Straight Serve Menu Planning TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE COMMISSIONER SID MILLER This product was funded by USDA. Food and Nutrition Division Updated 02/2019 National School Lunch Program This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Acknowledgment Statement 2 You understand and acknowledge that ❑ the training you are about to receive does not cover the entire scope of the program and that ❑ you are responsible for knowing and understanding all handbooks, manuals, alerts, notices and guidance, as well as any other forms of communication that provide further guidance, clarification or instruction on operating the program.
Grade/Age Groups 3 K-5 th 6 th -8 th 9 th -12 th •Ages •Ages •Ages 5-10 11-13 14-18
Serving Breakfast K-12 4 9-12 K-5 6-8
Meal Components 5 Milk Meat/Meat Fruits Alternate Grains Vegetables
Lunch Meal Pattern 6
Milk 7 • Beginning 2019-20 CEs are required to offer unflavored milk at each school meal service.
Fruits 8 • Dried fruit counts for twice its volume; ¼ cup of dried fruit = ½ cup fruit meal contribution • 1/8 cup of any fruit is the minimum creditable amount. • Only 100% pasteurized full-strength fruit juice.
Vegetables 9
Grains 10
Meat/Meat Alternates 11
Breakfast Meal Pattern 12 * CEs may substitute any vegetable from any subgroup in place of a fruit until October 1, 2019. Starting October 1, 2019, if CEs choose to offer vegetables as part of the week’s breakfast menu, the CE must first plan a menu for the week that includes at least two cups of non-Starchy vegetables. ** Per week, at least 50% of all grains served must be whole grain-rich, remaining grains served must be enriched.
Co-mingled Considerations 13 Can the Pre-K class or group of Pre-K 1. students be reasonably distinguished in the service line? Is there reasonably sufficient time to serve the 2. Pre-K students the Pre-K meal pattern before older students are served?
ASCP Meal Pattern-Offer Two* 14 Fruit/Vegetable Grains/Bread Meat/Meat Alternate Milk *no OVS at ASCP
Straight Serve & Production Records 15 Considerations for your food production records.
OVS Challenges 16 OVS while Social Distancing
Acknowledgment Statement 17 You understand and acknowledge that ❑ the training you have completed does not cover the entire scope of the program and that ❑ you are responsible for knowing and understanding all handbooks, manuals, alerts, notices and guidance, as well as any other forms of communication that provide further guidance, clarification or instruction on operating the program.
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