“Success With Students of Color Success With Students of Color “ Attending a Predominately White Attending a Predominately White Institution” Institution”
Presented by: Presented by: Dr. Ulysses J. Connor, Jr. Dr. Ulysses J. Connor, Jr. Project Director Project Director Dr. George M. Colton Dr. George M. Colton Data Analyst/Counselor Data Analyst/Counselor Kutztown University Kutztown, Pennsylvania
The Challenges We Face The Challenges We Face “Education continues to be a major vehicle for upward mobility, and attainment of a bachelor’s degree is the largest single factor responsible for creation of the present Black middle class.” Dervarics, 1989 The average salary difference between high school graduates and bachelor degree holders in 2000 was $21,800. American Council on Education, 2002
The Challenges We Face The Challenges We Face After four years of study, only 19.8% of African American, 22.7% of Latino American, and 21.6% of Native American students earned bachelor degrees. After nine years of study only 33.9% of African American and 39.5% of Latino American and 33.2% of Native American students graduate with bachelor degrees. National Center for Educational Statistics, 2002; Higher Education Research Institute, 2001; ACT, 1998;
The Challenges We Face The Challenges We Face “It is not uncommon for students of color to feel isolated, to question their academic ability, to experience inferiority feelings and to question their self worth. They often experience disrespect, lower expectations, and pressure from peers not to perform well academically” Shultz, Colton & Colton, 2001
The Challenges We Face The Challenges We Face Eighty percent of all students who will enroll in institutions of higher education during the next 15 years will be students of color. Krishnamurthi, 2003
Question: Question: How are we to assist students of color in being successful at Predominately White Institutions (PWI)?
Three Persistence Models Three Persistence Models • Student Integration Model (Tinto, 1983, 1993) • Student Attrition Model (Bean & Metzer, 1985) • Student Involvement Model (Astin, 1984)
Model Characteristics that are Model Characteristics that are Relevant in Working with Relevant in Working with Students of Color Students of Color Pre-entry Characteristics Institutional Involvement/Experience – Integration into Academic Life – Integration into Social Life – Factors external to the Institution Racism
Pre-entry Characteristics Pre-entry Characteristics Little knowledge of requirements for success in higher education Inadequate preparation in high school for college/university expectations Poor study habits & study skills Poor note-taking & test-taking skills Poor research & library skills Reluctance to participate in group learning activities Academic self esteem issues
Institutional Institutional Involvement/Experience Involvement/Experience Academic Life Absence of positive role models Low expectations from faculty Minimal Involvement with faculty inside and outside of class Lack of assertiveness in interacting with faculty Poor Academic Self Esteem Poor Academic Advisement
Institutional Institutional Involvement/Experience Involvement/Experience Social Life Little to no involvement in campus life • Isolation and Alienation Involvement in Negative Behaviors Maintenance of High School Peer Group Work and Financial Aid Issues Family Issues
Racism Racism “The subtle glance of the eye which indicates ‘What are you doing here’… the loathsome look… the invisibility of presence… the sudden quietness… the intimidation experienced when attempting to converse with faculty members” Lett &Wright, 2003
Racism Racism Racism, no matter how subtle • Lowers self esteem • Retards development of personal identities • Retards cognitive and affective development • Shakes confidence and • Leads to feelings of isolation, alienation, depression and dissonance .
Racism Racism Students of Color need to learn how to deal with these forms of racism and we need to assist them in better developing this competency.
Question: Question: What type of program is needed to address the needs of students of color? Answer: Answer: A Program that uses proactive interventions, monitoring and early intervention, intrusive advising and counseling, focuses on building personal support networks among students, and creates strong personal advising/mentoring relationships with faculty.
Program Structure Program Structure Faculty and Staff Faculty and Staff • Inclusive • Multi-culturally sensitive • Self aware • Faith in student’s abilities • Focus on student’s strengths • Encouraging
Program Structure Program Structure Program Office Space Program Office Space • Safe haven on campus • Place where students of color: • Feel Safe • Experience equality • Feel valued and respected • Have a home on campus
Program Structure Program Structure Systematic method to effectively immerse each student of color in the learning process. Proactive Interventions
Program Structure Program Structure Mandatory participation in all recommended program activities. Extrinsic rewards to motivate positive behaviors
Question: Question: What program interventions are needed to specifically address the needs of students of color?
Interventions Interventions Intrusive/mandatory advising and counseling Priority registration Peer and faculty mentoring Freshman Seminar Social and cultural activities
Interventions Interventions Diagnostic testing Progress reports Tutoring/Supplemental Instruction Study skills assistance
Interventions Interventions Bursar deferments Financial assistance Advocacy Newsletter/Program List-serve
Outcomes Outcomes Demographic Characteristics Mean Grade Point Averages Persistence Data
Demographic Information Demographic Information Cohort 1 Cohort2 Cohort3 KU YR OF ENTRY 2001-2002 2002-20 2003-2004 Overall TOTAL N 59 21 25 @8,000 FIRST GEN. 78% 81% 84% 62% GENDER: Female 61% 71% 52% 62% Male 39% 29% 48% 38% AGE (mean) 18 18 18 21 RACE African American 76% 81% 52% Latino American 24% 14% 36% 5% Multiple 5% 4% Native American 2%
Demographic Information Demographic Information Cohort 1 Cohort2 Cohort3 KU YR OF ENTRY 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Overall TOTAL N 59 21 25 @8,000 DISABLED 3% 0% 0% 4.5% CONDITIONAL ADMISSION 48% 38% 44% 27% 1 ST YR AGI 0-9,999 23% 30% 10,000-19,999 9% 10% 20,000-29,999 16% 30% UNK UNK 30,000-39,999 16% 15% 40,000-49,999 11% 5% 50,000+ 25% 10%
Mean Cumulative Point Averages Mean Cumulative Point Averages Cohort 1 Cohort2 Cohort3 YR OF ENTRY 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 TOTAL N 59 21 25 YEAR One (F01) 2.47 (F02) 2.26 (F03) 2.66 (Sp02) 2.49 (Sp03) 2.33 (Sp04) 2.56 Two (F02) 2.57 UNK (Sp03) 2.60 Three UNK
Persistence Data Persistence Data C1 C2 C3 KU KU KU YR OF ENTRY 01-02 02-03 03-04 Overall Stu Color Elig Stu TOTAL N 59 21 25 YEAR One 92% 81% 96% 74% 68% 54% Two 86% UNK 62% 47% 33% Three UNK 57% 39% 25% Four 54% 25% 17%
Contact Information: Contact Information: Dr. Ulysses J. Connor, Jr. 153 Beekey Education Center Kutztown University Kutztown, PA 19530 610-683-4219 connor@kutztown.edu
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