strategic management seminar on the revised version of

Strategic Management Seminar on the revised version of the European - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Strategic Management Seminar on the revised version of the European Code of Practice (CoP) and the updated Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) 24-25 October 2019 Ankara, Turkey European Statistics Code of Practice in Armstat European

  1. Strategic Management Seminar on the revised version of the European Code of Practice (CoP) and the updated Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) 24-25 October 2019 Ankara, Turkey

  2. European Statistics Code of Practice in Armstat  European Statistics Code of Practice (adopted 16 November 2017) has been translated into Armenian  approved by the Resolution of State Council on Statistics of RA No 21-A dated 28 August 2018  posted on the Armstat website /

  3. Implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice The Resolution of State Council on Statistics of RA states that  the principles of European Statistics Code of Practice and UN Fundamental principles of Official statistics have to be strictly followed and applied within Armstat.  all the institutions engaged in statistics (state bodies, including the Central Bank) should be informed that the principles of European Statistics Code of Practice and UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics are strict requirements to the official statistics.

  4. Quality Policy in Armstat Quality Policy of Armstat is based on the principles of European Statistics Code of Practice and has been adopted by the Resolution of the State Council on Statistics of RA and made available to the public.

  5. Quality Framework in Armstat • Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System, version 1.2 has been translated, approved by the Resolution of the State Council on Statistics of RA and posted on website.  Quality Assurance Framework of European Statistics version 2.0 is being translated to be approved by the State Council on Statistics of RA.

  6. Self- assessment  The self-assessment questionnaire on the implementation of the indicators of the ESS Code of Practice has been developed based on the model of Statistics Denmark.  The pilot work to fill in the questionnaire on self- assessment against the indicators of the ESS Code of Practice has been implemented for 2 statistical products: "Electro transport”, “Public Debt” .  The results have been summarized and analyzed.

  7. External Reviews in ARMSTAT Sectoral Reviews, Experts of the European Statistical Service (Eurostat):  Migration Statistics, 2014  Tourism Statistics, 2016  Labor Force Survey, 2017 Peer reviews of the CoP implementation in Armenia, experts from Eurostat, UNECE, EFTA:  Light Peer Review, 2014  Peer Review, 2018

  8. Coordination and Cooperation  In statistics: to ensure that statistics is produced in an efficient way, according to common standards, norms and principles.  Why:  To use public money in the most efficient way  To ensure synergy of competences and resources  To avoid duplication and reduce response burden  To provide users maxium clarity and accessibility

  9. Coordination and cooperation Legal basis  RA Law on Official Statistics, adopted on 21 March 2018 • Statistical Programs: Five-year and Annual • Other legal acts • National and International Agreements and Memorandums of Understanding

  10. Law on Official Statistics  RA Law on Official Statistics has been developed on the basis of the Generic Law of Official Statistics  The Law regulates the relations related to the formation of the National Statistical System of the Republic of Armenia, development, production and dissemination of official statistics, conducting censuses.

  11. National Statistical System  The national statistical system of the Republic of Armenia comprised of producers of official statistics includes:  Armstat that is the main state body of the National Statistical System of the Republic of Armenia;  The RA Central Bank that carries out its activities related to official statistics in accordance with the RA Law “On the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia” and normative legal acts adopted on its basis;  Other producers of official statistics consisting of organizational units of state and local self-government bodies that develop, produce and disseminate official statistics in accordance with the Law on Official Statistics.

  12. Armstat  Armstat is a state body subject to the Government of the Republic of Armenia that is independent in carrying out its authorities, is governed by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, international treaties of the Republic of Armenia, the Law on Official Statistics and other legal acts.  Armstat is the main producer of official statistics of the Republic of Armenia and coordinates all activities for the development, production and dissemination of official statistics within the national statistical system, except for the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia.

  13. State Council on Statistics of RA  The supreme body of governance of the NSS (except for the Central Bank of RA), including Armstat, is the State Council on Statistics.  The State Council consists of seven members, the Chairman and six members, who are appointed by the Government of RA, upon submission by the Prime Minister of RA for a six-year term.  The President of Armstat at the same time is a Chairman of the State Council on Statistics State Council on Statistics  adopts normative and individual decisions on official statistics  approves statistical programs  carries out control over the implementation of statistical programs  approves the reports on statistical programs implementation  approves the order of data collection by Armstat (methods, coverage and periodicity).

  14. Advisory bodies of users of Official Statistics Public Council of Users of Official Statistics  The Public Council of Users of Official Statistics is the main advisory body operating on a voluntary basis to the State Council, President of Armstat and other producers of official statistics on issues of strategic importance for official statistics of Armenia.  The Public Council consists of 11 members representing users of different spheres. Public sector representatives should not form a majority in the Public Council.  The President of Armstat is ex officio member of the Public Council.  The members of the Public Council, except the President of Armstat, are appointed and dismissed by the decision of the RA Prime Minister by the submission of state bodies, the main users of official statistics - monetary, fiscal, economic, socio-demographic policy bodies, and other users of official statistics - scientific-educational institutions and non-governmental organizations.  Changes to the Public Council composition are made by the decision of the Prime Minister of RA.  The Public Council elects its chairperson from its members, who cannot be a representative of the state body.

  15. Public Council of Users of Official Statistics The Public Council is granted with the following powers by law:  makes proposals on reflection of the priority information needs of society in statistical programs, implementation of statistical programs and strategic development;  provides advice on issues of compliance with the principles of official statistics;  presents the rules of procedure of the Public Council for the adoption by the State Council;  presents recommendations on statistical programs;  presents a written opinion on reports of statistical program implementation.  The Public Council can organize discussions and give advice on the efficiency of cooperation within the national statistical system.

  16. Other Advisory Bodies  The President of Armstat by the proposal of heads of structural units may set up advisory units, consisting of the given unit and key users of the field of activity of the given unit for the purpose of strategic and methodological advisory support of the separate areas of the official statistics.  As a result of organized discussions within the advisory unit, the head of the respective unit of Armstat makes a record, which is submitted to the President of Armstat.

  17. Coordination of Activities of the National Statistical System • All producers of official statistics use uniform, internationally agreed concepts, definitions, classifications and methods. • Armstat coordinates common practices across the national statistical system, except the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia, in collaboration with other producers of official statistics.

  18. National Statistical Programs • Statistical programs are the basis for the implementation of official statistics on the territory of the Republic of Armenia. • Five-year and annual statistical programs are developed based on the study of the demand of users of official statistics. • Statistical programs are developed as key tools for effective strategic and operational management and coordination for the entire national statistical system. • Statistical programs include statistical information necessary for the observation of the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation of the country, taking into account ; resource constraints, burden on respondents and cost-effectiveness. • Armstat is responsible for developing statistical programs, in close cooperation with the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia, other producers of official statistics, users, respondents and administrative data providers.


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