studying the dark triad of personality through twitter

Studying the Dark Triad of Personality through Twitter Behavior - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Studying the Dark Triad of Personality through Twitter Behavior Author: Daniel Preotiuc-Pietro, Jordan Carpenter, Salvatore Giorgi, Lyle Ungar Source: CIKM16 Advisor: Jia-Ling Koh Speaker: Avon Yu Date: 2016/11/22 1 Outline

  1. Studying the Dark Triad of Personality through Twitter Behavior Author: Daniel Preotiuc-Pietro, Jordan Carpenter, Salvatore Giorgi, Lyle Ungar Source: CIKM’16 Advisor: Jia-Ling Koh Speaker: Avon Yu Date: 2016/11/22 1

  2. Outline • Introduction • Method • Experiment • Prediction • Conclusion 2

  3. Introduction Online spaces are a medium for self-expression and social communication. Dark Triad • Narcissism • Machiavellianism • Psychopathy 3

  4. Introduction • (Insight)Aim to directly explore the relationships between online behaviors and the three components of the dark triad • Build a predictive model for the dark triad traits that uses only public Twitter information. 4

  5. Introduction • flow chart 5

  6. Outline • Introduction • Method • Experiment • Prediction • Conclusion 6

  7. Method Data Set • Collected through a study on Amazon Mechanical Turk. • 863 Twitter users with public profiles. • 491 Twitter users posted > 500 tokens. • Collect recent tweets (<3200), their profile picture and profile information. 7

  8. Method Dark Triad Score Completed the ’Dirty Dozen’ questionnaire: 8

  9. Method Features-Text Analysis • Input Twitter post • Unigram words used by at least 10% users(N=6491) • Word Clusters compute a word to word similarity matrix using Word2Vec. performs a dimensionality reduction using SVD. performs k-mean clustering to obtain the word clusters. 9

  10. Method (3,5) (3,5) 5 5 (1,0) (3,5) (2,4) (2,4) (0,2) 2.23 4.24 4 4 (1,1) 1 5.38 3 3 (2,4) 4.12 1.14 (0,2) (0,2) 2 2 (1,1) (1,1) 1 1 (1,0) (1,0) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 10

  11. Method (3,5) (3,5) 5 5 (2.5,4.5) (2.5,4.5) (2,4) (2,4) 4 4 (0.66,1) (2.5,4.5) (0,2) 1.20 3.53 3 3 (1,1) 0.34 3.80 (0,2) (0,2) (2,4) 3.28 0.70 2 2 (1,0) 1.05 4.74 (0.66,1) (0.66,1) (1,1) (1,1) (3,5) 4.63 0.70 1 1 (1,0) (1,0) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 11

  12. Method Features-Text Analysis • LIWC manually constructed based on psychological theory. include different parts-of-speech, topical categories and emotions. • Sentiment & Emotions six basic emotions: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise. sentiments: trust, anticipation, positive and negative sentiment. 12

  13. Method Features-Image Analysis • Image Features use state- of-the-art image recognition systems. IsDefault,Grayscale, Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Sharpness, Blur • Facial Features use Face++API. Types of image: has faces, one face, multiple faces Facial presentation: ratio, glasses, posture(FacePitch,FaceRoll,FaceYaw), smile 13

  14. Method Platform Usage • Profile Features No. tweets, tweets/day # friends, #followers, follower–friend ratio, #listed Default background, geo-enabled Proportion and count of tweets that were retweeted or liked 14

  15. Method Platform Usage • Shallow Text Features # characters, # tokens per tweet Retweets or duplicate messages Proportion of messages which use hashtags, @-replies,@-mentions, URLs or ask for followers 15

  16. Outline • Introduction • Method • Experiment • Prediction • Conclusion 16

  17. Experiment • unigrams with the highest Pearson correlation to each of the dark triad traits. 17

  18. Experiment • Table 3: Pearson correlations between narcissism and textual features extracted from tweets • Table 2:Pearson correlations between the aggregate dark triad score and textual features extracted from tweets 18

  19. Experiment • Table 5: Pearson correlations between Machiavellianism and high level textual features extracted from tweets • Table 4: Pearson correlations between psychopathy and textual features extracted from tweets 19

  20. Experiment image features profile features facial features shallow text features 20

  21. Outline • Introduction • Method • Experiment • Prediction • Conclusion 21

  22. Prediction 22

  23. Outline • Introduction • Method • Experiment • Prediction • Conclusion 23

  24. Conclusion • first comprehensive study using observed social media behaviors of the dark triad. • we managed to build a predictive model of the three dark triad traits which achieves robust predictive performance on out-of-sample testing. 24

  25. Thank you! 25


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