state of the ust branch 2016

State of the UST Branch 2016 Division of Waste Management Energy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

State of the UST Branch 2016 Division of Waste Management Energy and Environment Cabinet Edward Winner, PhD Point of the UST Branch KRS 224.60-110 1. Petroleum stored to meet citizens needs, to foster economic growth and development, and

  1. State of the UST Branch 2016 Division of Waste Management Energy and Environment Cabinet Edward Winner, PhD

  2. Point of the UST Branch KRS 224.60-110 1. Petroleum stored to meet citizens’ needs, to foster economic growth and development, and quality of life 2. Releases have and will occur which threaten public safety and the environment 3. Difficult to obtain affordable pollution liability insurance 4. Need investigation and cleanup without delay 5. Minimize disputes over causation and responsibility

  3. Structure and Staff • Administrative Section: Tank Registration 6 to 4 employees • Compliance Section: New Installations and issues associated with operations 6 (Supervisor Filled 11/1/15) • Initial Evaluation & Closure Corrective Action II 6 • Corrective Action 7 to 8 • Claims and Payments 6 to 7 • Manager’s staff 4 to 3 • Total staff 34 (Down from 54 November 2011)

  4. Sites Processed or In Process since Program Inception • 50,243 registered USTs since 1985 • 40,520 USTs permanently closed • 15,838 total NFAs issued • 579 Emergency Responses • Permanent Closure 23 3 rd Q • Investigation 166 directives 3 rd Q • Corrective Action 489 directives 3 rd Q

  5. NFAs Increasing while New Sites are Decreasing 700 663 645 600 546 500 464 440 383 379 400 354 350 335 # Sites 333 296 290 300 277 256 258 242 230 225 190 200 100 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 NFAs Issued New Sites added to Cleanup Site List

  6. Decreasing Numbers of Sites Pending Cleanup 3000 2,809 sites in April 2002 2011 Reg Amendments 2500 Number of UST Sites 2000 793 sites in January 2015 1500 1000 678 March 2016 500 0 4/19/2001 1/14/2004 10/10/2006 7/6/2009 4/1/2012 12/27/2014 9/22/2017

  7. Site Spend Less Time in Investigation 1600 1400 1200 Closure 1000 Corrective Action # Sites 800 Site Investigation 600 400 200 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Date

  8. Timely Site Characterization & Technology

  9. Workload per Project Manager ≈ 50 Sites 160 140 120 100 # Sites 80 AE CA 60 40 20 0 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 Date Less time in Site Investigation while Corrective Action Workload increasing. Sections merged in 2015.

  10. Registration Workload Steady 10000 1000 Registrations Received # of Tanks New Registrations 100 Tanks Installed in Calendar Year New Registrations Expected 10 1 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Date

  11. Claims and Payments 1. C&P processing payments within one week verses 3 months prior to 2011. 2. Gaining contractors support in regards to project efficiency 3. Forms and documents through electronic submittal 4. Monthly notices to PM regarding $ remaining per site. 5. Moving all records functions into a single database TEMPO.

  12. Before Fixed Cost Directive Cost Estimate “Not to Exceed Amount” Complete SOW Project Manager reviews report Claims and Payments reviews report Adjusts payment based on receipts and timesheets

  13. Fixed Cost Directive and Worksheet Complete SOW Project Manager reviews report Adjusts payment based on technical completeness

  14. 2011 Regulations and Management • Provide for fixed cost reimbursement with each directive • Timely, consistent payment – Contractor Cost Outline – Project manager communicates technical completeness • Clarity in expectations between the eligible company and USTB • Philosophy of Partnership working on behalf of the tank owner/operator!

  15. Recent Legislative Session Affect USTB Fund • Red Tag for failure to register Jan. 6 th 2016 • Extension dates for PST and SOTRA HB 187 – PST must register by July 15, 2021. – PST reimbursements until July 15, 2024. – SOTRA application received until July 15, 2021 (Strong Support from KPMA, tank Owner/Operators & UST Contractors) 15

  16. The FUTURE of the FUND is Up to You The greatest risk to the fund is: • Communicate Failure with • owners/operators • USTB • contractors • Unresponsive to Directives • Outstanding Obligations • Failure to Execute Work • Angry tank owners/operators • Dated Characterization • State Budget • Support

  17. DCM Program & Relative Compliance Compliance Rates: • DCM compliance rate: 91% • TOOLS, owners/DCMs like training online at their own pace & schedule • New federal regulations in TOOLS update Improvements: • Under the new Federal regulations owners/operators will be required to do monthly walk through. The clear intension of the fed. Reg. is to have the individuals involved in the daily operations knowledgeable and involved in compliance. • Actual compliance in general is down. We don’t know if there is any relationship with DCMs, but the fear is that some owners have abdicated responsibilities to DCMs who do little more than take the TOOLS test on the owner/operators behalf. 17

  18. Understanding Tank Population Small Owners Compliance Rate Large Owners Compliance Rate 40% 60% Out of compliance In compliance 37% out of compliance 63% In compliance

  19. Tank Age to Violations Facility Age and Percent of Facility's Age and Percent Violations for Small of Violations for a Large Operators Corporate Operator 90 70 80 60 70 50 60 66% 82% 40 50 40 30 34% 30 20 20 10 18% 10 0 0 Pre 1998 Tanks Post 1998 Tanks Pre 1998 Tanks Post 1998 Tanks

  20. New Regulations (Federal Impetus) UPDATED/ Idealized EVENT DESCRIPTION: 2017 UST TIME DATE Regulations CONFIRMED Announce start of regulation writing process 2/16/16 2/16/16 Distribute list of suggested reg. changes to UST 2/16/16 2/16/16 sections Initial reg. rewrites from sections to management 3/15/16 3/15/16 Collect comments from review group 3/17/16 3/17/16 Identify if statutory changes are needed 3/17/16 3/17/16 First regulatory change package from review group for 4/7/16 internal review by UST Branch via supervisors Discussions with Fire Marshal’s Office Started 4/15/16 Statutory proposals due June 1, 2016 Informal vetting with stakeholders June 2, 2016 Drafts sent to LRC for Pre-Review 7/15/16 Finalize Regulation Proposal 7/24/16 Request Formal Legal review 8/7/16 Announce External Vetting Meeting Open Date File regulation (including electronically). 10/14/16 Public Comment Period begins (15 day period) 10/14/16 Reg. published in Administrative Register (AR) By Noon 11/1/16 Hold Public Hearing—301D Nov. 21, 2016 Public Comment Period ends Nov. 30, 2016 15 th day following of month following AR Send Statement of Consideration (SOC) to commenters publication Prepare Suggested Amendments response N/A Referred to LRC (Standing Committees) January 2017 During Session (At close of House and Senate Regulations becomes effective Natural Resources Committee hearings or 30 days if not place on agenda)


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