Status-Only Lecturer And Adjunct Lecturer Appointments Rehabilitation Sciences Sector, University of Toronto 1/3/2018 1
Session Agenda What is a Status/Adjunct Appointment? What’s the Difference Between Status-Only and Adjunct Appointments? Criteria Responsibilities Benefits Application Process 1/3/2018 2
What is a Status Only/Adjunct Appointment? An academic appointment that should be included in your resume or curriculum vitae A non-salaried position A three-year appointment term with the opportunity to renew The Lecturer rank is most common The application process differs for persons with a PhD applying for a professorial rank appointment 1/3/2018 3
What’s the Difference Between Status-Only and Adjunct Appointment? Status-Only Lecturer appointment is available to individuals who are employed at a Full or Community Affiliated site. Adjunct Lecturer appointment is available to individuals who are not employed at a Full or Community Affiliated site. A Status-Only and an Adjunct appointment are parallel appointments with the same privileges and responsibilities. 1/3/2018 4
What are the Criteria for Appointment? Appointments are granted in recognition of activities of value to the university within these categories: Teaching Clinical/Fieldwork Education Scholarly Activity Creative Professional Activity Service (e.g., committees at the University of Toronto) 1/3/2018 5
Benefits and Responsibilities Visit department websites for lists of benefits and responsibilities 1/3/2018 6
How and When do I Apply for an Appointment? Applications are submitted on-line The deadline for submitting INITIAL applications is January 15,2018 ( reference letters are to be received by January 31, 2018) The deadline for submitting RENEWAL applications is January 31, 2018 All Appointments begin on July 1 and end on June 30 Application Website: Link to Status-Only Lecturer and Adjunct Lecturer Guidelines: Sector Guidelines Link to Area of Expertise list Areas of Expertise 1/3/2018 7
Curriculum Vitae (CV) Use either your existing CV or follow the headings in the webcv format (provided on the website) . IMPORTANT: 1. State your employment term as, start date to “present”- e.g. 2006-present 2. Status-Only or Adjunct appointment should be stated similar to the example below: Status Only Lecturer, Department of _____ , 2015-2018 Adjunct Lecturer, Department of _____ , 2015-2018 If your appointment has expired state the type of appointment and date of expiry 1/3/2018 8
Template - Curriculum Vitae [Give n Name ] [F amily Name ] [Pr ofe ssional T itle ] A. Date Cur r ic ulum Vitae is Pr e par e d B. Biogr aphic al Infor mation nstitutio n],[Stre e t Addre ss], [City], [Pro vinc e ], [Po sta l Co de ], Prima ry Offic e , [I ma il Addre ss] [T e le pho ne Numb e r], [Ce ll Pho ne Numb e r],[E 1. E DUCAT ION De gr e e s [ Qualific ations, Ce r tific ations and L ic e nse s [Pre se nte d in re ve rse c hro no lo g ic a l o rde r] [Sta rt – E nd Da te s],Org a niza tio n], [City], [Pro vinc e / Sta te ], [Co untry], L ic e nse / Me mb e rship # : [L ic e nse / Me mb e rship Numb e r] 1/3/2018 9
2. E MPL OYME NT [E mplo ye r] [Po sitio n][E mplo yme nt sta rt da te to pr e se nt .. E .g . 2006- pr e se nt ] [Dutie s] Cur r e nt Appointme nts (r e me mbe r to inc lude date s of the status appointme nt) [Pr e se nte d in r e ve r se c hr onologic al or de r ] [Sta tus Only L e c ture r, De pa rtme nt, sta rt a nd e nd da te (e .g . 2015-2018] or [Adjunc t L e c ture r, De pa rtme nt, sta rt a nd e nd da te (e .g . 2015-2018)] Pr e vious Appointme nts [Sta tus Only L e c ture r, De pa rtme nt, sta rt a nd e nd da te (e .g . 2012-2015] or [Adjunc t L e c ture r, De pa rtme nt, sta rt a nd e nd da te (e .g . 2012-2015)] 1/3/2018 10
3. HONOURS AND CARE E R AWARDS Distinc tio ns a nd Re se a rc h Awa rds T e a c hing Awa rds Stude nt T ra ine e Awa rds 4. PROF E SSIONAL AF F IL IAT IONS AND ACT IVIT IE S Pro fe ssio na l Asso c ia tio ns Administra tive Ac tivitie s Pe e r Re vie w Ac tivitie s Othe r Re se a rc h a nd Pro fe ssio na l Ac tivitie s Public ations Pr e se ntations and Spe c ial L e c tur e s T e ac hing and De sign Cr e ative Pr ofe ssional Ac tivitie s 1. Pro fe ssio na l I nno va tio n a nd Cre a tive E xc e lle nc e 2. Co ntrib utio ns to the De ve lo pme nt o f Pro fe ssio na l Pra c tic e s 3. E xe mpla ry Pro fe ssio na l Pra c tic e 1/3/2018 11
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Annual Report All appointees are expected to provide their respective departments with an annual update of their Status-Only or Adjunct Lecturer related activities. You will be required to submit your annual report to the Chair by January 31. Notification will be sent by e-mail providing instructions and a link to the annual report form. 1/3/2018 18
NOTE: Ineligible Full-time (PhD) doctoral students are ineligible for an academic appointment while completing their studies. Postdoctoral fellows are ineligible for an academic appointment. 1/3/2018 19
Professoriate Level Appointments For applications at the level of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor, please contact the appropriate Department Chair directly: Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy :, Dr. Susan Rappolt Department of Physical Therapy :, Dr. Darlene Reid Department of Speech-Language Pathology :, Dr. Pascal van Lieshout 1/3/2018 20
IMPORTANT: Signed Offer Letter Appointment is not considered active until a signed letter is received by the department. Signed letters can be delivered by e-mail (preferred), fax, postal mail or hand delivered. Scanned signatures are accepted. University of Toronto personnel number, UTOR ID and library access will not be available unless signed offer letter and additional documents are received by the department. 1/3/2018 21
What is the process from there? Applic a tio ns a re re c e ive d thro ug h the Applic a tio ns o nline Appo intme nts Applic a nts a re re vie we d a pplic a tio n a re a ppro va l Re q ue st fo r HR re vie w sig n a nd b y the Appo intme nt syste m a nd by RSS e mplo yme nt a pplic a tio ns re turn o ffe r De pa rtme nt is no t a c tive re vie we d fo r De pa rtme nt distrib ute s c o nfirma tio n a nd re c e ive le tte r to RSS Appo intme nt until sig ne d c o mple te ne ss Appo intme nt o ffe r fro m CE O o r a ppro va l prio r to July Co mmitte e o ffe r le tte r is (e nsure Co mmitte e le tte rs to de sig na te o f fro m the 1st a nd (DAC) a nd re c e ive d a nd a pplic a tio n a nd suc c e ssful Affiliate d De a n o f a ppo intme re c o mme nd re c o rds a re fo rms a re fille d De pa rtme nt a pplic a nts I nstitutio n F o M nt b e c o me s e d fo r upda te d . in c o rre c tly Cha ir a c tive a ppo intme nt a nd re q uire d do c ume nts a re a tta c he d) 1/3/2018 22
Contact Names Chairs of the Departmental Appointment Committees : Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Jane Davis; Department of Physical Therapy Katherine Berg; Department of Speech-Language Pathology Susan J. Wagner; 1/3/2018 23
Contact: For Application Status Contact: Annmarie Riley Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy; Department of Physical Therapy; Department of Speech-Language Pathology; 1/3/2018 24
Questions 1/3/2018 25
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