
Stride SR522 / NE 145th and I-405 Bus Rapid Transit Projects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Stride SR522 / NE 145th and I-405 Bus Rapid Transit Projects Citizen Oversight Panel 06/20/19 Todays Presentation Topics: New line of service: Stride Overview of projects Project refinements Progress of key project elements

  1. Stride SR522 / NE 145th and I-405 Bus Rapid Transit Projects Citizen Oversight Panel 06/20/19

  2. Today’s Presentation Topics:  New line of service: Stride  Overview of projects  Project refinements  Progress of key project elements  Phase 2 consultant contracts  Next steps 2

  3. A New Line of Business  Opens in 2024  Two Corridors (I-405 and SR 522/ NE 145th) BRT Systems Elements of Success  Transit speed, reliability and access improvements  BRT stations (signage, shelter, amenities)  Parking facilities  New BRT bus fleet  Bus operations and maintenance facility  Branding  Rider information system 3

  4. BRT – New Line of Service Graphic Element Sound Transit welcomes Submark “BRT Wave” Bus Rapid Transit service Stride Station Design Concept Color Palette Primary Colors Wave Blue White Secondary Colors Golden Soft Teal Light Gray Ticket 4

  5. Schedule Begins 2023 • Groundbreaking 2020-2023 • Construction updates and • Final design of roadway mitigation 2018-2020 improvements • Construction of roadway • Final station designs and improvements, parking Project refinement (2018) public art and stations. • Q1 2019 – Board • Obtain land use and advances refined project construction permits Conceptual Engineering & Environmental Review (2019) Preliminary engineering (2020 ) PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT  *Construction for most of the BRT projects are expected to begin by 2023 and be completed by 2024. Construction of some elements may begin before 2023 and others may occur after service starts in 2024. 5

  6. SR 522 / NE 145 th BRT Project Overview  8,000-9,000 daily riders  8 miles, 6 cities  Transit speed and reliability improvements: • Business Access and Transit (BAT) lanes along SR 522 • Intersection improvements/queue jumps  12 Stations: • 10 new station locations Station at 145 th LRT Station • Shared station at NE 195 th with I-405 BRT •  3 new parking facilities/access improvements 6

  7. Project Refinements Stations  12 station locations  3 provisional station locations Parking Garages  Lake Forest Park Town Center  Kenmore Park and Ride  Pop Keeney Stadium (Bothell) Roadway & Access Improvements  NE 145 th : Bus queue bypass lanes and intersection improvements  Lake Forest Park, SR 522: continuous BAT Lanes  Bothell, SR 522: BAT lanes & intersection improvements  Woodinville service: further study with King County Metro  Sidewalks improved where roadway widened Every SR 522/145 th BRT bus connects with I-405 BRT  7

  8. SR 522 Bothell BAT Lanes Construction Ground breaking April 15, 2019 Photo by Kailan Manadic, Sound Publishing 8

  9. Bothell BAT Lanes Key features:  Funding construction of Business Access and Transit Lanes SR 522 / NE 145 th BRT  component funded in ST3  Complete: Q4 2020  Start of BRT service: 2024 9

  10. SR 522 / NE 145 th BRT Phase 2 David Evans & Associates scope of work:  Conceptual Design • Fieldwork, data collection and technical studies • Stakeholder involvement • Roadway, station area, and parking facilities designed to 10 percent  Environmental Review with SEPA Checklist • Expanded checklist process • Stakeholder involvement and sufficiency for cities’ SEPA needs 10

  11. Preliminary Estimate • Using consistent methodology: 2018$; construction, real estate, etc. • Based on limited design (1-2%): 2018$; updated construction figures, updated real estate, etc. • Estimates do not establish project budget: Project budget established during final design 11 11

  12. Preliminary Estimate 10 9 $732 million 8 $619 million 2018 $ in millions 7 6 Estimates based on limited 5 conceptual design 4 to compare 3 project elements. Project budget 2 established during 1 final design. ST3 Representative Project Refined Project 12

  13. Preliminary Estimate Key Drivers  Property Acquisition  Construction/Design, market conditions: • Structured parking construction • Bridge structures for stream crossings • System needs (rider information, etc) • BRT station refinements (e.g., double platforms) • Streetscaping 13 13

  14. Cascadia College UW Bothell/ I-405 BRT Project 37-mile corridor: Lynnwood to Burien  Proposed refined project: • 11 BRT stations across 8 cities • 3 new/expanded parking facilities • 1 transit center • Connections to Link light rail in Lynnwood, Bellevue and Tukwila • Estimated 25,800 riders daily by 2040  Start of service in 2024 14

  15. Proposed Project Refinements: I-405 BRT with I-405 ETL North Line Project Refined Proposed % Change AM peak travel time (SB) 55 33 -40% PM peak travel time (NB) 45 29 -36% Daily ridership 10,000 12,200 22%

  16. I-405/NE 85th Street Interchange Representative Project 16

  17. I-405/NE 85th Street Interchange Project Description:  Construct a three-level interchange with inline BRT station, direct access ramps to ETLs, and local roadway improvements  Fully funded by Sound Transit 17

  18. I-405/NE 85th Street Interchange 18

  19. Proposed Project Refinements: South Line  Tukwila International Boulevard BRT Station: • Non-motorized access and improvements to Link Lightrail station • Reduced highway and arterial widening • Improved travel time and ridership 19

  20. I-405/NE 44th Street Interchange • WSDOT Renton to Bellevue Express Toll Lane Project • Signed (capped) funding agreement • BRT Station Pad • Pedestrian access and amenities for Park and Ride to stations • Sound Transit portion of direct access ramps • 200 stall Park and Ride • Sound Transit to deliver • Sound Transit Board has authorized purchase 20

  21. I-405 BRT travel times AM peak hour travel times to Bellevue * Preliminary travel time estimates for planning purposes, subject to change. Existing travel times are average times. Year 2025 estimates assume new express toll lanes are open between Renton to Bellevue. Updated information will be provided prior to beginning service. 21

  22. Bus Base North  Critical Path – Complete by 2023 for Bus Base Representative project vehicle fleet location  Screening of 30+ sites  Representative site: Canyon Park, Bothell  Possession and use 22

  23. I-405 BRT Phase 2 WSP USA, Inc. Scope of work:  Conceptual Design • Fieldwork, data collection and technical studies • Stakeholder involvement • Advance design for stations and other work (survey, geotech, ROW) • Evaluate potential BRT vehicle Fleet  Environmental Review: Develop NEPA/SEPA documentation 23

  24. Preliminary Estimate 11 10 $1038 million $1,003 million 9 8 2018 $ in millions 7 Estimates based 6 on limited 5 conceptual design 4 to compare project elements. 3 Project budget 2 established during 1 final design. ST3 Representative Project Refined Project 24

  25. Thank you.


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