Start Well Phase Two Staff Engagement Sessions 9 th March 13 th March 28 th March Start Well Leadership Team
Agenda Welcome & Housekeeping 1.Check in 2.Start Well Update & Timeline 3.Achievements 4.Offer Development proposals 5.Breakout sessions – Feedback on proposals 6.Co-location & Technology update
“CHECK IN” On your tables - Share your name - Job Role and Team - And ‘How are you feeling today?’
Start Well – an update • To update you on the progress of our work on Start Well Phase Two - highlight some of the key next stages of work that will help to build on those things that we have developed together. • “Thank You!” - previous work from engagement sessions have led to productive discussions with Wigan Council’s Cabinet and the Bridgewater Trust’s Board, where our forward plan of activities was given full support. • We are confident that we can now describe the proposed offer to Wigan families and are just working through what we believe the implications are on structure, roles and responsibilities across the workforce. • We want to work with you over the coming months to make sure that our proposals are achievable and that we use your expert knowledge to help us finalise the offer to families.
12 MONTH TIMELINE Final Integrated Start Well Appointment of Implementation of the Model to be agreed by Director for new Integrated Start Bridgewater Board and the Community Services Well Model Councils Cabinet Start Well Start End Formal staff Integration of Senior consultation with all Management Team staff in scope
START WELL - Reasons to be proud!!! ACHI HIEVEMENTS EMENTS ACTI ACTI TIVITIE TIVITIE TIES TIES Engaged more partners Good practice week acknowledging improved quality of EH GLD Gap decreased by 4% Increase of Early Helps from Schools and Health Reduction of 4-5 YO with excess HUDDL DLES ES weight 23.5% EHM Launch ched! ed!!! !! 93% of schools Good or 16-17 yo NEET Hindley town hall Outstanding/ 94% EY halved over 3 yrs – co-location Settings Achieved!
Celebrate our wins!!! Tell us something Good that happened to you in the last few weeks/month... - Share a personal achievement , have you learnt something new, received a new qualification? Move towards co-location Etc... - Share a good news story about a child/family supported , what did you do differently, what were the outcomes?
Model Development proposals • Identified 49 proposed changes to practice that demonstrate the value of integrated working. • Based on that we are building a proposed structure, with job roles and responsibilities. • As we have done previously we want to get some input and feedback from you as to how we translate our vision and proposed changes into practice. • Changes we have identified we believe have give us the opportunity to work more closely with the children and families that need us to spend more time with them. • It allows us free up capacity to allow staff to ensure they are more visible in our Schools and communities - to promote the health and wellness of young people and improve Early Years development.
Breakout Groups - Like previous sessions we want to take this opportunity to get your feedback and input on 3 of the proposed changes...
1) Integrated 6-8 weeks check • Opportunity to reduce duplication for families and increase the connectivity of our Start Well Offer to General Practice. We Know; o Currently, 6-8 weeks after a baby is born, mother and baby have a number of assessments and separate appointments. o This process is laborious for professionals, demanding on GP’s and duplication for parents. We are proposing to integrate and deliver the health visiting 6-8 week contact at the GP surgery but with the flexibility to offer home visits for targeted families. This will be provided in all communities and due to the clinical nature of the assessments undertaken at this point, will need to be undertaken by a health visitor. HOW? In practices where the birth rate is 75 or more a year (14 practices), there will be a half day a week session, delivered by a health visitor and a support worker. In practices where the birth rate ranges from 20-75 (44 practices) there will be a half day a week session delivered by a health visitor, but without the support worker. Where birth rates are under 20 (6 practices) we believe that a clustering approach is feasible. Opportunity in involve parent volunteers and/or the SW integrated team. TASK - On your tables we would like you to discuss - What are the strengths, opportunities, challenges and risks?
2) New Contact at Year 9 • We have done some specific work on the offer for school aged children , working with School Nursing Team Leads, partners from Child Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Vaccination and Immunisation Leads, GPs and Headteachers from our Family Centres. We have seen; o There are no mandatory contact points for school aged children (other than the National Child Measurement Programme and Reception aged screening). o Currently those at level 2-3 will supported by a Start Well worker and the School Nursing service offers drop in sessions, clinic in a box and undertakes routine vaccinations and immunisations. o Opportunities to increased visibility of school nurses in our schools. We are proposing - We will introduce a contact at year 9, which will follow the format of a digital offer for young people receiving a universal offer and a direct contact for those at level 2-4. Wrapped around this, we will take an asset based approach to supporting young people to take responsibility for their own health and well-being; through a universal offer including; the Young Health Champions programme, community and school drop ins with school nurses and specialist practitioners. TASK - On your tables we would like you to discuss - What are the strengths, opportunities, challenges and risks?
3) Integrated School Entry • School entry health screening is important to support the smooth transition of children into reception year at school. At this stage health needs are reassessed and health needs identified to ensure that a child is healthy and ready to learn at school. We Know; o That this process is currently undertaken using paper based questionnaires. o printed and delivered to schools by health staff. o These are shared with parents for them to complete and return to school o Collected by health staff and scanned onto an electronic system, where they are then reviewed by School Nurses. o Therefore this process is laborious for health staff and a duplication for parents. We are proposing transition events will be used to share information between settings and start well and primary schools and then using the summer term visits to primary schools more effectively, to deliver specific interventions and contacts to improve school readiness. For families receiving a targeted offer we are proposing that the health visitor who is the lead professional for families, remains the lead professional until at least the end of reception year. TASK - On your tables we would like you to discuss - What are the strengths, opportunities, challenges and risks?
Co-location & Enabling support • Successful completion of Hindley Town Hall project to achieve Start Well co-location – some minor issues to resolve, but otherwise a really positive outcome. • Replication of similar moves for Staff to Leigh Sports Village (Leigh) and Lilford Centre (Atherton/Tyldesley) in progress – aim for completion in April/May 2018. • Final project in Wigan Town Centre (Life Centre) in progress with a view for completion in May/June 2018. • GovRoam - exclusive wireless/Wi-Fi roaming service for public services and governmental administrations. • Skype for Business – has launched for Council Staff, Bridgewater to follow soon.
Further opportunities... What you will see in the next 3 months Communication on progress of Appointment of Director for Community Services Start Well. We will share the proposed model with you. We will create opportunities for discussions with your managers. Look to create further Q&A sessions to ask about the model. Launch the Summer Engagement sessions, where you will see the final model.
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