
SPORTS Nattavuth Ruengves Director Sports & Venues ENTRY FORMS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SPORTS Nattavuth Ruengves Director Sports & Venues ENTRY FORMS BY NAME July 1, 2014 All athletes and officials must submit duly accomplished Accreditation Application Forms through Online Accreditation system online Accreditation system

  1. SPORTS Nattavuth Ruengves Director Sports & Venues

  2. ENTRY FORMS BY NAME July 1, 2014 All athletes and officials must submit duly accomplished Accreditation Application Forms through Online Accreditation system online Accreditation system to get the Accreditation number. Sport Entries System (SES) PABGOC will send the user and password along with SES user guide to NOCs. Enter the required information and save All basic data which already keyed-in the Accreditation system will be synchronized automatically to SES. Aug 31, 2014 Click on submission to complete the Once NOCs submitted the entry through the system on-line entry procedure the data cannot be change. Print the Entry form then signed and All the Entry Form by Name printed from the online stamped send submitted form Sport Entries System must be signed and stamped. NOCs should send the Entry Forms by Name to Send the original copy to PABGOC Sports Dept. by post/courier. PABGOC Sports Dept 5

  3. SPORTS UPDATES Late Replacement of Athletes August 31, 2014, is The Deadline for the submission of Entry by Name Forms. OCA and/or AFs, IFs may allow the permanent replacement under exceptional circumstances and on a case-by-case basis To do:  Athlete must be follow OCA Constitution and Rules.  Athlete must be already in Accreditation for the replacement athlete prior to the accreditation deadline.  NOCs have to do Official Athlete Replacement Form  Sport Entry Form need to be change In principle, it is possible to replace an athlete up to the day of the Technical Meeting for the relevant sport 6

  4. Number of Athletes and Teams Participating (based on the Entries by Name 3 September 2014) No. of Teams No. of Athletes SPORT Men Women Mixed Men Women Total 8 6 42 29 71 Air Sport - Paragliding 1 Air Sport 7 36 5 41 Air Sport - Power Paragliding 5 35 35 2 Beach Waterpolo 32 16 48 Marathon Swimming 3 Beach Basketball 15 9 59 34 93 4 Beach Handball 13 11 126 108 234 24 14 86 48 134 5 Beach Volleyball 56 56 6 Bodybuilding 49 23 72 7 Sailing 27 18 45 Windsurfing 8 Sambo 4 31 18 49 18 8 26 9 Squash 6 5 Woodball - Fairway 10 Woodball 68 58 126 7 6 Woodball - Stroke 11 Beach Kabaddi 10 6 59 36 95 6 6 Beach Team 12 Beach Sepaktakraw 7 5 77 63 140 Beach Regu 4 2 Beach Trio 35 22 57 13 Beach Wrestling 14 Foot Volley 7 13 13 15 Jetski 41 1 41

  5. Number of Athletes and Teams Participating (based on the Entries by Name 3 September 2014) No. of Teams No. of Athletes SPORT Men Women Mixed Men Women Total 3 Duo Men 16 Ju-Jitsu 3 83 26 109 Duo Women 3 Duo Mixed 17 Kurash 40 15 55 89 23 112 18 Muaythai 6 6 7 Doubles 19 Petanque 44 42 86 5 5 Team 7 4 Cross - Country 93 53 146 20 Beach Athletics 6 3 60m Shuttle Relay 7 15 15 30 21 Beach Modern Pentathlon 14 Team Mixed Relay - Triathlon 22 Triathlon 73 50 123 10 Team Mixed Relay - Duathlon 9 Wakeboard Team 23 Waterski 7 53 43 96 Ski Team (Slalom & Trick) 7 Cable Team 7 64 64 24 Beach Flag Football 14 140 140 25 Beach Soccer 26 Extreme Sports 63 63 6 4 21 14 35 Extreme Sport - Sport Climbing 2,435 TOTAL NO. OF ATHLETES

  6. Unique Number Athlete per Country (Count on AD Card ID) Country Men Women Total Country Men Women Total Afghanistan 45 45 Malaysia 63 33 96 Bahrain 34 6 40 Maldives 21 14 35 Bangladesh 22 7 29 Mongolia 48 27 75 Bhutan 5 5 Oman 57 1 58 Brunei Darussalam 10 10 Pakistan 45 11 56 China People Republic of 132 85 217 Palestine 14 14 Chinese Taipei 23 33 56 Philippines 50 28 78 Hong KongChina 51 31 82 Qatar 56 2 58 India 50 34 84 Singapore 20 13 33 Indonesia 74 65 139 Sri Lanka 16 11 27 Iran Islamic Republic of 101 101 Syrian Arab Republic 34 4 38 Iraq 13 3 16 Tajikistan 29 13 42 Japan 64 31 95 Thailand 209 139 348 Jordan 3 10 13 Timor-Leste 4 4 Korea Republic of 68 42 110 Turkmenistan 25 37 62 Kuwait 109 9 118 United Arab Emirates 38 4 42 Laos 11 1 12 Uzbekistan 27 8 35 Lebanon 23 4 27 Vietnam 66 60 126 Macau China 2 2 4 Yemen 5 5 Total Men: 1,667 Total Women: 768 Total Athlete: 2,435

  7. Accreditation Summary Male Female 2 2 A (Gold) 53 4 57 B (Silver) 53 12 65 C (Blue) 68 16 84 E (Red) 46 3 49 EP (Red) 3 3 EPS (Red) 1 1 2 ES (Red) 2 2 ET (Red) 2608 1148 3756 F (Green) 1283 200 1483 FO (Green) 146 33 179 NOC (Gold) 17 27 44 O (Orange) 8 1 9 OCA (Gold) Remark : Some NOCs accredited their athlete (F) But did not submit Sports Entry By Name

  8. Number of Sport Official 1/2 Volunteer Liaison Events NTO LTO ITO TD No Sport Day 1 Air Sport Power Paragliding 8 4 1 7 7 20 0 16 Paragliding 7 4 1 14 32 21 0 18 2 Aquatics Marathon Swimming 2 4 1 3 15 50 20 26 Beach Water Polo 5 1 1 12 16 8 40 10 3 Jujit-su 2 1 32 4 37 50 25 4 Beach Handball 8 2 1 32 4 45 48 32 5 Beach Volleyball 8 2 1 31 64 6 160 47 6 Sambo 2 7 1 28 22 42 28 25 7 Woodball 6 8 1 12 20 30 50 24 8 Beach Basketball 4 2 1 22 8 65 24 35 9 Bodybuilding 2 6 1 40 3 17 20 24 10 Sailing 4 5 1 9 2 38 35 29 WindSurfing 4 4 6 0 44 10 22 11 Beach Kabaddi 4 2 1 30 24 97 30 22

  9. Number of Sport Official 2/2 Volunteer Events Liason NTO LTO ITO TD No Sport Day 12 Beach Wrestling 4 6 1 33 0 20 20 34 13 Kurash 3 8 1 24 0 13 33 28 14 Muaythai 6 16 1 18 40 40 40 24 15 Petanque 6 9 1 9 24 40 64 27 16 Beach Sapaktakraw 8 6 1 47 0 27 40 25 17 Foot volley 2 1 1 16 0 10 14 11 18 Jetski Sport 3 6 1 18 0 20 36 12 19 Beach Modern Pentathlon 3 3 1 4 4 30 46 15 20 Triathlon 2 3 1 7 5 30 150 40 21 Beach Athletics 4 13 2 8 59 5 40 34 22 Waterski 4 8 1 28 0 20 40 27 Cable Ski 3 5 27 0 20 40 23 Beach Flag Football 3 1 1 6 8 24 12 8 24 Beach Soccer 7 1 1 23 3 10 84 20 25 Extreme Sports 4 4 1 30 0 15 10 16 Sport Climbing 2 4 1 6 36 12 24 17 26 Squash 5 2 1 10 0 0 25 19 Total 30 592 400 856 1,233 712

  10. ITO Conditions Position TD ITO ITO/NOC Allowance 150usd/Day 80usd/Day 80usd/Day Air Fare Reimburse Economy class Economy class Not support Transportation T1 T3 T3 Uniform Yes No No T-Shirt No Yes Yes Accommodation Yes Yes Yes Hotel + Meal

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