student life east falls

STUDENT LIFE EAST FALLS Henry J. Humphreys, Dean of Students - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

STUDENT LIFE EAST FALLS Henry J. Humphreys, Dean of Students Timothy J. Butler, Associate Dean DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE SCOPE Student Life has oversite of co-curricular supports, programs and services for all Undergraduate, Graduate & CPS

  1. STUDENT LIFE EAST FALLS Henry J. Humphreys, Dean of Students Timothy J. Butler, Associate Dean

  2. DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE SCOPE Student Life has oversite of co-curricular supports, programs and services for all Undergraduate, Graduate & CPS students. The professional staff are dedicated to reducing barriers & enhancing a students collegiate experience.


  4. THE OFFICE OF STUDENT ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES The Office is responsible Collaborate and support for promoting access to Faculty and Staff to ensure: facilities and programs, • Student success; ensuring equal educational • Compliance with disability law; opportunities, acting as an informational and referral source, and serving as a liaison between faculty and student;

  5. MARIANNE ABLE CAREER SERVICES CENTER Career Advising for All Student Populations/ Alumni; Employer Relations- Job/ Internship Postings: Presentations for Faculty on Career Related Topics; Career Fairs/ Design Expo/ On Campus Interview Program; **First Destination S urvey: 95% for 2016**

  6. COUNSELING SERVICES Support Emergency undergraduate support and graduate throughout the students with day and daily individual short drop-in hour term counseling 1:00pm-2:00pm; (average 6 visit s); Workshop: Consultation, Monthly outreach, Mindfulness, collaboration and Weekly Grief prevention with Group, Hurricane the faculty, Support Group & students and Online Mental staff; Health Screenings;

  7. HEALTH SERVICES Keeping them in class at their highest learning potential; Appointments available for wellness / sickness / illness; Walk-In for emergencies;

  8. INTERNATIONAL AND EXCHANGE STUDENT PROGRAMS Oversee SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Supports international Assist international students Informational System) students ( undergraduate & Currently 375 bachelor’ s, integration into the compliance including work graduate) on an F-1 student master’ s and doctoral community through permissions: CPT, curricular visa and other non-immigrant students; educational & social practical training visas; programming; (Internships); OPT optional practical training;

  9. OFFICE OF RESIDENCE LIFE Oversee the educational, Provides leadership social and housing operations opportunities for for all the University upperclassmen through the Community Standards; residential Community Resident Coordinator and Residential Student Care and Resident Assistant program; Concerns;

  10. OFFICE OF STUDENT ENGAGEMENT New Student Programs • New Student Orientation; • Welcome Week; • First Year Experience; • First Year Seminar (FYS-100); Diversity and Social Justice • Social Justice Programming; • Community Service; • Service Learning (SERV 101); • Spiritual Development; Operations • Kanbar Campus Center; • Ravenhub; • Off-Campus Housing; • Campus Reservations; • Photo ID; Campus Activities • Clubs and Organizations; • Greek Life; • Leadership Development; • Commuter Life; • Campus Traditions;

  11. DEAN OF STUDENTS OFFICE “ It ’s All About The S t udent s” Student Life • Assist students in lowering the barriers to achieving their educational goals; • Provide the support and challenges necessary to their developmental growth opportunities and to develop into future leaders in their field of study and the greater society; Student Success • S tudent-oriented culture that ensures access, education excellence, fosters student development, and supports high levels of student engagement and success across all elements of the University ; • S ustain and advance a collaborative and student focused culture in partnership with faculty, administration and staff across all offices for the University’s;

  12. Any Facult y int erest ed in serving as a member of t he Universit y Communit y S t andards Board can cont act Christ ina Moran (moranc@ Feel free t o st op by any of t he S t udent Life Offices t o enj oy t he Halloween decorat ions!


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