status only lecturer and adjunct lecturer appointments

Status-Only Lecturer And Adjunct Lecturer Appointments - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Status-Only Lecturer And Adjunct Lecturer Appointments Rehabilitation Sciences Sector, University of Toronto 1/3/2018 1 Session Agenda What is a Status/Adjunct Appointment? Whats the Difference Between Status-Only and Adjunct

  1. Status-Only Lecturer And Adjunct Lecturer Appointments Rehabilitation Sciences Sector, University of Toronto  1/3/2018 1

  2. Session Agenda  What is a Status/Adjunct Appointment?  What’s the Difference Between Status-Only and Adjunct Appointments?  Criteria  Responsibilities  Benefits  Application Process 1/3/2018 2

  3. What is a Status Only/Adjunct Appointment?  An academic appointment that should be included in your resume or curriculum vitae  A non-salaried position  A three-year appointment term with the opportunity to renew  The Lecturer rank is most common  The application process differs for persons with a PhD applying for a professorial rank appointment 1/3/2018 3

  4. What’s the Difference Between Status-Only and Adjunct Appointment?  Status-Only Lecturer appointment is available to individuals who are employed at a Full or Community Affiliated site.  Adjunct Lecturer appointment is available to individuals who are not employed at a Full or Community Affiliated site.  A Status-Only and an Adjunct appointment are parallel appointments with the same privileges and responsibilities. 1/3/2018 4

  5. What are the Criteria for Appointment? Appointments are granted in recognition of activities of value to the university within these categories:  Teaching  Clinical/Fieldwork Education  Scholarly Activity  Creative Professional Activity  Service (e.g., committees at the University of Toronto) 1/3/2018 5

  6. Benefits and Responsibilities Visit department websites for lists of benefits and responsibilities    1/3/2018 6

  7. How and When do I Apply for an Appointment? Applications are submitted on-line  The deadline for submitting INITIAL applications is January 15,2018 ( reference  letters are to be received by January 31, 2018) The deadline for submitting RENEWAL applications is January 31, 2018  All Appointments begin on July 1 and end on June 30  Application Website:  Link to Status-Only Lecturer and Adjunct Lecturer Guidelines: Sector Guidelines  Link to Area of Expertise list Areas of Expertise  1/3/2018 7

  8. Curriculum Vitae (CV)  Use either your existing CV or follow the headings in the webcv format (provided on the website) .  IMPORTANT: 1. State your employment term as, start date to “present”- e.g. 2006-present  2. Status-Only or Adjunct appointment should be stated similar to the example  below: Status Only Lecturer, Department of _____ , 2015-2018  Adjunct Lecturer, Department of _____ , 2015-2018  If your appointment has expired state the type of appointment and date of expiry  1/3/2018 8

  9. Template - Curriculum Vitae [Give n Name ] [F amily Name ] [Pr ofe ssional T itle ] A. Date Cur r ic ulum Vitae is Pr e par e d B. Biogr aphic al Infor mation nstitutio n],[Stre e t Addre ss], 
 [City], [Pro vinc e ], [Po sta l Co de ], 
  Prima ry Offic e , [I ma il Addre ss] 
  [T e le pho ne Numb e r], [Ce ll Pho ne Numb e r],[E 1. E DUCAT ION De gr e e s  [ Qualific ations, Ce r tific ations and L ic e nse s  [Pre se nte d in re ve rse c hro no lo g ic a l o rde r]  [Sta rt – E nd Da te s],Org a niza tio n], [City], [Pro vinc e / Sta te ], [Co untry],  L ic e nse / Me mb e rship # : [L ic e nse / Me mb e rship Numb e r] 1/3/2018 9

  10. 2. E MPL OYME NT  [E mplo ye r] [Po sitio n][E mplo yme nt sta rt da te to pr e se nt .. E .g . 2006- pr e se nt ]  [Dutie s] Cur r e nt Appointme nts (r e me mbe r to inc lude date s of the status appointme nt) [Pr e se nte d in r e ve r se c hr onologic al or de r ]  [Sta tus Only L e c ture r, De pa rtme nt, sta rt a nd e nd da te (e .g . 2015-2018] or  [Adjunc t L e c ture r, De pa rtme nt, sta rt a nd e nd da te (e .g . 2015-2018)] Pr e vious Appointme nts  [Sta tus Only L e c ture r, De pa rtme nt, sta rt a nd e nd da te (e .g . 2012-2015] or  [Adjunc t L e c ture r, De pa rtme nt, sta rt a nd e nd da te (e .g . 2012-2015)] 1/3/2018 10

  11. 3. HONOURS AND CARE E R AWARDS  Distinc tio ns a nd Re se a rc h Awa rds  T e a c hing Awa rds  Stude nt T ra ine e Awa rds 4. PROF E SSIONAL AF F IL IAT IONS AND ACT IVIT IE S  Pro fe ssio na l Asso c ia tio ns  Administra tive Ac tivitie s  Pe e r Re vie w Ac tivitie s  Othe r Re se a rc h a nd Pro fe ssio na l Ac tivitie s Public ations Pr e se ntations and Spe c ial L e c tur e s T e ac hing and De sign Cr e ative Pr ofe ssional Ac tivitie s 1. Pro fe ssio na l I nno va tio n a nd Cre a tive E xc e lle nc e 2. Co ntrib utio ns to the De ve lo pme nt o f Pro fe ssio na l Pra c tic e s 3. E xe mpla ry Pro fe ssio na l Pra c tic e 1/3/2018 11

  12. 12 1/ 3/ 2018

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  18. Annual Report  All appointees are expected to provide their respective departments with an annual update of their Status-Only or Adjunct Lecturer related activities.  You will be required to submit your annual report to the Chair by January 31.  Notification will be sent by e-mail providing instructions and a link to the annual report form. 1/3/2018 18

  19. NOTE: Ineligible  Full-time (PhD) doctoral students are ineligible for an academic appointment while completing their studies.  Postdoctoral fellows are ineligible for an academic appointment. 1/3/2018 19

  20. Professoriate Level Appointments For applications at the level of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor, please contact the appropriate Department Chair directly:  Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy :, Dr. Susan Rappolt  Department of Physical Therapy :, Dr. Darlene Reid  Department of Speech-Language Pathology :, Dr. Pascal van Lieshout 1/3/2018 20

  21. IMPORTANT: Signed Offer Letter  Appointment is not considered active until a signed letter is received by the department.  Signed letters can be delivered by e-mail (preferred), fax, postal mail or hand delivered. Scanned signatures are accepted.  University of Toronto personnel number, UTOR ID and library access will not be available unless signed offer letter and additional documents are received by the department. 1/3/2018 21

  22. What is the process from there? Applic a tio ns a re re c e ive d thro ug h the Applic a tio ns o nline Appo intme nts Applic a nts a re re vie we d a pplic a tio n a re a ppro va l Re q ue st fo r HR re vie w sig n a nd b y the Appo intme nt syste m a nd by RSS e mplo yme nt a pplic a tio ns re turn o ffe r De pa rtme nt is no t a c tive re vie we d fo r De pa rtme nt distrib ute s c o nfirma tio n a nd re c e ive le tte r to RSS Appo intme nt until sig ne d c o mple te ne ss Appo intme nt o ffe r fro m CE O o r a ppro va l prio r to July Co mmitte e o ffe r le tte r is (e nsure Co mmitte e le tte rs to de sig na te o f fro m the 1st a nd (DAC) a nd re c e ive d a nd a pplic a tio n a nd suc c e ssful Affiliate d De a n o f a ppo intme re c o mme nd re c o rds a re fo rms a re fille d De pa rtme nt a pplic a nts I nstitutio n F o M nt b e c o me s e d fo r upda te d . in c o rre c tly Cha ir a c tive a ppo intme nt a nd re q uire d do c ume nts a re a tta c he d) 1/3/2018 22

  23. Contact Names Chairs of the Departmental Appointment Committees :  Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Jane Davis;  Department of Physical Therapy Katherine Berg;  Department of Speech-Language Pathology Susan J. Wagner; 1/3/2018 23

  24. Contact: For Application Status Contact: Annmarie Riley Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy;  Department of Physical Therapy;  Department of Speech-Language Pathology;  1/3/2018 24

  25. Questions 1/3/2018 25


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