceable Science 15
Traceability 16
Contributing to GCIS Public SPARQL Endpoint Well defined public API Open Source Development /gcis Developer mailing list!forum/gcis-api-users-group Adding more content and linking to more global change resources, contributions welcome! Thank You! 17
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