Rudy Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting 2/7/2018 Proposed Green Spaces (Includes all slides discussed on 2/7/18. Slides on other Green Spaces will be published later.)
NPPF: Green Space Designation The Local Green Space designation will not be appropriate for most green areas or open space . The designation should only be used: • where the green space is in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves; [HDC Criterion 3] • where the green area is demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance, for example because of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value (including as a playing field), tranquillity or richness of its wildlife; and [HDC Criteria 4-9] • where the green area concerned is local in character and is not an extensive tract of land. [HDC Criterion 2] To be eligible for designation a site must satisfy all s NPPF tests. HDC’s assessment process breaks the middle criteria into several sub -criteria based on the key words in the NPPF definitions.
Agenda / Methodology • HDC Assessed Green Spaces – What are we considering today? Decision: Support or Oppose HDC recommendation Key issues supporting the NP recommendation Identify precedents to ensure consistency across sites & lessons for NP assessed sites. If sites have distinct sections, does each part ‘win on its own merits’? • Additional Proposals from Community Consultation Decision: Support / Oppose designation or insufficient evidence Key issues for each site Specific justification for any decisions.
Proposed Green Spaces HDC Assessed Sites
HDC Assessed Sites Cricket Pitch Allotments Land between North Side and River (Honeyman’s field etc.)* Main Green North Green Belbrough Lane / Station Lane (consider in two parts) Sexhow Lane Hundale Gill Churchyard* + Rudby Farm (considered as a whole and in sub-sections)* + * Also considered later as part of a potential whole Leven Valley designation + Not discussed on 2/7/18 due to time constraints – to be discussed at next meeting
Cricket Pitch: HDC Preferred Site ALT/S/073/014/G Key points: • HRCC supportive of designation • Area is not open access, but is used by a community based club and is used to host important community events (fireworks) • “Local significance because of recreational value.”
Allotments: HDC Preferred Site ALT/S/073/015/G Key points: • Owned/managed by RPC • RPC supportive of designation • “Local significance because of recreational value.”
Land between North Side & River Leven – HDC Preferred Site ALT/S/073/016/G
Land between North Side & River Leven – HDC Preferred Site ALT/S/073/016/G • Extension proposed in consultation • Site per HDC assessment • HDC have excluded land incorporated into gardens • “Local significance because of historic, recreational and wildlife significance”
North Green: HDC Preferred Site ALT/S/073/017/G
North Green: HDC Preferred Site ALT/S/073/017/G • Covers all the public grassed areas • Already designated as Village Green • Owned/managed by PC • Main Green a separate designation • Includes War Memorial • “Local significance because of its beauty, recreational value and historic significance”. • Section omitted from HDC site – to be included by NP
Main Green: HDC Preferred Site ALT/S/073/018/G
Main Green: HDC Preferred Site ALT/S/073/018/G • Covers all the public grassed areas • Already designated as Village Green • Owned/managed by PC • North Green a separate designation • Local significance because of its beauty, recreational value and historic significance ”.
Station Lane – HDC Preferred Area, Part of ALT/S/073/019/G
Station Lane – HDC Preferred Area Part of ALT/S/073/019/G Key Points: • Open Public Access • Recreational use • “Local significance because of its recreational value”
Station Lane – HDC Non Preferred Area Part of ALT/S/073/019/G
Station Lane – HDC Non Preferred Area Part of ALT/S/073/019/G Key Points: • Large arable field • No Public Access • No Recreational use Points to consider • Proximity of Heritage Assets Linden Grange & Parkland Gardenstone Farm Drumrauck Hall The Old Vicarage • View to NYM National Park: ( HDC criteria 9 other features) • HDC SCA “the site to the south east of Drumrauck Hall has high visual landscape value providing a setting to the village and Drumrauck Hall
Woodland between Sexhow Lane & R. Leven ALT/S/073/020/G • HDC did not include narrow steep section of the bank between road and river. • “Local Significance because of its recreational value and richness of its wildlife.”
Hundale Gill – HDC Non-preferred site. ALT/S/073/022/G From private land with From public footpath From public footpath permission of resident
Hundale Gill – HDC Non-preferred site. ALT/S/073/022/G Notes: • Area considered by HDC • Culverted section - not suitable for designation? • Stops at arbitrary point on Western end. • Potential extension to logical end point. • Cannot designate due to extant planning permission Key points • Local significance because of the richness of is wildlife. • HDC rejected as “not in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves as it does not have public access.” • Site is crossed by a PRoW • Para 17 of PPG “land could be considered for designation even if there is no public access (eg green areas which are valued because of their wildlife, historic significance and/or beauty ).” • Consultation evidence supports buffer zones around watercourses
Proposed Green Spaces NP Assessed Sites (No HDC Assessment, but uses HDC criteria / pro-forma)
NP Assessed Sites Linden Crescent / Linden Close + South (Pump-house) North Village Hall (Bowling Green, Tennis Courts, Play Area) + Enterpen Flagpole field Paddock Leven Valley (Field Only) + Leven Valley whole area designation + Hundale Gill near Paddocks End + Middleton Churchyard & Play area + + Not discussed on 2/7/18 due to time constraints – to be discussed at next meeting
Enterpen/Flagpole Field – No HDC Assessment Hills obscured by mist! Very little visibility in summer from footpath towards rear of Enterpen
Enterpen/Flagpole Field – No HDC Assessment Hills obscured by mist!
Enterpen/Flagpole Field – No HDC Assessment • Landscape Character Protection Area • Site Approved For Single Dwelling – cannot designate this part as GS. • Paddock mentioned in Heritage report recommendations. • VDS Landscape features of community importance: “ the open space adjoining Highfield providing an open vista of the Hills” HDC Comparator sites / issues • Paddock: Station Lane (both are fields with no public access) • Hundle Gill (HDC opinion no public access = “not in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves”).
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