structural change labor productivity and globalization

Structural change, labor productivity and globalization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Structural change, labor productivity and globalization productivity and globalization Margaret McMillan IFPRI, Tufts, NBER June 2011 Based on a paper with the title Globalization, Structural Change, and Productivity Growth, authored

  1. Structural change, labor productivity and globalization productivity and globalization Margaret McMillan IFPRI, Tufts, NBER June 2011 Based on a paper with the title “Globalization, Structural Change, and Productivity Growth,” authored jointly with Dani Rodrik (Harvard). We acknowledge financial support from IFPRI and a joint IL,WTO project on "Making Globalization Socially Sustainable.“

  2. What do economists usually mean by structural transformation? transformation?

  3. structural transformation → dual economy models a la Arthur Lewis → agriculture to manufacturing → agriculture to manufacturing → economic growth

  4. Consider India in 1990

  5. India fits the Lewis Model Correlation Between Sectoral Productivity and Change in Employment Shares in India (1990-2005) oductivity/Total Productivity β = 35.2372; t-stat = 2.97 2 pu fire tsc min 1 wrt con cspsgs man Log of Sectoral Prod 0 -1 agr -.04 -.02 0 .02 Change in Employment Share ( ∆ Emp. Share) Fitted values *Note: Size of circle represents employment share in 1990 **Note: β denotes coeff. of independent variable in regression equation: ln(p/P) = α + β∆ Emp. Share Source: Authors' calculations with data from Timmer and de Vries (2009)

  6. So does China Correlation Between Sectoral Productivity and Change in Employment Shares in China (1997-2007) roductivity/Total Productivity β = 14.0055; t-stat = 1.02 3 fire 2 pu min 1 man tsc tsc Log of Sectoral Pro wrt 0 con cspsgs -1 agr -.1 -.05 0 .05 Change in Employment Share ( ∆ Emp. Share) Fitted values *Note: Size of circle represents employment share in 1997 **Note: β denotes coeff. of independent variable in regression equation: ln(p/P) = α + β∆ Emp. Share Source: Authors' calculations with data from China's National Bureau of Statistics

  7. So, what does the rest of the world look like?

  8. Venezuela Correlation Between Sectoral Productivity and Change in Employment Shares in Venezuela (1990-2005) ductivity/Total Productivity β = -14.5675; t-stat = -3.44 3 min con 2 1 Log of Sectoral Produ man man tsc 0 fire cspsgs agr wrt -1 pu -.1 -.05 0 .05 .1 Change in Employment Share ( ∆ Emp. Share) Fitted values *Note: Size of circle represents employment share in 1990 **Note: β denotes coeff. of independent variable in regression equation: ln(p/P) = α + β∆ Emp. Share Source: Author's calculations with data from Timmer and de Vries (2007)

  9. Zambia Correlation Between Sectoral Productivity and Change in Employment Shares in Zambia (1990-2005) ductivity/Total Productivity β = -10.9531; t-stat = -3.25 3 fire 2 min pu con tsc man 1 wrt Log of Sectoral Produ cspsgs 0 -1 agr -2 -.1 0 .1 .2 Change in Employment Share ( ∆ Emp. Share) Fitted values *Note: Size of circle represents employment share in 1990 **Note: β denotes coeff. of independent variable in regression equation: ln(p/P) = α + β∆ Emp. Share Source: Authors' calculations with data from CSO, Bank of Zambia, and ILO's KILM

  10. United States Correlation Between Sectoral Productivity and Change in Employment Shares in U.S. (1990-2005) ductivity/Total Productivity β = -8.9330; t-stat = -1.44 pu 1.5 1 fire fire .5 .5 man man Log of Sectoral Produ min tsc 0 agr wrt -.5 cspsgs con -.04 -.02 0 .02 .04 Change in Employment Share ( ∆ Emp. Share) Fitted values *Note: Size of circle represents employment share in 1990 **Note: β denotes coeff. of independent variable in regression equation: ln(p/P) = α + β∆ Emp. Share Source: Author's calculations with data from Timmer and de Vries (2007)

  11. How important has structural change been as a determinant of labor productivity and to what labor productivity and to what extent does it explain regional patterns of growth?

  12. Labor productivity growth decomposition ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∆ = θ ∆ + ∆ θ Y y y , , , , − t i t k i t i t i t = = = = i i n n i i n n within structural change Y refers to aggregate labor productivity, y is sectoral labor productivity, θ is employment share, 3 is the first,difference operator, i indexes sectors, t ,k and t stand for initial and final years.

  13. Data • Start from Groningen Growth and Development Center (GGDC) data base, which provides employment and real valued added statistics for 27 countries disaggregated into 10 sectors (Timmer and de Vries, 2007; 2009) We converted local currency value added at 2000 prices to dollars using 2000 PPP – exchange rates. • • Complement with data from national sources for 11 additional countries Complement with data from national sources for 11 additional countries (China, Turkey, and several African countries) • For the most part, VA comes from national income accounts, while level and structure of employment come from population censuses (and other household surveys) – Since employment data are not based on labor force or industrial surveys (save for extrapolation purposes), coverage of informal sector should be less problematic than otherwise

  14. Decomposition of productivity growth, by region: 1990 - 2005 LAC Productivity growth within sectors AFRICA within structural ASIA Productivity growth due to structural change HI -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Decomposition of productivity growth by country group, 1990-2005

  15. What’s going on? Some possibilities: • Some countries have more “surplus labor” in agriculture than others • Role of comparative advantage: primary products versus manufactures • Labor market rigidity: spatial or sectoral barriers to labor mobility • Trade/industrial/currency policies

  16. But each country has its’ own story • Need to complement with more micro analysis • Consider the U.S. for a moment • Ebenstein, Harrison, McMillan and Phillips (2011) use data from current population surveys combined with data on trade and offshoring to show that: with data on trade and offshoring to show that: – Globalization is associated with a reallocation of workers across sectors and occupations – Reallocation across sectors is associated with a 2-4% decline in wages and if accompanied by a switch in occupation a 3-11% decline in wages – Effects are most pronounced for the period 1997 to 2002

  17. U.S. Structural Change 1997-2007 Correlation Between Sectoral Productivity and Change in Employment Shares in U.S. (1997-2007) ductivity/Total Productivity β = -19.7657; t-stat = -2.03 pu 1.5 1 fire fire Log of Sectoral Produc .5 .5 man man min tsc 0 agr wrt -.5 cspsgs con -.03 -.02 -.01 0 .01 .02 Change in Employment Share ( ∆ Emp. Share) Fitted values *Note: Size of circle represents employment share in 1997 **Note: β denotes coeff. of independent variable in regression equation: ln(p/P) = α + β∆ Emp. Share Source: Author's calculations with data from Timmer and de Vries (2007)

  18. What is going on in the U.S.? • We should be able to explain – lots of data • Why does 1997-2007 look so bad? • Why loss of jobs in manufacturing? • Technology? • Technology? • Changing demand patterns? • Globalization?

  19. Offshore Employment by U.S. Firms in Developing Countries

  20. Pattern is driven by China Australia Brazil Canada China .15 .1 .05 0 France Germany India Italy .15 are emp_shar .1 .05 0 Japan Malaysia Mexico United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .15 .1 .05 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 year Graphs by Country or area name

  21. Employment Changes: U.S. & China

  22. Conclusions • The mechanisms by which “globalization” has an impact on labor have not been well understood • Most research on globalization and labor market outcomes has focused on manufacturing alone • I hope that I have convinced you that a more complete understanding of the impact of globalization on labor market understanding of the impact of globalization on labor market outcomes calls for an economy-wide perspective • For developing countries, the presence of large inter-sectoral productivity gaps ensures significant potential for rapid economic growth but fulfilling this potential requires an ongoing process of diversification and structural change • China OEZ, Zambia, Pakistan, Egypt, Benin, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, Vietnam, S. Korea, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Tanzania (Brautigam and Xiaoyang, 2011)


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