dual language

Dual Language Bilingual Programs Hilda Maldonado, Executive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dual Language Bilingual Programs Hilda Maldonado, Executive Director Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department Division of Instruction OUTCOMES Understand the History, Research, and Data of Dual Language/Bilingual Education

  1. Dual Language Bilingual Programs Hilda Maldonado, Executive Director Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department Division of Instruction

  2. OUTCOMES • Understand the History, Research, and Data of Dual Language/Bilingual Education • Learn about LAUSD’s Dual Language Program Expansion and Implementation Efforts 2

  3. https://lausd.wistia.com/medias/canaa6nyo5 3

  4. WHAT PERCENTAGE OF LAUSD STUDENTS SPEAK A PRIMARY LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH? English Primary Language Only: Other Than English: 211,611 309,568 41% 59% English Only Primary Language Other Than English 4

  5. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 1998 2016 1970’s 1914 1 st Dual Language World War I Prop 227 Program in California PROP 58 5

  6. What do these two numbers represent? 126,000 8,000

  7. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND - LAUSD Dual Language Programs (78) • 1991: Spanish/English: • 1992: Korean/English • 2007: Mandarin/English • 2016: Armenian/English Arabic/English Maintenance Bilingual Education Elementary Programs (7) • 2013: Spanish/English Korean/English Foreign Language Immersion Program (7 ) • 2015: French/English Mandarin/English Spanish/English 7

  8. 8

  9. 9

  10. In Initial Id Identification

  11. Id Identificación In Inicial

  12. Reclassification Criteria

  13. Criterios Para Reclasificación de Aprendices de In Inglés

  14. Board 6: 10 Programs 8 Spanish 2 Armenian Board 3: 2 Programs 2 Korean Board 2: 26 Programs Board 4: 11 Programs 19 Spanish 6 Spanish 5 Korean 1 Korean 2 Mandarin 3 Mandarin 1 French Board 1: 11 Programs Board 5: 25 Programs 9 Spanish 22 Spanish 2 Korean 2 Mandarin 1 Arabic Programs by Board District 26 25 30 25 16 Board 7: 16 Programs 20 11 11 15 Spanish 10 15 1 Korean 10 2 5 0 BD1 BD2 BD3 BD4 BD5 BD6 BD7 14

  15. EARLY EDUCATION DUAL LANGUAGE PILOT SCHOOLS 2017-18 SCHOOL YEAR Board Local District School Program Language Queen Anne ES Early Transitional Kindergarten English / Spanish 1 West Eastman ES Early Transitional Kindergarten English / Spanish 2 East Gates ES Early Education Center English / Spanish 2 East Nevada ES Early Transitional Kindergarten English / Spanish 3 North West Cahuenga ES Transitional Kindergarten English / Korean 4 Central Grand View ES Early Transitional Kindergarten English / Spanish 4 West Montara ES Early Transitional Kindergarten English / Spanish 5 East Santana Arts Transitional Kindergarten English / Spanish 6 North West Academy Vista Del Valle California State Preschool English / Spanish 6 North East Program Early Transitional Kindergarten Denker ES English / Korean 7 South Transitional Kindergarten 15

  16. WHAT ARE THE RESEARCH BENEFITS OF BEING BILINGUAL? Stronger Family & Brain and Cross- Academic Economic Heritage Cognitive Cultural Connection • Increased • Competitive Competency academic • Bridge builders • Cognitive flexibility in the global performance for their families • Improves decision- economy • Awareness and • Advanced making skills • Access to the understanding language courses • Better problem- wisdom of their of other • CA Seal of solving abilities heritage cultures cultures Biliteracy Lifelong Advantages 9

  17. ¿Qué dicen las investigaciones sobre las ventajas de ser bilingüe? Cerebrales y Académicas Económicas Competencia Fuerte conexión cognitivas intercultural familiar y cultural • Mayor • Competitivos en la rendimiento economía global • Flexibilidad • Concienciación y • Constructores de académico cognitiva comprensión de puentes para sus otras culturas familias • Cursos avanzados • Mejora la de lenguaje capacidad para • Acceso a la tomar sabiduría de su • Sello de Biliteracia decisiones herencia cultural de California • Mejor habilidad para solucionar Ventajas para toda la vida problemas

  18. HOW DO DUAL LANGUAGE STUDENTS COMPARE TO NON-DUAL LANGUAGE STUDENTS WITHIN THE SAME SCHOOLS? HOW DO THEY COMPARE TO ALL STUDENTS IN LAUSD? 5 TH GRADE ELA SBA 2015-2016 100% 90% 31% 40% 80% 52% 70% 60% 50% 40% 69% 60% 30% 48% 20% 10% 0% Gr. 5 Dual Language Students (N=704) Gr. 5 Non-Dual Language Students Gr. 5 All Students (N=42,639) (N=2,835) STUDENTS WITHIN THE SAME SCHOOLS LAUSD STUDENTS Nearly/Not Met Meets/Exceeds SOURCE: ODA, SPRING 18 2016

  19. HOW DO DUAL LANGUAGE STUDENTS COMPARE TO NON-DUAL LANGUAGE STUDENTS WITHIN THE SAME SCHOOLS? HOW DO THEY COMPARE TO ALL STUDENTS IN LAUSD? 5 TH GRADE MATH SBA 2015-2016 100% 16% 90% 25% 34% 80% 70% 60% 50% 84% 40% 75% 66% 30% 20% 10% 0% Gr. 5 Dual Language Students (N=704) Gr. 5 Non-Dual Language Students Gr. 5 All Students (N=42,639) (N=2,835) STUDENTS WITHIN THE SAME SCHOOLS LAUSD STUDENTS Nearly/Not Met Meets/Exceeds SOURCE: ODA, SPRING 19 2016

  20. LAUSD SEAL BILITERACY & STATE SEAL OF BILITERACY CDE 3112 LAUSD 3257 Class of 2017 3500 Graduating Seniors : 3000 3112 2500 Received the California Seal of Biliteracy 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 LAUSD CDE 12

  21. RESOURCES 21

  22. HOW CAN A NEW PROGRAM BEGIN AT A SCHOOL SITE? Planning Year Programs • 1-2 Planning Years • Stakeholder Meetings • Curriculum Development • Submit a Program Proposal Proposition 58 Parent Choice • Meet Feasibility Criteria “to the extent possible” • School may begin the same year as submission • Submit a proposal within 6 months of implementation 22

  23. SCHOOL RESPONSE TO PARENT REQUEST • Place in an existing Dual Language program and Bilingual Program Create a program Requests ( to the extent possible ) 20 parent requests 23

  24. ALLOCATION OF LANGUAGES 1/2 Day Target language of instruction: Ways to distribute the Language All Subjects taught in both Elementary languages 1/2 Day English Language Elective Target Language Instruction 6 period schedule (2-3 periods) Content Area Secondary (e.g. History, Science) English All Other Content Areas 24

  25. ELEMENTARY SELF CONTAINED MODEL *Bilingual Teacher One teacher is both the Target language model and the AM English model. English Teacher spends ½ of the day PM delivering content in English and the Target other ½ in the target language Language *Teachers must be proficient in the target language. Requirement: Bilingual Authorization 25

  26. ELEMENTARY TEAM TEACHING MODEL One teacher is the target Target* English language model. Language Teacher Teacher One teacher is the English model. AM During the day, students spend Group A Group B the morning with one teacher, and the afternoon with the other teacher PM Group B Group A * Teachers must be proficient in the target language.Requirement: Bilingual Authorization http://bit.ly/dualteamteach 26

  27. COMMITMENT FROM ALL STAKEHOLDERS Form a planning team of stakeholders 27

  28. https://lausd.wistia.com/medias/nwqhs8vhd2 28

  29. Language Connects Us All 29

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