stakeholder event

Stakeholder Event 5 November 2012 king Polic y R Par Age nda - PDF document

e vie w 2012/ 13 Stakeholder Event 5 November 2012 king Polic y R Par Age nda 7.00pm 9.00pm Introduction Headline messages from the recent parking survey, plus Q&A presented by Steve Gough (Director for Programme Management

  1. e vie w 2012/ 13 Stakeholder Event 5 November 2012 king Polic y R Par

  2. Age nda 7.00pm – 9.00pm � Introduction � Headline messages from the recent parking survey, plus Q&A presented by Steve Gough (Director for Programme Management and Property) Ralph Wilkinson (Head of Public Services) � Facilitated group discussions on key parking policy issues � Close

  3. e vie w 2012/ 13 Survey update king Polic y R Par

  4. Intr oduc tion What have we done to date? � Agreed the scope of the review (23 May 2012) � Survey (3 Aug – 28 Sept) � Currently analysing the results What are we covering tonight? � Headline messages from the survey � Considerations � Further work and next steps

  5. Consultation pr oc e ss � Online survey (3 August to 28 September): � Publicity and press releases � Articles in South London Press, News Shopper, Grapevine � Information sent to 42 different organisations � Paper copies made available at: � Libraries � Housing Offices � Parking Shop � Access.Point � Letter sent to all 8,396 permit holders � Visited Deptford Action Group for Elderly and Jimmy Mizen Foundation � Provision made for alternative formats of the survey upon request e.g. Large print and other languages. Plus assistance with survey completion also provided � Outreach – local railway stations, shopping centres, places of worship, health centres, leisure centres � Organisational responses received from Deptford Action Group for the Elderly, Age Uk Lewisham and Southwark, Lewisham Pensioners Forum and Carers Lewisham � Stakeholder events on 5 November 2012 and 9 November 2012

  6. CPZ and War d loc ations A Blackheath CPZ B Lewisham CPZ C Hindsley’s Place CPZ D Grove Park CPZ E Rushey Green West CPZ F Old Road & Bankwell Road CPZ G Elverson Road CPZ H Hither Green West CPZ J Canadian Avenue CPZ K Catford West CPZ L Rushey Green East CPZ M Barmeston Road CPZ N David’s Road CPZ P Hither Green East CPZ R Rushey Green South CPZ S Deptford Town Centre CPZ T Ladywell CPZ V Lee CPZ

  7. He adline s 3,113 Respondents 1,755 Live in a CPZ 1,317 Do not live in CPZ 1,556 Permit holders 2,575 Motorists Number of responses to Number of responses to the Parking Consultation the Parking Consultation 2,857 Lewisham residents by Ward by Ward

  8. Top 4 ‘high’ parking priorities were…. either high, medium or low. Respondents were given a list of 12 possible parking priorities and asked to rank each one as � Making roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists � Supporting the most vulnerable residents � Ensuring residents can park close to their homes � Keeping charges fair and affordable Who r Number of responses Priority 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 e sponde d and what ar 500 0 Raising revenue to improve the 370 1306 maintenance of roads and car 1302 parks 724 Reducing the number of 1474 vehicles on the road 790 1176 Supporting local charities and 1436 community groups 355 1434 Encouraging people to use 1178 public transport 402 Parking priorities 1477 Helping good relations between 1089 neighbours 434 1526 Supporting the environment 1161 301 e the ir 1611 Supporting local businesses 1220 170 Making service improvements 1754 that lead to reduced parking 920 318 charges par 2089 Making roads safer for 748 pedestrians and cyclists 177 High king pr 2098 Supporting the most vulnerable 775 residents 136 Medium 2241 Ensuring residents can park 658 close to their homes 147 ior 2579 Keeping charges fair and Low 373 affordable 77 itie s

  9. Contr olle d par king zone s (CPZs) - Ge ne r al The main locations where respondents thought parking controls should be implemented were…. CPZ Statements � Train stations Agree / Strongly � Shopping centres 2,579 3,000 Agree � Schools Number of responses 2,500 � Hospitals Neither agree 2,000 nor disagree 1,500 Disagree / 1,000 Strongly 280 500 Disagree 123 0 There should be controlled parking zones across..... The Council should tell me when there is a parking problem in my 2,210 2,194 Agree / area that might require a CPZ Number of responses 1,965 2,500 Strongly 2,000 Agree 1,500 Neither agree nor 1,000 598 440 disagree 354 357 305 291 500 Disagree / 0 Strongly Disagree None of the Some parts of the The whole borough borough borough

  10. Controlled parking zones (CPZs) – Live in a CPZ (1,755 respondents) Do the current parking Do the current parking controls controls in your area in your area meet your needs? meet your needs? 848 1,000 Number of responses 811 Permit 800 Don't holders 600 Count % Yes No know 11/12 18% 145 142 10 Zone A – Blackheath 298 1,696 400 Zone B – Lewisham Central 20% 137 100 12 101 254 1,270 200 Zone C – Hindsley Place 52% 1 3 0 4 8 0 Zone D – Grove Park 81 348 23% 21 52 6 Yes No Don't know 14% 50 54 8 Zone E – Rushey Green West 114 797 25% 49 71 5 Zone F – Old Road / Bankwell 126 497 There are currently 8,396 24% 10 3 0 Zone G – Elverson 13 54 33% 57 51 6 Zone H – Hither Green West 114 347 permit holders in the CPZ 33% 2 2 0 Zone J – Canadian Avenue 4 12 zones across the borough. 42% 11 10 2 Zone K – Catford West 23 55 We wrote to all these permit 16% 85 78 13 Zone L – Rushey Green East 177 1,135 Zone M – Barmeston Road 24% 4 5 1 holders reminding them about 10 42 Zone N – Davids Road 41% 12 8 1 22 53 the survey. Of these 1,556 Zone P – Hither Green East 224 883 25% 81 126 15 permit holders responded. In 11% 11 19 4 Zone R - Rushey Green South 34 315 addition we received 199 72% 7 3 3 Zone S – Deptford Central 13 18 41% 94 66 7 Zone T - Ladywell 167 410 responses from people living 41% 18 28 2 Zone V - Lee 48 116 in a CPZ zone who do not have a permit.

  11. Contr olle d par king zone s (CPZs) – Don’t live in a CPZ (1,317 r e sponde nts) Of the 430 respondents who said they Do you live close to the boundary of an lived close to the boundary of a CPZ 347 existing CPZ? or 81% are affected by overspill from the Number of reponses neighbouring CPZ. 800 618 600 430 270 400 Yes No Don't Know 200 Bellingham 2 1 0 0 Blackheath 3 1 0 Yes No Don't know Brockley 10 0 0 Catford South 28 19 2 Crofton Park 5 12 1 Downham 2 2 1 Are you affected by over ‐ spill parking Evelyn 3 0 0 from a nearby CPZ? Forest Hill 11 3 2 Grove Park 2 6 3 Number of respondents Ladywell 106 17 3 400 Lee Green 69 12 1 288 300 Lewisham Central 10 3 0 New Cross 2 3 0 200 117 Perry Vale 2 2 0 100 Rushey Green 8 4 0 24 Sydenham 1 3 3 0 Telegraph Hill 4 5 0 Yes No Don't Know Whitefoot 2 5 3

  12. Contr olle d par king zone s (CPZs) – Don’t live in a CPZ Continue d (1,317 r e sponde nts) Yes No Don't know Bellingham 2 13 0 Do you think parking controls are needed in Blackheath 4 3 1 your area? Brockley 31 128 7 1,000 909 Catford South 24 65 4 Number of responses Crofton Park 24 68 7 800 Downham 2 12 0 600 Evelyn 3 4 1 329 400 Forest Hill 36 54 4 Grove Park 3 28 1 200 61 Ladywell 74 116 4 0 Lee Green 48 50 6 Yes No Don't know Lewisham Central 7 7 2 New Cross 5 9 0 Perry Vale 12 60 2 Rushey Green 7 8 1 Sydenham 11 60 1 Telegraph Hill 10 89 5 Whitefoot 3 25 2

  13. T imings of ope r ation for CPZs The most popular hours of Hours of operation for CPZs operation for CPZs within the 434 Number of responses 500 borough were an all day period 386 400 272 ranging from 9am-5pm up to 7pm. 236 233 300 38% considered that a shorter time 200 95 83 100 period either 2 or 3 hours might be 0 appropriate. 9am ‐ 9am ‐ 9am ‐ 9am ‐ 9am ‐ A two A three Non CPZ resident 5pm 5.30pm 6pm 6.30pm 7pm hour hour CPZ resident period time A shorter period A shorter All day period All day period Zone A – Blackheath 184 51 Bellingham 1 1 Zone B – Lewisham Central 161 38 Blackheath 7 0 Zone C – Hindsley Place 1 0 Brockley 20 16 Zone D – Grove Park 29 18 Catford South 15 21 Zone E – Rushey Green West 67 11 Crofton Park 10 21 Hours of operation for CPZs Zone F – Old Road / Bankwell 45 46 Downham 1 1 Zone G – Elverson 9 3 1,072 Evelyn 2 1 Number of responses Zone H – Hither Green West 63 26 1200 Forest Hill 16 26 Zone J – Canadian Avenue 2 0 1000 Grove Park 3 4 667 Zone K – Catford West 12 3 800 Ladywell 41 41 Zone L – Rushey Green East 88 27 Lee Green 12 50 600 Zone M – Barmeston Road 8 1 Lewisham Central 8 6 400 Zone N – Davids Road 8 7 New Cross 5 3 200 Zone P – Hither Green East 84 101 Perry Vale 6 5 0 Zone R - Rushey Green South 20 8 Rushey Green 12 6 All day (9am ‐ A shorter Zone S – Deptford Central 5 2 Sydenham 5 6 5pm or 7pm) period (2 or 3 Zone T - Ladywell 70 54 Telegraph Hill 8 6 hours) Zone V - Lee 14 20 Whitefoot 3 2

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