spring grove school is very proud of its students and

Spring Grove School is very proud of its students and their - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Spring Grove School is very proud of its students and their academic achievements. Please congratulate our students who MET or EXCEEDED Standards on the CAASPP tests in 2019. ELA and/ or math Integrity Respect Responsibility 2 Our

  1. • Spring Grove School is very proud of its students and their academic achievements. • Please congratulate our students who MET or EXCEEDED Standards on the CAASPP tests in 2019. • ELA and/ or math Integrity Respect Responsibility 2

  2. Our Spring Grove Teachers spend the day with your children where they: • Make connections and build relationships. • Provide engaging lessons to help ALL students work towards mastery of the state standards. • Reteach and enrich. • Provide a safe learning environment. Integrity Respect 3 Responsibility

  3. Achievement V Via I ia Indiv ividual al Determination • 21 staff members are trained in TK-8 th grade. • Look for AVID visuals in the classroom. • Strategies will include note taking, reading, higher level thinking, collaboration activities. • We want ALL students to be college and career ready! Integrity Respect 4 Responsibility

  4. All T ll TK-3 rd grade de students wi will h ll have a pa password. d. 15 5 mi minutes a a day y will ll close t e the e read ading ing gap! p! Integrity Respect 5 Responsibility

  5. • Students- attend school every day and are on time. • Bring a doctor’s note when your child is out sick. 3 unexcused absences- you will receive a truant letter. • Read each night. 15 minutes for the younger students, 25-30 minutes for older students. • Memorize math facts (add, subtract, multiply, divide). • Communicate with teachers any concerns or changes you notice in your child. • Integrity Respect Responsibility. • Talk with your child daily. Ask your child, “What was the best part of your day? or “How were you kind to someone today?” Integrity Respect 6 Responsibility

  6. • Cell phone policy is strictly enforced. (Off and in the backpacks even during after school activities and sports). • Dress code- all students know the dress code. • Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA with no F’s for sports, dances, activities. • Homework is part of what students are learning in class and is practice. • Social Media- please limit and monitor. • Trust but verify. Integrity Respect 7 Responsibility

  7. What do we offer for ALL students? After School Tutoring 4 th -8 th grade Extended Day Intervention 1 st -3 rd grade Math 2 class 4 th -8 th grade ELD Kindness Club Enrichment- STEM, art, music Sports Theatre Arts Technology Integrity Respect 8 Responsibility

  8. Our goal is for students to master grade level standards. Scores: 3- met standard (Mastered) 2- nearly met standard 1- standard not met (yet) Integrity Respect 9 Responsibility

  9. • Please do not drop your children at school until 7:45 a.m. There is no supervision before 7:45 a.m. Pick up students by 2:15 or 3:15 p.m. • Breakfast is available from 7:45-8:05 a.m. • Please DO NOT park in the STAFF PARKING LOT. • Please stay in the line up on the street. DO NOT PASS ON EITHER SIDE. Please keep cars out of the drainage ditches along Spring Grove Rd. • Tardy bell rings at 8:15 a.m. • Second chance breakfast is available during morning recess (9:30 1st- 3rd, 10:05 4th-8th grade) • Pick up after school- please drive thru (do not get out of your car or park in the parking lot and walk to the front/side of the school. Integrity Respect 10 Responsibility

  10. • 3 bus routes • Times are posted on the school website. Please have your children ready by the stop 10 minutes prior to the time listed. • On occasion, we are short a bus driver. When this happens, another bus will come for the students. • Students must buckle up and follow the bus rules. • Please do not call the school at pick up time to take a student off the bus. The busses need to load and head out quickly. Integrity Respect 11 Responsibility

  11. • PTO- Fall Festival October 25th, Book Fair, Field Trips, classroom supplies. • 6th, 7 th , and 8 th grade parents need to fundraise to support graduation activities when your child is an 8 th grader. Approximately $10,000. • Wine and Roses • Attend the PTO meetings monthly. • Sign up to be on the School Site Council • English Learner Advisory Committee • Migrant Parent Meetings • Superintendent- Coffee and Conversations- monthly. Integrity Respect 12 Responsibility

  12. TK/K: Classrooms- Painter, Nehme, Belscher, Barone will present in their own rooms. 1 st grade: Danze Room 12, Shugars, Room 18, Tomasini Room 23 2 nd grade: Neff, Garman, Canez, Oldakowski Room 17 3 rd grade: Horne, Lalande, Raine Room 12 4 th grade: Picha, Kakebeen, Montoya Room 31 5 th grade: Betancourt, Bloom, Brantome Room 29 6 th grade: Asplund, Salas, Scimeca Library 7 th grade: Johnson, Pacheco, Gastello Room 3 8 th grade: Balbas, Griffin, Guardino Room 4 ELD: Wrzos Room 7 Math 2: Berlanga Room 8 SPED: Chamblin, Martarano Room 24 14 PE: Kaplansky, Hain Room 10 Child care: Room 32/33


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