standards based grading in math

Standards Based Grading In Math Mandy Bruce (PJ), Abby Highland - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Standards Based Grading In Math Mandy Bruce (PJ), Abby Highland (KJ), Rachel Hinshaw (CJ) Standards Based Grading Resources Located on Unit 5 website: (Parents, Standards Based Grading, Resources) Companion Document - list of

  1. Standards Based Grading In Math Mandy Bruce (PJ), Abby Highland (KJ), Rachel Hinshaw (CJ)

  2. Standards Based Grading Resources Located on Unit 5 website: (Parents, Standards Based Grading, Resources) ● Companion Document - list of standards and description for each performance level ● Guidebook & Roadmap - provides information about the transition to SBG

  3. Performance Levels in Math ● 0 - Student has not submitted or produced evidence (absences, pre-assessments, refusal to answer) ● 1 - Students did not get majority of the content correct, shows they are just at the starting point. ■ Kid Language: I’m not there yet, I am still learning, Need a lot of help with this, I need a lot more practice, I must keep working on this

  4. Performance Levels in Math cont. ● 2 - Students know part of the standard and/or are inconsistent with their evidence of understanding ■ Standard has multiple learning targets, and student answers only some of the targets correctly. ● Ex: 6.NS.3 Add, subtract, multiply & divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm. ■ Students do not consistently show evidence of understanding . ■ Kid language: I still have room to grow, I am almost there, I am part way there, I am close, I can do this with a little more help

  5. Performance Levels in Math cont. ● 3 - Student demonstrates they can consistently answer the questions for all parts of the standard. ■ Little to no errors ■ If there are errors, they are minor and do not show a lack of understanding on key components of the target ■ Kid Language: I understand the target, I learned what I was supposed to, I got this, I don’t need help, I’ve done well, I did it, I get it now

  6. Performance Levels in Math cont. ● 4 - Student shows a deeper understanding of the content. ■ Many assessments have specific questions that are used to gauge a deeper understanding of the standard. ● Questions have an * by them on the assessment ● Not all standards have the ability to show a deeper understanding (4) ■ Kid language: I’ve mastered this, I am above standards, I can show more than I was taught, I can teach this, I exceeded the standard.

  7. Evidence collected by teacher Formative - feedback during the learning process, not used to calculate the overall performance level ● Homework (marked as practice on TeacherEase) ● In-class check up Summative - evaluation of learning that has occurred, is used to calculate the overall performance level ● Assessments (quiz, test) ● Projects

  8. Retakes ● Students are allowed to retake an assessment in order to demonstrate a higher performance level. ● Students must adhere to the protocols set by the math department and their teacher. ● If a student scores a 1, teacher will initiate a retake. ● If a student earns a 2, a retake is possible. Student must initiate the retake process. ● If a student earns a 3, the student may initiate a plan with the instructor to demonstrate learning beyond standard expectation.


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