
STRATEGIC ACQUISITION CENTER MSPV-NG Program Overview Ms. Jaime - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

STRATEGIC ACQUISITION CENTER MSPV-NG Program Overview Ms. Jaime Friedel U.S. Department VA of Veterans Affairs 1 MSP SPV-NG Su Supports th the MyVA STRATEGIC Transformatio ion Putti ting Veterans and th their ir A C Q U I S I T

  1. STRATEGIC ACQUISITION CENTER MSPV-NG Program Overview Ms. Jaime Friedel U.S. Department VA of Veterans Affairs 1

  2. MSP SPV-NG Su Supports th the MyVA STRATEGIC Transformatio ion – Putti ting Veterans and th their ir A C Q U I S I T I O N C E N T E R Familie ilies Fir irst VA A is Tran ansfor ormin ing into a a Su Supply ly Chain Chain Trans ansfor ormatio ion is MS MSPV-NG Su Suppo pports Su Suppl pply Veteran Cen Centric ic Or Organiz ization a Br a Breakthrou ough Pri rior orit ity Cha Chain in Tran ansformation    VA Secretary Bob VA leadership identified 12 VHA is partnering with its McDonald is sponsoring Breakthrough Priorities for acquisition offices to MyVA a major 2016 that will support the update the existing MPSV transformation initiative MyVA vision program to support these across the Department goals  VA identified Supply Chain   MyVA serves as a catalyst Transformation as a critical VA will redirect the cost to modernize VA’s culture, enabler for MyVA avoidance from this effort processes, and capabilities to support ort high pri riori ority to put the needs of Veteran prog rogram rams Veterans and their families first 2

  3. STRATEGIC MSP SPV-NG is is a Nati tional l Program for r Procurin ring A C Q U I S I T I O N C E N T E R Medic ical/ l/Surgic ical l Su Suppli lies Across ss VHA What is is MSP SPV-NG?  The MSPV Program is a national mandatory program that provides a customized distribution system to meet or exceed facility requirements by providing an efficient, cost-effective, just-in-time distribution catalog ordering process  MSPV Cataloging items to be distributed under the MSPV Program will include medical, surgical, dental, and selected prosthetics and laboratory supplies, to include textiles  Cataloging items utilized to populate the MSPV Catalog will be comprised of acquisitions consisting of Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs); Basic Ordering Agreements (BOAs); and other National Contracts 3

  4. MSPV-NG St Streamlines Orderin ing Processes STRATEGIC A C Q U I S I T I O N C E N T E R Resulting in in Benefits to VA and Veterans Provid ide a a str treamlin lined procedure for or or orderin ing medical/ l/surgic ical l su supplie lies aim aimed at: t: Decreased number of Reduced number of Improved ease of purchase card shipments and invoice ordering transactions processing by facilities Reduced inventory Increased flexibility for Decreased number of levels at individual VA Customer and purchase orders facilities Ordering Officers 4

  5. STRATEGIC Clin Clinic ical l In Involv lvement and In Input is is Cr Critic itical l to A C Q U I S I T I O N C E N T E R th the Su Success ss of f MSP SPV-NG NG Item Revie Ite iew vi via In Integrated Prod oduct Clin Cl inical Product Revie iew Com Commit ittees Tea eams   MSPV-NG is working to engage IPTs CPRCs provide insight into high- from all major medical areas quality supplies for use across VHA   Clinical experts will review items prior The CPRC tool was established so to solicitaion for the MSPV-NG Catalog that we can gather information nationally  National Center for Patient Safety (NCPS) will participate in product reviews  National program office are engaged to develop list of new items 5

  6. STRATEGIC VHA Relie lies on on You our Part artnership ip, as as Su Supplie liers A C Q U I S I T I O N C E N T E R an and Vendors, to o Ensu sure Prog ogram Su Success MSPV-NG Formulary Prime Vendors VHA Hospitals receive stoc ock MS MSPV-NG includes al all items orders and pr provid ide sup uppli lies and and fi fill that may be ordered sup uppli lies to o clinic icia ians or orde ders as they are by VHA facilities who del who deliv iver hi high gh- through MSPV-NG received by VHA qua quali lity hea healt lth car are to o facilities Veterans Suppliers pr provid vide VHA facilities inventory ry to VHA’s manage their Medical/Surgical inventory and pl place ace Prime Vendors MS MSPV-NG or order ders 6

  7. STRATEGIC General Contract Information A C Q U I S I T I O N C E N T E R Legacy Contract  Legacy Contract continued under the award of a 3-Month Base and three 3- Month Options – Legacy currently in second option period until January 19, 2017 MSPV-NG Contract Dates  MSPV Distribution Contract Award Date – July 20, 2016  Notice to Proceed issued – July 29, 2016  Period of Performance – December 1, 2016 thru July 19, 2021 — Base Period = 20 Months — Each Option Period (2) = 20 Months — Total PoP NTE = 60 Months 7

  8. General Contract Information STRATEGIC A C Q U I S I T I O N C E N T E R (Cont.) There are 20 unique geographical areas Prime Vendors shall not substitute any catalog item without written permission from the MSPV Contracting Officer MSPV Distribution Contractors shall not charge MSPV Suppliers distribution fees Pre-existing BPAs established by the NAC may or may not rollover to the MSPV distribution contract. For example –  BPAs, or other contracts with an expiring Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) within the first year of the MSPV performance period may not rollover to the new contract  BPAs, or other contractual instruments containing the capabilities and meeting the terms of the MSPV Program, i.e., MSPV language, may rollover to the new contract 8

  9. STRATEGIC Other General MSPV Information A C Q U I S I T I O N C E N T E R The MSPV is not intended to include “large hospital equipment”, i.e.,  Ultrasound, PET and CT Scanners, MRI, X-Ray Machines, medical ventilators, heart-lung machines, and dialysis machines  This list is not all inclusive – it is intended to demonstrate the category of medical equipment and machinery that will be procured on other contracting vehicles due to their cost, complexity, features, and characterizations The MSPV shall not ship any medical/surgical or any other supplies that are not on the Government provided master list of approved medical/surgical supplies All medical/surgical supplies shall be provided to the ordering facilities in accordance with the terms and conditions of the MSPV contract Drop shipments shall be made through product contractors only when approved by the customers in accordance with the customer’s requirement  Only the reduced drop shipment fee shall apply to these orders 9

  10. STRATEGIC A C Q U I S I T I O N C E N T E R Other General MSPV Information MSPV De Deliv livery ry Req equir irements  Conventio Co ional/ l/Bulk lk De Deliv ivery (CBD (CBD) Me Method od – 3 da days per/ per/week  Low Lo w Uni nit t of of Mea Measure (L (LUM) M) – Da Daily ly, 5-da days per per wee eek (e (exclu ludin ing g wee eekends)  Emergency De Em Deli liverie ies – wi with thin in 12 ho hour urs aft fter rec eceip ipt of of or order der Product Supplie liers  The Th e MS MSPV V mus must es establi lish di distr trib ibutio ion agr agreements wi with th ne new w pr prod oduct supp uppli liers wi within thin 30 cal alendar da days fr from om no noti tific ficatio ion by y the the VA. If f a a di distr trib ibutio ion agr agreement can annot be be es establi lished wi within thin the the al allot otted ti time me, the the MS MSPV V shal hall l no noti tify fy the the Co Contr tractin ing g Of Offi ficer, in n writin writ ing Oth ther Mis isce cell llaneous MSPV Top opic ics  Co Contractor Use e of of Mand Mandatory ry So Sour urces of of Su Supp pply ly or or Ser Servic ices  Co Contract Phase hase-In/C /Contract Phase hase-Out (Con (Contract Impl mplementation) 10

  11. STRATEGIC A C Q U I S I T I O N C E N T E R MSPV Product Servic ice Codes  4240 – Safety & Rescue Equipment  6550 – In Vitro Diagnostic Substances, Reagents, Test Kits and Sets  6505 – Drugs, biologicals  6630 – Chemical Analysis Instruments &  6509 – Drugs and Biologicals, Veterinary Equipment Use  6640 – Laboratory Equipment & Supplies  6510 – Surgical Dressing Materials  6650 – Optical Instruments, Test  6515 – Medical & Surgical Instruments Equipment, Component, & Accessories  6520 – Dental Equipment, Instruments, &  6670 – Scales and Balances Supplies  7910 – Floor Polishers and Vacuum  6525 – Imaging equipment and supplies cleaning equipment  6530 – Hospital equipment  7920 – Brooms, Brushes, Mops & Sponges  6532 – Hospital and Surgical Clothing &  7930 – Cleaning & Polishing Compounds Related Special Purpose Medical/Surgical and Preparations Supplies  8305 - Textile Fabrics  6540 – Ophthalmic instruments,  8520 – Toilet Soap, Shaving Preparation, & equipment & supplies Dentifrices  6545 – Replenish-able Field Medical Sets, Kits, and Equipment 11

  12. STRATEGIC MSPV Cataloging A C Q U I S I T I O N C E N T E R Anticipated MSPV Phase 2 Current MSPV Phase 1 Awards Awards  2,506 MSPV-NG Catalog Line Items  13,955 Line Items including: — 2,022 Awarded MSPV-NG Limited Source Justifications (LSJs) — 28 Awarded Ability One BOAs — 456 Legacy MSPV-NG Awards Total Es Estim imated MSP SPV Awar ards by y Dece December r 1, 1, 2016 2016 – 9,446 9,446 line ite tems 12


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