sum m ary of sum m ary of test case design techniques

Sum m ary of Sum m ary of Test Case Design Techniques Brian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sum m ary of Sum m ary of Test Case Design Techniques Brian Nielsen, Arne Skou {bnielsen | ask} Developm ent of Test Cases Complete testing is impossible ologi Testing cannot guarantee the absence of faults tekno

  1. Sum m ary of Sum m ary of Test Case Design Techniques Brian Nielsen, Arne Skou {bnielsen | ask}

  2. Developm ent of Test Cases Complete testing is impossible   ologi Testing cannot guarantee the absence of faults tekno  How to select subset of test cases from all possible test cases How to select subset of test cases from all possible test cases tionst with a high chance of detecting most faults ?   ormat Test Case Design Strategies Info CISS

  3. W hitebox Testing Overview  White box testing  White box testing ologi  Flowgraphs  Test criteria/coverage tekno  Statement / branch / decision / condition / path coverage St t t / b h / d i i / diti / th  MC/DC coverage  Looptesting tionst  Def-use pairs  Efficiency of different criteria ormat BEW ARE: Expected outcome cannot be determined from Info code! CISS

  4. W hite-Box : Statem ent Testing  Execute every statement of a program  Relatively weak criterion  Relatively weak criterion ologi  Weakest white-box criterion tekno tionst ormat Info CISS

  5. Exam ple : Statem ent Testing ( result = 0 + 1 + …+ | value| , if this < = m axint , error otherw ise) 1 PROGRAM maxsum ( maxint, value : INT ) ologi 2 INT result := 0 ; i := 0 ; tekno 3 IF value < 0 4 THEN value := - value ; tionst 5 5 WHILE WHILE ( i < value ) AND ( result <= maxint ) ( i < value ) AND ( result < maxint ) 6 DO i := i + 1 ; 7 7 result := result + i ; result := result + i ; ormat 8 OD; 9 9 IF result <= maxint IF result maxint Info 10 THEN OUTPUT ( result ) 11 ELSE OUTPUT ( “too large” ) 12 END. CISS

  6. 1 Flow grah Node = statement (blocks) 2 Edges = possible successor (control flow) ologi 1 PROGRAM maxsum ( maxint, value : INT ) 4 3 2 INT result := 0 ; i := 0 ; tekno 3 3 IF IF value < 0 l 0 4 THEN value := - value ; 5 WHILE ( i < value ) AND ( result <= maxint ) 5 6-7 tionst 6 6 DO DO i i := i + 1 ; i + 1 7 result := result + i ; 8 OD; ormat 9 9 IF result <= maxint IF result <= maxint 9 10 THEN OUTPUT ( result ) 11 ELSE OUTPUT ( “too large” ) Info 12 12 END END. 11 10 12 CISS

  7. Flow graph: Cyclomatic complexity # edges - # nodes + 2  Defines the maximal number of test cases needed to  provide statement coverage provide statement coverage ologi Mostly applicable for Unit testing  Strategy for statement coverage: gy g  tekno Derive flow graph 1. Find cyclomatic complexity # c 2. tionst Determine at most # c independent paths through the Determine at most # c independent paths through the 3. 3 program (add one new edge for each test case) Prepare test cases covering the edges for each path 4. ormat (possibly fewer than # c cases) ( ibl f th # ) Info CISS

  8. 1 Cyclomatic complexity? y p y 2 1 PROGRAM maxsum ( maxint, value : INT ) 2 2 INT INT result := 0 ; i := 0 ; lt 0 i 0 ologi 3 IF value < 0 4 3 4 THEN value := - value ; tekno 5 5 WHILE WHILE ( i < value ) AND ( result <= maxint ) ( i < l ) AND ( lt < i t ) 6 DO i := i + 1 ; 7 result := result + i ; 5 6-7 tionst 8 8 OD; OD; 9 IF result <= maxint 10 THEN OUTPUT ( result ) ormat 11 11 ELSE ELSE OUTPUT ( too large ) OUTPUT ( “too large” ) 9 12 END. Info 11 10 12 CISS

  9. Exam ple : Statement Testing start yes yes value < 0 value:= -value; ologi no tekno Tests for complete i:=i+1; result:=result+i; statement coverage: g tionst (i<value) and yes (result<=maxint) maxint value ormat no 10 -1 0 -1 Info yes yes no no result<=maxint output(result); output(result); output(“ too large ”); output( too large ); exit CISS

  10. W hite-Box : Path Testing  Execute every possible path of a program, i e i.e., every possible sequence of statements every possible sequence of statements ologi  Strongest white-box criterion tekno  Usually impossible: infinitely many paths ( in case of loops )  So: not a realistic option tionst  But note : enormous reduction w.r.t. all possible test cases ( each sequence of statements executed for only one value ) ( eac seque ce o s a e e s e ecu ed o o y o e a ue ) ormat Info CISS

  11. W hite-Box : Branch Testing  Branch testing == decision testing  Execute every branch of a program : ologi each possible outcome of each decision occurs at least once tekno  Example:  IF b THEN s1 ELSE s2 tionst  IF b THEN s1; s2  CASE x OF ormat 1 : …. 2 : …. Info 3 3 : …. CISS

  12. Exam ple : Branch Testing start Tests for complete yes yes value < 0 value < 0 value:= -value; ologi statement coverage: maxint value no tekno 10 10 -1 1 0 -1 i:=i+1; result:=result+i; is not sufficient for is not sufficient for tionst (i<value) and yes branch coverage; (result<=maxint) ormat T k Take: no maxint value 10 10 3 3 Info yes yes no no result<=maxint 0 -1 for complete output(result); output(result); output( too large ); output(“ too large ”); branch coverage exit CISS

  13. Exam ple : Branch Testing start yes yes maxint maxint value value value < 0 l < 0 value:= -value; l l ologi -1 -1 no -1 -1 -1 -1 tekno 10 10 3 3 10 3 i:=i+1; result:=result+i; tionst But: But: (i<value) and yes No green path ! (result<=maxint) ormat no no Needed : yes yes no o Info result<=maxint lt< i t Combination of decisions 10 -3 output(result); p ( ); output(“ too large ”); p ( ); g exit CISS

  14. W hite-Box : Condition Testing  Design test cases such that each possible outcome of each condition in each decision occurs at least once f ologi  Example: tekno  decision ( i < value ) AND (result <= maxint ) consists of two conditions : ( i < value ) AND (result <= maxint ) tionst t test cases should be designed such that each gets value t h ld b d i d h th t h t l true and false at least once ormat Info CISS

  15. Exam ple : Condition Testing start yes yes value < 0 value:= -value; ologi ( i = result = 0 ) : no maxint value i<value result<=maxint tekno -1 1 true false i:=i+1; 1 0 false true result:=result+i; tionst gives condition coverage i diti (i<value) and yes for all conditions (result<=maxint) But it does not preserve But it does not preserve ormat no decision coverage   Info yes yes no no result<=maxint always take care that condition coverage output(result); output(result); output(“ too large ”); output( too large ); preserves decision coverage : preserves decision coverage : decision / condition coverage exit CISS

  16. W hite-Box : Multiple Condition Testing Testing  Design test cases for each combination of conditions ologi  Example:  ( i < value )  ( i value ) (result <= maxint ) (result maxint ) tekno false false false true tionst t true f l false true true  Implies decision- condition- decision/condition coverage  Implies decision-, condition-, decision/condition coverage ormat  But : exponential blow-up Info  Again : some combinations may be infeasible  Again : some combinations may be infeasible CISS

  17. W hite-box: loop testing  Statement and branch coverage are not sufficient  Single loop strategy:  Zero iterations Zero iterations ologi  One iteration  Two iterations tekno  Typical number of iterations l b f  n-1, n, and n+ 1 iterations (n maximum number of allowable iterations) tionst  Nested loop strategy: d l  Single loop strategy often intractable  Select minimum values for outer loop(s) ormat  Treat inner loop as a single loop  Work ‘outwards’ and choose typical values for inner loops  Concatenated loops:  Concatenated loops: Info  Treat as single, if independent  Treat as nested, if dependent CISS

  18. Exam ple : Loop testing Tests for complete start loop coverage: yes yes value < 0 value:= -value; ologi maxint value no 15 15 0 0 tekno 15 1 i:=i+1; result:=result+i; 15 2 tionst 15 3 (i<value) and yes (result<=maxint) 6 4 ormat no 15 5 Info yes yes no no result<=maxint output(result); output(result); output(“ too large ”); output( too large ); exit CISS

  19. W hite-box testing: Data Flow Criteria  Basic idea: For each variable definition (assignment), find a path (and a corresponding test case), to its use(s). A a path (and a corresponding test case), to its use(s). A ologi pair (definition,use) is often called a DU pair.  Three dominant strategies: tekno  All-defs (AD) strategy: follow at least one path from each ll d f ( ) f ll l h f h definition to some use of it  All-uses (AU) strategy: follow at least one path for each DU tionst pair  All-du-uses strategy (ADUP): follow all paths between a DU pair ormat  Complements the testing power of decision coverage Info CISS


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